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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Still nonsense. It's sufficient if they just drop dead. Which hand mortar of renaissance times lets people explode - even when pimped by a bit of a burning lash? Even with a Fireball it doesn't make sense: let them bun to ashes and then collapse into dust, ok - but exploding into gore? Eh... it would be a nice effect on some special weapons (ogres' cannons for example) or when using powerful bombs, but letting people explode on EVERY crit (that kills) - no matter the weapon/ability? Go-go stiletto-stab: BOOM! Meeeeeh!!! I get it's a nostalgia thing because of BG and so on. But that's not enough of a reason for me to keep it active. And the main point was of course: it really hurts your Corpse Eater.
  2. Hi, the build will be ok early on because Novice's Suffering offers good damage in the early game. The gear doesn't matter too much. The only "essential" part is the sandals of the forgotten friar. They increase the dps quite a bit. Stormcaller can be obtained fairly early, Twin Sting comes a bit late. But don't puch it: they are not essential for the basic idea of this build. I would focus on the party members you get first: Edér, Aloth, Durance and Kana Rua.
  3. Turn off the gib option in the game options menu - then you can eat all killed enemies (I mean kith/wilder/beast of course), no matter how they died (except Dintegration). It's the same with White Worms and Death's Maw and so on: doesn't work on exploded enemies and enemeis that leave no corpse. Gib option is the first thing I turn off - even before turning off companion auto-leveling. It's ridiculous anyway: exploding enemies on crits? Yeeeeah... meeeeh...
  4. Cool, animancy hunting bow - just like I voted. I'm so mainstream...
  5. New companion/sidekick, new items, new pieces of lore, new ending slides.
  6. While I was watching the stream the word "companion" was dropped several times when it comes to Vatnir. I can't remember that they said sidekick. Did I miss it?
  7. Besides Berserker you mean? I find Mage Slayer ok. The main problem of the Corpse Eater is that +1 rage cost and the long time it takes to finish Flesh Communion are not well balanced. Since it would be kind of ridiculous to allow a faster Flesh Communion (in its current form that you literally have to eat). I mean sitting down, eating the flesh... all that in a few seconds. Hasty meal... So I think they should work on the "downside" more. +1 Rage for everything seems too harsh, especially in the early levels. Later on its not that bad anymore - but I don't think "gimping" classes in an early stage isn't a good way to create acceptance for it. Look how people don't like Xoti's subclass for the same reason. Maybe reduce max Rage to -2? Then you would be worse than a normal barb at first but already better after using Flesh Communion one time. Or they change Flesh Communion to another effect like "Soul Communion" where you passively consume corpses' essence for a smaller effect. I never tried what happens if you use Flesh Communion with an active Blood Thirst?
  8. Gimme Sanguine Plate for my Sanguine Great Sword! How can any sane dev seriously put a Sanguine Great Sword into the game but deny me my Sanguine Plate? I think I'm going all CAPS LOCK!
  9. I didn't say that it's you, I sayed that people often seem to post opinions about classes while not having played them. Please read more carefully. And even if I would say that - which I don't plan to - it hardly counts as a personal insult. Please don't be a sensitive plant. Seriously... you must have watched too many soccer games with Neymar in it. Just prove me wrong instead. Instead of lamenting how mean of an insult that was, better provide some proper arguments for the claim that ranger subclasses are awful or just address my arguments that I brought up - the ones that show that they are not. Mentioning paladins and priests subclasses as examples for subclasses which add no improvement to their vanilla class didn't really qualify as proper argument - because there is no vanilla class. You might think that all priest classes suck, but that was not part of your initial statement about subclasses. And did you play Nalpasca instead of Shattered Pillar in order to get wounds without being hit? Because if you only play Shattered Pillar - how can you know that it's better than other monk classes or a vanilla monk? This is not meant as an insult by the way - just to be sure...
  10. PoE was treated in the same way. It got several balance patches over time. This was accompanied by the same hyperbolic complaints that we see today. Now, in its final state it's a lot more balanced than at release. It's also a lot better than at release - for from being bland. Also this: "spamming devs to get them to nerf XY" - it's just ridiculous. Usually the people who call for nerfs on x are the same that call for buffs on y. There are some very engaged and diligent people in this forums that test and play a lot and post their opinion about balance. That's a good thing. And of course they are just voicing their opinion. The same that you do by the way: saying that a single player game doesn't need nerfs is just your opinion. Claiming that those people want to influence the devs is duplicitous because you are doing the same when posting your opinion here.
  11. Sharpshooter with guns/other reloaders doesn't seem to have a lot of drawbacks besides -10 deflection - which doesn't mean a lot for a ranged char. So why is it awful? Stalker is debatable, but I think for a melee ranger it's the best subclass. Def. not awful. The Ascendant not only gets bonus PL when ascended bt can cast powers for 0 focus as long as he's ascended. Subclasses are not supposed to be improvements to the main class. Late response is late.. Did they remove the increased recovery time for sharpshooter? https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Sharpshooter If not then +1 pen is useless almost always (especially for ranger) and id rather have 10% recovery less (especially on ranger) than a puny 15hit to crit @stalker, there have been a lot of complaints concerning ranger pets not being able to stay alive when **** hits the fan. I personally feel its a non issue since you can just have the pet run away before it gets too close to dying so its effectively a free summon on a duration. With stalker, you can NOT send your pet away. 7m isnt that far as well so you cant even split them up if the situation would require it to optimally engage. (also melee ranger Kappa, like christ, pick any actual melee class and youre better off in the first place..) Ascendant makes you worse at combat when the fight starts which is pretty much the most relevant point in time to cast spells. Even more important it makes soul whip do less damage which is straight up awful since thats like half of what you do all the time. Also the duration for ascendant isnt long enough to deliver a large enough payoff for "casting spells at 0" . Maybe with disintegration it starts being okay but you still have all the other negatives and until then its strictly awful. Wether or not subclasses are intended to be improvements or not is irrelevant. The reality is that many of them are straight up improvements. All Paladins and shattered monk are objectively massive improvements over vanilla with no downside. Many have minor downsides that are heavily outweighed by the positives or have positives that are just much better when built around than the vanilla class is on its own (2/3 monk, 3/3 rogue, 2/3 chanter, 2/3 druids, berserker, devoted, evoker). Ranger and Priest get nothing. Guns don't have recovery, therefore I said Sharpshooter with guns/reloaders... Ascendant generates more focus than other ciphers - because of that his soul whip bonus is lowered. The aim of an Ascendant is not to deal a big amount of weapon damage but to become ascended asap. That's the whole point and you should play accordingly. But that doesn't make it an awful subclass. The Ascendant is pretty popular in the build section/build list when it comes to Cipher builds. Usually that doesn't mean that a subclass is awful. Some people judge classes without even playing them. They read the (often inaccurate) descriptions and think "well that can't be great" or "Woot? That sounds powerful!" while it really isn't. Shattered Pillar sounds awesome,but he only generates wounds by doing auto-attacks and needs to deal 25 dmg per wound (compared to receiving 10). Also his max wound count is 5 instead of 10. This is bad for several reasons (Rooting Pain, Duality/Turning/Iron Wheel). So it's def. not a massive improvement comp. to vanilla monk. It's just different. If you like to play a monk who doesn't want to take damage then sure - it is an improvement - but the same counts for a Sharpshooter with an arquebus. Paladins have no vanilla class - how can a subclass of Paladin be an improvement over the vanilla class then? I showed that a Sharpshooter is an improvement over a vanilla ranger once you pick a gun - as is the Stalker when going melee (an animal companion can be healed and Grief can be upgraded to Vengeful Grieve - which might be pretty cool to trigger without the pet dying. Priest also have no vanilla class - how should a subclass improve something that's not there? What do you mean with "get nothing" in this case. I have the impression you didn't think your arguments though...
  12. Obviously Twitter has a higher reach AND from a marketing perspective it would be not very effective to place such a poll in a forum where most likely everybody already has Deadfire. We have a bow that is ice-themed (Frostseeker) and another that does corrode damage (Caedebald's Blackbow). It's time for a bow that shoots mud! I call it "Fango Pack". Chance to apply a single-target version of Slicken on hit.
  13. The garb does 25% hit to crit after being missed. That combined with Minor Threat and Dirty Fighting would be an overall chance of ~39% in the best case scenario: you'll have to get missed by a ranged attack, then you'd have to attack the same target as an ally within 6 secs for Minor Threat to trigger.
  14. Skalds only get phrases for melee crits, not ranged ones. There are two unique blunderbusses in Deadfire that have an AoE: Hand Mortar and Fire in the Hole. The rest (of all blunderbusses) shoots 4 small projectiles at once - but at the same target. Other ranged weapons with AoE: Kalakoth's Minor Blights, Frostseeker (on crit) and Three Bells Through (always shots in a narrow AoE like a straight line). The only melee weapons with AoE attacks are Citzal's Spirit Lance, Whispers of the Endless Paths (great sword) and Wahaī Pōraga (pollaxe).
  15. I will not, I don't like bows. But I'm so amazingly objective, yeehaa!
  16. It needs to be a hunting bow because Deadfire only has one unique and that's it. Pollaxe has Wahaī Pōraga and Lord Darryn's Voulge.
  17. Considering that this weapon does friendly fire, it will probably do more harm than good. Unless you micro and position carefully I guess. So... you don't know I presume.
  18. I don't know. Highest stackable ACC in the game and a very cheap Full Attack with again +20 ACC and raw damage. I mean monk is great and all, but ranger is not awful. Did anybody actually try out Whirling Strikes (PL with a melee ranger (maybe even with Wahaī Pōraga)? AoE Full Attack like Heart of Fury plus 54 raw DoT (base) per attack sounds rather great. Everybody says single class ranger stinks because the high tier abilities are crap - but this one sounds really nice. Maybe combine it with Evasive Roll to quickly reach the center of mobs, trigger Whirling Strikes and escape with Evasive Roll again?
  19. A lot of bakers got if for less (15k copies @ 29$ ) Steam takes a 30% cut Ideally, the sales should not only cover production cost but also leave enough to develop the next game. But I guess 200k copies and in that short time, with upcoming DLC sales, the numbers should be fine. A lot of backers paid a LOT more than 29$. So I think it's pretty save to say that 29$ is not the average backer pledge. But good point about Steam's share though.
  20. Thank the gods, only a minor bug. I thought that caps lock now gets jammed permanently when starting Deadfire. Phew...
  21. Sharpshooter with guns/other reloaders doesn't seem to have a lot of drawbacks besides -10 deflection - which doesn't mean a lot for a ranged char. So why is it awful? Stalker is debatable, but I think for a melee ranger it's the best subclass. Def. not awful. The Ascendant not only gets bonus PL when ascended bt can cast powers for 0 focus as long as he's ascended. Subclasses are not supposed to be improvements to the main class.
  22. I never tried: what happens when you use Three Bells Through + Driving Flight and Twinned Shot?
  23. Hi. You can use the rod modal "Blast" to apply afflictons and other "on-hit" effects in an AoE. So rogue is not bad. Chanters have a phrase that speeds up ranged attack speed for all (Sure Handed Ila), so that's also not bad. I would recommend a Troubadour because with a Troubadour you can have raised ranged attack speed and another buff active at the same time - for example Mith Fyr (+burning lash for all). You can get Tekehu's rod fairly early. It's quite cool because its projectiles bounce one time, giving you two AoE hits (at least it used to be so). The best rogue ability with Rod's Blast is Arterial Strike in my opinion. Good alternatives to rogue are ranger (Driving Flight, Marksman etc.) and monk (Duality for +10 INT = bigger AoE and Stunning Surge). Cipher is also not bad because the Blast can generate a lot of focus. Even Paladin with Flames of Devotion works well. Also a Paladin/Chanter is one of the best combos in the game on my opinion. For example you can give the party Shared Flames + Mith Fyr or Exhalted Endurance + Ancient Memory. Less potent in offense, but so useful for a party.
  24. But Arcane Dampener also supresses newly cast buffs (in an AoE!). Tranquilizer only removes current buffs. If enemy AI decides to buff again you have to use Tranquilizer again. Not with Dampener. And Dampener's duration is not too short (15 sec base). The upside is that with Tranquilizer you can get a lot more accuracy and almost guarantee a hit on bosses: accuracy passives of the ranger + arquebus modal + weapon enchantments +10 bonus ACC from the ability itself = awesomest ACC. And it fires right through Veil.
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