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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Differently. The ingredients are more common.
  2. No. All two handed weapons need two eyes. One handed = 1 eye. Same with Durgan Steel: two handed = double the cost.
  3. Depends. If you want to max AoE there are not that many alternatives for rings and armor.
  4. Isn't she on your character rooster (where you change party members - like in taverns)?
  5. Wasn't this the case since release? I remember a beta backer discussion around the change from PoE's "increasing radius by 6% per point of INT" to Deadfire beta's "increasing area by 6% per point of INT". Because increasing area is much weaker than radius. Then Andy Aartz answered yah they will tweak the numbers to a higher gain per point. They couldn't go past 10% (or 11%) because then you would end up with negative AoE at 1 INT. So I guess it was always 10% from release? Overseeing added base AoE in PoE. Is it simply working like INT now or is it still adding base area? Didn't check that.
  6. I didn't test it - but I suspect Skullcrusher's +10 max health on kill also works with your own summons? Like Beckoner Skellies? By the way +10 max health not only raises the max health but also your actual health by 10.
  7. I have a question: if you do FoD with Amra and proc "special Carnage" - I know it gets passive stuff like weapon quality, sneak attack bonus etc. But does it also get the +10 ACC and the burning lash from FoD?
  8. Usually they stack from different charactes. When normal DoTs crit they get prolonged duration (+50%). Combined with high INT this leads to a lot more damage per appliance. However, stuff like Merciless Hand (+30% damage on crit) doesn't affect such DoTs. There are some special DoTs (wounding on weapons, Wounding Shot and so on). Those rely on weapon damage (which gets a bonus on crit already) and don't get prolonged.
  9. A1: yes. You will not get confused but retain all benefits. Since Confusion is tier 1 you will be left with no afflicton at all. A2: nope. You will not get confused. You can only be confused by a charm attack. You will get charmed by a dominaton attack. A3: see above. Frenzy has no impact on all of this since the confusion from Frenzy gets stripped off right on appliance and is gone (the confusion is only cast on you when you activate Frenzy, it's not permanently reapplied or something). B1: cancel each other out. You will keep fit but it doesn't stack with Frenzy's hardy. So you are basically casting IwVE only to remove confusion. B2: you become confused again unless the smart inspiration from IwVE is still active (and was not canceled by Frenzy before - for example if you cast it two times: one time to remove confusion and a second time to get smart). B3: if you are still smart then smart and confusion/charm/dominate cancel each other out (tiers don't matter). If Infuse is still active but you lost the smart part because it was canceled by Berserker confusion (or a charm spell or whatever) you will get charmed. C1: yes C2: good question. Depends what will be checked first. I suspect first the confusion is downgraded to nothing and you will retain smart. If it's the other way round smart and confusion will get cancelled and that would be a bummer. C3: however it's checked: smart will be gone and you will not be afflicted with confusoon, charm or dominate. Bonus: smart gets suppressed by the higher tier. It's quite simple: resistance always downgrades an affliction that hits you (not the whole spell). Inspirations and Afflictons cancel each other out. Infuse with Viral Essence puts two inspirations on you. Once they are applied they work seperately. So an int afflicton will remove smart, but not Infuse with Viral Essence as a whole.
  10. Yes, also Crippling Strikes and so on help. Same with Oathbreaker. They seem to have forgotten that two handers should get +1 PEN through the board.
  11. I tested Amra, Oathbreaker's End and WotEP on my (awesome) Nalpasca/Berserker and for me personally the best outcome (at higher levels) is still WotEP. I guess because of more chances to proc Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming. And fists... I also have compared Oathbreaker's End and Amra on an Assassin/Priest of Skaen (which I love to play) and to me it seems Amra works way better on that. The Oathbreaker's AoE is not proccing often enough. The best thing on both is the combo of big alpha strike + Bleeding Cuts, paired with the 85% recovery bonus that attacks from stealth have.
  12. Paladin has some. Oathbreaker's End and Engoliero do Espirs also have on-kill effects. Essence Interruptor, Grave Calling and Hel Beckoning. Boots of the Assassin.
  13. Smart from Enlightened Clarity and Duality: INT do not stack. But of course the main feature of (not upgraded) Clarity (=reduced afflicton time) is not influenced. Helwalker's MIG bonus and MIG inspirations do stack.
  14. Amra's "insta-kill near death enemies" is kind of great with Blood Thirst I guess? Also with Cleaving Stance maybe? You can def. skip Finishing Blow, Bloody Slaughter and Death Godlike when using it.
  15. Yes, but the summons can't trigger abilities from gear actively. Those abilities have to be triggered passively. White Witch Mask for example (although that's per encounter).
  16. Amra don't stack with carnage Of course they stack. They just don't trigger each other (like it should be).
  17. Guns have some pros that are esp. important on PotD: they have higher PEN. They also have no recovery but only reload. Recovery can't be canceled but reload can. So for example: if you shoot an enemy with a gun and then see that a party member needs healing you can cancel reload and heal at once. Won't work with a bow. Reload takes longer though. In terms of dps I think Aamiira's Legacy is best atm - it's a Hunting Bow. Very good bows: Aamiira's Legacy, Essence Interruptor, Frostseeker Very good guns: Red Hand, Kirchen Stove, Hand Mortar + Fire in the Hole (dual wield Ed), Scordeo's Trophy. You can look up all uniques in the gamepedia wiki. But use Google to search because the search on site is kind of stupid. Like "unique weapons Deadfire" or so. On the bottom of each page the categories are listed. Those are best to visit for certain uniques (Deadfire pollaxes and so on).
  18. Why do your summons have BDD and Iron skill effects? And more importantly: what are Iron skill effects?
  19. Awesome! Thanks for the update. That's great news.
  20. I still don't get what you mean. What charge? Stone of Power has no charge like a Necklase of Fireballs has. Do you mean that if you have two Stones of Power you can us Power Surge two times per rest? Or that a used Stone of Power resets it's use to "unused" once you stack it in the inventory with an unused Stone of Power?
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