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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I guess because Deadfire's Barbaric Blow now has an upgrade that lets you have 0 recovery after a kill we will no longer have Blood Thirst in the game. Bloodlust is in and Blood Thirst was lvl 7 in PoE but in Deadfire there's no Blood Thirst until lvl 9. So we might have to say goodbye to it. Although is one on the most fun mechanics of the barb in PoE. Instead, we now have cascading Cleaving Stance for the fighter...
  2. I also started watching because my former girlfriend (now wife) loved it. Then I got hooked. Because of Kirk obviously. Well and Lorelai...
  3. No, that doesn't work, but you can put in in quatation marks like so: addabiliy <whoever> "hammering thoughts" This can be done with everything that has a space in between, also player names. Anyway: if you don't know what the correct command is you can always start with the first letters like "ham" (without quot. marks) and then hit [tab] - the console will try to complete your command. In this case I just type (withoput quat. marks): "addab"->[tab]->"play"->tab->"ham"->[tab]->[enter]. This will be completed to AddAbilty Player_<whoever> "Hammering Thoughts".
  4. Great. Anyway: if I do remember correctly they want to include and unarmed weapon proficiency at last.
  5. One thing though which is cool: a Beguiler can get more than 10 focus back for casting Eyestrike on a group. That means net focus generation without the use of weapons. But you really have to hit a dense crowd. Besides that: totally agree.
  6. ROFL - good one! Please explain the attack speed calculation, then the mechanics of lashes, then the calculation of damage rolls and then repeat your statement.
  7. Well, you missed Kirk, sitting in the sauna.
  8. Recovery time had no direct dependency on casting time in PoE. There are spells that have short casting time and long recovery and vice versa. But in general casting time is very short compared to Deadfire, especially for most cipher spells In PoE, only DEX can speed up casting time. All other universal speed buffs (Oulander's Frenzy/Frenzy, Alacrity, Swift Aim, Swift Strikes, Spelltongue's Time Siphon, Time Parasite, the Champion invocation, Svef, Potion of Power, Potion of Alacrity, Gauntlets of Swift Action, Mourning Gloves, Bloodlust, Blood Thirst, Anitlei, Hastening Exh., Vielo Whatever, Vengeful Grief) "only" reduce recovery of all actions. Then there are other buffs that only influence certain actions (Sure Handed Ila only ranged weapons' recovery and reload, speed enchantment only the recovery of that particular weapon, durgan steel dito, durgan steel on shield only recovery of the main hand attack). That worked quite well because as I already said the actual casting/animation times of most actions are rather short compared to Deadfire and most "speed balancing" is done with recovery. But it also leads to a situation where you can skip recovery entirely (try Quick Switch + Coil of Resourcefulness) and since the casting animations themselves are rather short (compared to Deadfire) you can chain-cast in really, really fast succession if you don't mind the micromanagement.
  9. What? Kirk is epic. It scares me that you don't. Where have you been when Gilmore Girls was on air? Did Luke shove you into the pond or what?
  10. Combat movement speed compared to combat action speed: I totally agree.
  11. Same here! The calculation of recovery speed alone is such an overly complicated coleslaw with double inversion and whatnot... Casting times, per-encounter spells, endless recovery, rather complicated penetration mechanics, totally useless weapon modals... all that stuff makes this beta inferior to PoE - at least for me. Just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's nostalgia or because I'm so used to play PoE that I'm totally biased - but at the current state it's just no fun. I really have to push myself to play it which was never the case with PoE.
  12. Yes, very viable. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94936-an-exercise-in-tankiness-an-untested-class-build-ish-topic/ Also see the "Bilestomper" build in this subform (it's in the build list). You can also build a Coastal Aumaua Wizard with good DEX and PER, Weapon & Shield Style, Snake's Reflexes, Boots of Stability, Blaidh Golan + Solace medium shield (later Little Savior), attract enemies and then cast Slicken (and basically all CC stuff that targets reflex) on yourself. IF you get hit at all then you will be up after a few blinks while everyone around you is lying flat. Buys a ton of time and is fun.
  13. Yeah, Carnage might not trigger on-kill effects either. But you could do increased Carnage-attacks with 0 recovery as long as you kill your own skeletons. Just an idea though. Cleaving Stacne might be better for this because it executes real attacks instead of the measly carnage stuff.
  14. Yes, old bug from beta1. Still not fixed.
  15. I don't find it to be particularly/overly powerful so I don't think there's a nerf incoming. Just tried a Devoted/Shattered Pillar with Cleaving Stance + Swift Flurry + one handed rapier. If you time it right it's quite the show. Also a Death Godlike Berserker/Street Fighter focused on crits with Blooded, Barbaric Blow and Bloody Slaughter can be great fun. I hope there will be Vengeful Defeat again though to make this really awesome. By the way: has anyone tried if the upgrade of Barbaric Blow (effect on kill) or Cleaving Stance (effect on kill) triggers once you kill your own party's summons? Imagine a Berserker/Beckoner for example: confuse will make you hit your own skeletons which will die quickly and you get cost refund or 0 recovery for killing your own buddies with a Barbaric Blow. A Fighter/Beckoner who targets his skeletons rather than his enemies can trigger lots of Cleaving Stance hits - maybe? The reason I ask is because I'm doing a new PoE barbarian build atm - and in PoE you can trigger Bloodlust and also Blood Thirst when you kill your own summons. Finally Kana's skeletons have some good use!
  16. Nope. Although after reading your question I thought I remembered that I took the bird once without its owner turning hostile. Then I read the walkthrough again and it says you can't do it. So I may have remembered incorrectly. I think the deceptive version would still be ok. You don't get a rank in Deceptive for it - and technically you're not lying when saying that a bird should be free and not caged. P.S.: by "lawful good" I assume you mean benevolent and honest.
  17. In the last picture it's a mask I suppose? I like all that "Aloth - the master of the rapier" stuff.
  18. Yes! Please!
  19. Yes, but it would be pretty easy to fix. Or they just could have left it like it was (hit-to-crit) and spare even more time and effort.
  20. Yes, stuff like FoD or Turning Wheel (here the 5% steps get indeed added up to a big single lash) is a different thing than 2 * 25% or the 25%+10% of Starcaller or the 30% + 15% of Wildstrike.
  21. It only gives you +2 non-scaling healing per tick. Not very impressive. I still use it because I like to stack as many regeneration effects on my dps fighters as possible and combine that with healing bonuses - but if I'm honest it's not really end-game gear.
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