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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hi folks, I would like to open up by saying thanks for all the support you have been lending to Pathfinder Adventures. We are hard at work creating new content, new features, and polishing existing features. Since the launch of the game on tablets it is has been like working on three games at once. The Past, the Present, and the Future. It has been a quite the learning experience for a team of this size, that is for certain. It's All in the Dice We have a patch coming up right around the corner and when you read our patch notes (soon, I swear!) you might notice something cool. Every person that updates to will get (6) sets of the Red Righteous dice. That's one for each character in the largest party available. We created some new interfaces so that you can assign a different die to each individual if you would like, which looks particularly cool if you have some folks in the party assisting your rolls. There are also rarities associated with the dice, much like the cards in treasure chests, so that an uber set of dice might have some lightning, fire, water, attached to it as well. If you happen to have the maximum number of sets for a particular dice skin, the game will automatically salvage that skin and give you 125 gold (25% of the cost of a single chest). How Rare is Rare, Really? While you are in the store you might notice that the card's rarity is better exposed so you know when you get that Legendary/Epic card... and you will hear the difference too. It's awesome. Additionally, the cards are weighted more towards where you are in the story. If you are only through Deck 1, you won't be getting a ton of cards you can't use in the immediate future. The support team noticed that on occasion a save game might have gotten corrupted and could cause a character in quest mode to disappear. That sucks, a lot. So one of the programmers (Keno) wanted to make sure that he focused on some tools that were unfinished and did two things that we have wanted to do for quite some time: 1) Save syncing both locally and on PlayFab. This has the side effect of being able to play a save on different devices as long as the login is identical. We still have to create an interface for it, but this is just one step away from playing the same game on both Android and iOS devices. 2) A Character Creation Editor. If you should not be able to recover your character for some reason we can rebuild it however you like. This will have the side effect of allowing for character respecs. But What About Deck 4? You might be saying, "Why oh, why are you talking about this stuff, Obsidian. We want more content!" Agreed. It's been too damn long since we have given you a new deck, so George and Ryan "Hot Rod" Rodriguez have been on that and getting it tested like crazy by QA. It is the next patch after and just a few more weeks away. Decks 5 and 6 are currently in development and shouldn't have the same kind of delayed release that we had from 3 to 4. Meanwhile, At Obsidian Headquarters... What else have we been working on? Hmm, Character Alts (different archetypes and artwork) and goblins. Some party buffs. Daily Challenges with Daily and Weekly Quests coming very soon. We'll let you know more about them when they are in a more approved state. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot... Thanks for reading! -Flounder
  2. Did you make sure that your PFID# is correct and that the code also includes the dashses? "xxx-xxxx-xxx
  3. Hey iammikeDotorg, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have written up a bug report and we'll investigate it further. Thanks a bunch!
  4. Hey Urtar37, This is a bug. The d4 should be changed to a d8 when discarded against a Bane with the undead trait. Thanks for letting us know!
  5. Hey guys, Thanks for providing your PFID's. This is a known issue and we're looking into it. Thanks!
  6. Hey Alberto! Thanks for pointing this out to us! I have written up a report and we'll look into it. Thanks a bunch!
  7. Hey Diehose, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us! That is a great suggestion! It is a known suggestions and we have it on our to-do list. Thank you for your feedback!
  8. Hey TehNispe, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have written up a bug report with your detail information and we'll investigate the issue further. Thanks a bunch!
  9. Hey guys, Can you please post your PFID# (located in settings) so we can take a look into your accounts? Also, if you can upload a save folder that would be most helpful as well. Also, do you recall how what you did prior before going into quest mode again? Getting game files: Connect the Android Device to your PC. Open Windows Explorer and open the device Open the Android Folder, then data -> net.obsidian.pacg1 -> files Copy the PACG1_SAVE_GAMES folder to your PC Zip and send! Thanks!
  10. Hey Irgy, Reported as per http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88385-soft-lock-shutting-down-quest-mode-crow-bait-bury/page-2 Cheers!
  11. Hey guys! I am the perfect candidate. You can link a dropbox link of your save folder either here or PM me, if you would like to be more discrete, you can always send it to support@obsidian.net. Irgy, I have written up that bug reports on the forum post you made.
  12. Hey Soothsilver, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have written up a report, but if there is any additional information you could provide, that would be great. Who else was in your party? How card/abilities did they used to assist you in the roll? Do you happen to have a screenshot? Thanks!
  13. Hey firestormkirby, Looking into your account, the chests opened up correctly and added the cards to your vault. just the animation bugged out. Last 2 chest you opened: Chest 1 Blessing of Sivanah Venomous Dart +2 Wounding Spear Axe +1 Favor of Shelyn Chest 2 Kohl of Uncanny Discernment Superior Leather Armor Shortsword +3 Frost Battleaxe +1 Thanks!
  14. Hey ahlamot, Thanks again for bringing this to our attention. Just like the other bug you reported, we are aware of the issue, but we are still working on getting a fix in for it. Thanks a bunch!
  15. Hey ahlamot, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Fortunately we were already aware of the issue and has been fixed on our end. The fix will go out in the next major patch. Thanks a bunch!
  16. Hey Dr. Zaraongel, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. Can we get some additional info the issue? Please read this thread as it will give you an idea on what we are looking for in regards of additional information. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86274-reporting-issues-useful-information-to-provide/ Thanks!
  17. Hey everyone, We've reproduced the bug off the save file that was provided and have a bug written up. We'll get this fixed hopefully by the next major patch. Thanks a bunch!
  18. Hey Slide87, Have you checked out the tech support forums? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88500-having-connectivity-problems-here-is-a-workaround/
  19. Hey teasel, Your fellow friends are correct! As long as you can connect to your account, anything you have purchased with gold or real money will be there. Thanks a bunch!
  20. Hey con goers! If you happen to be at Gen-Con this week, we'll be sharing a booth with the mighty Paizo! So come on by and say hello! You'll even get this awesome new card that you can use in the physical board game as well as our digital version! There will be a redeem code at the bottom of the card and you can redeem it at pathfinder.obsidian.net/redeem
  21. Hey everyone, Sorry about the late response. Things have been a little crazy over here with Gen-Con and all. I have filed a bug report about this issue and also included the workaround. If anyone is on an android device and can upload a save folder, that would be very helpful. Getting game files: Connect the Android Device to your PC. Open Windows Explorer and open the device Open the Android Folder, then data -> net.obsidian.pacg1 -> files Copy the PACG1_SAVE_GAMES folder to your PC Zip and send! Thanks a bunch!
  22. Hey everyone, We've been getting some reports about the game not connecting with Android devices. We are looking into the issue. In the mean time, here's a few tricks you can perform to make sure you stay connected. ANDROID: 1. Make sure the game is not running in the background 2. Launch Google Play Games (not to be confused with Google Play Store) 3. Check to see if you are logged into the correct Google Play Games account. 4. Launch Pathfinder Adventures from within Google Play Games. 5. You're good to go! If this method does not work, please refer to old workaround below iOS 9 and below: 1. Make sure the game is not running in the background 2. Go into iOS settings 3. Search for Game 3. Check to see if you are logged into the correct Gamecenter account. 4. Launch Pathfinder Adventures from within Gamecenter. 5. You're good to go! iOS 10: Game center no longer is an application in iOS 10, but now intregated into the Apple OS. 1. Go to your iOS settings 2. Locate Game Center 3. Log in. (OLD WORKAROUND FOR ANDROID) Open up your Application Manager > Locate Google Play Games and Google Play Services > Clear the CACHE for each app. Launch Pathfinder Adventures and you should be able to connect with your Google Play account and stay logged in. Hope that is helpful for you all. Thank you and take care! UPDATE: Added iOS workaround as the new iOS update has brought this issue to our attention.
  23. Hey Soothsilver, Thanks for reporting in! Fortunately we were already aware of the issue and have fixed it on our end. It will go out in the next patch! Thanks a bunch!
  24. Hey Maikdus, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. It sounds like you are not connected to your google play account as Hannibal has mentioned. Please go into Google Play Games and see if you are connected, then go into Pathfinder Adventures. If it still says you are not connected. Make sure you go and clear the cache for Google Play Services and then relaunch Pathfinder Adventures. Thanks!
  25. Hey guys, Thanks for your continual updates on the issue. We haven't been able to reproduce this issue, but with your new information, we'll test out these theories. Thanks again!
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