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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hello MonarchX, Try running the game as administrator and see if that helps. My only suggestion I can offer you right now is not to left-click while loading. Are you playing in windowed mode by any chance?
  2. Hello Goreth, Could you please upload a save file along with an output log via dropbox so I can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  3. Hello Edrin, Could you please upload a save file and an output/player log via dropbox so I can take a look? Thanks a bunch! P.S. I also merged your thread.
  4. Hello everyone, Could both of you guys please upload a save file along with an output/player log via dropbox so I can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  5. Hey nphyn1t3, I apologize for the inconvenience and I'd be glad to help you. Could you please upload your system specs, output logs and a save file( if possible) for both of your systems so I can get a look? You can use dropbox, mega, or sendspace to upload those files. If you have any crash folders, please upload those as well. Thank you for your patience.
  6. Hello SketchySketch, I'm glad you were able to resolve the issue by searching on the forums! Enjoy the game!
  7. Hello everyone, Could one of you please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox right before you speak with the Doemenels? Thanks a bunch
  8. Hello everyone, We are aware of the issue and has been already submitted into our database. Thank you for your support.
  9. Hello colfirefly, As Andrea has suggested, please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so we can take a look. Thanks a bunch!
  10. Hello greckoboy, We are aware of the issue as it has been already reported on the forums. Please use the search function before posting bugs to make sure they haven't already been posted. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81573-draining-enchantments-disappear-upon-saving-bug/?hl=draining http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81335-draining-weapon-mod-removed-from-game/?hl=draining Thank you for your support.
  11. Hello everyone, This issue has been fixed internally and should be in the next patch. Thank you for your support!
  12. Hello Infinitron, Could you please upload a save file right before this occurs, a screenshot, and an output log via dropbox so we can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  13. Hello Sentieroluminoso, We are aware of the issue as it has been reported on the forums multiple times. Thank you for your support.
  14. Hello Malek_Deneith, I was unable to reproduce this bug on our end. Either it was something that was fixed on our end, or the petrify status ended. Could you get a video recording of this by any chance? Thanks a bunch!
  15. Hello FlorianGh, If possible, can you get video of this issue occurring? And could you please upload a save file along with an output log? Thanks a bunch!
  16. Hello Andrea, Thanks for posting up the saves before hand. We have something similar already reported in our database. I will update those issues with your information. Thank you and keep up the good work!
  17. Hello Delicieuxz, That is a great idea. I will forward you suggestion to the design team. Though you can click on the tabs to hide to minimize one portion of the quest log. Thank you for your support!
  18. Hello Bidj, I apologize for the inconveniences. Could you please upload a save file along with an output/player log via dropbox so I can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  19. Hello Malek_Deneith, Could you please upload a save file, screenshot, and an output/player log via dropbox so we can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  20. Hello FlorianGh, Could you please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so we can take a look? Thanks!
  21. Hello Azzinoth224, Could you please upload a save file along with an output log via dropbox so we can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  22. Hello theBalthazar, Could you please upload a save file along with an output/player log vid dropbox so I can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  23. Hello Watz65, I'd just like to get some clarification before I can assist you. Are you talking about changing party members in your group? Or are you referring to the formations? Thanks.
  24. Hello again, It looks like that your special mercs are still under employment, they are just not showing up undering the Hirelings menu. So its appears to be a UI bug. I have entered the bug into our database and forwarded it to the appropriate department. Thank you for your support!
  25. A lot has changed since the release of the game and in the official game guide, and you are correct. They were able to have facial hair in the past, but now it is intended that they do not. Thank you for your support!
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