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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Mine is Strike hard & Unlabored blade / Twin Stings. Good stacking speed bonus, utilities, debuff and AoE proc. Cost only 1 dragon eye and 1 durgan refinement to be optimal.
  2. Pay attention to the logs. Spell like ability has an intresic bonus in addition to base accuracy equal to level. That may be the reason why uou see a higher Acc than base one. Do both accuracy bonus are the same ? Do they change when you use dagger indtead of styletto ?
  3. That's what I was speaking only about passive bonus. And disciplined barrage is not suitable for a fighter because fighter point is to last forever on the battlefield. Ciphers don't save abilities cause ciphers don't have abilities in the first place. Ciphers and fighters just have separate levelling. Cipher biting whip is totally imbalanced as a talent ; for me it's just another class defining trait, it shall not be compared to other talents. Fighters and ciphers are just 2 decent martial damage dealer. Fighter's point is to be nearly unkillable. Cipher is a "casual" spell caster specialised in crowd controller.
  4. Sorry but I'm not able to answer. But I remember building a monk and wondered about using fist and spear for the spear accuracy bonus to Force of Anguish prone. But Force of Anguish prone used "spell accuracy". I think it's the same for every special attack from what I remember reading.
  5. And fighters have +5 Accuracy, and confident aim, which makes up for more than the difference. I'm not saying fighters are better, just that they do more damages with weapons.
  6. Note that Twin Stings provide daily alacrity to rogue as well as alpha (and beta) strikes.
  7. I basically agree with all you said. Nothing feels OP in your proposal. I especially agree about One Stand Alone because it avoids stupid interaction with eye of the storm and CC. I'll add fast cast and no recovery for both shouts (like paladin exhortation) and barbarian would be ok.
  8. The nice secondary effect of your build is that this character would be a premium scroll/items user. With all this might/per/int/dex plus natural accuracy ! Does anyone know if confident aim apply to spells (and charge) ? Sorry I can't test myself for a few days.
  9. Just thinking : does the redeemer work on the floatting weapons summoned by these annoying vithrack ?
  10. As you just declare, rogue faces a similar problem as barbarian (distraction is quite nice, but not really ultimate skills). WM I favored paladin, rangers and monks. WM II actually provided good stuff for fighters. Casters have always been ok except chanter who were buffed in 3.0. Now barbarians and rogues who used to be okay feel a bit inferior.
  11. You're indeed comparing level of annoyance between rest and potion. I think it's conceptually the same as comparing the level of annoyance between resting spam and not resting spam. No annoyance = Non casters are the best Average annoyance = Casters the best Extreme annoyance = Non casters become sturdy casters with high accuracy. Balance re-established. Anyway there are far enough consumables to face the few encounters (dragons, archmages) that are real threat. Rest of the game does not really count as a power test. Anyway, on another topic, I ve declared casters to be superior overall. I'm just pointing here that consumable reduce the gap.
  12. All DoT effects (and also heal over time) are affected by intelligence. DoT damage = base damage × (1 + 0.03 x Mig) x (1 + 0.05 x Int). (But of course, with higher Int, it also takes more time to apply and more ticks means more DR so it is not linear). For chant, the Int modifier is a bit different cause it applies only to the linger part. So when at high level linger is equal to chant duration (due to brisk recitation), every point of Int boost damage by 5% / 2 = 2.5%.
  13. I don't expect Sabra Marie to do more damage than persistence, the rain or Lenas Er. It's a crit build and Sabra is one of the only weapon with 2 effects on crit. I want to run it for Annhilating AND confuse. And my cipher is also bound to Stormcaller as a backup.
  14. Vancian casters may be strong. But there's something even stronger : Martial class boosted by tons of passive abilities that use scrolls. Better accuracy and survivability than casters. Arguments for vancians say their peak powers in critical battle is higher. That's true only if you don't count consumable and item powers in the equation. Yeah alacrity is awesome but even the dumbest fighter can cast is from a potion. Need a casual caster ? Lore will mimic it ! So, yes, I think it's a matter of playstyle.
  15. I think all classes are pretty much balanced and suits their role. Barbarians and Rogues could get just a little more love because : - Rogue DPS is currently a bit under Ranger's DPS shadow. Rogue should do more DPS with a relevent margin (as pet brings other utility). I don't think the current margin is that relevent. - Barbarian is a bit a 1 trick carnage poney. - Many abilities of rogues and barbarians are not that good. But it is not that bad, and even classes mentioned above are ok with the right build and equipment. Not all classes are strictly equal but all can fulfill their own purpose.
  16. So annhilating weapon works as intended ? Fine ! My crit cipher was based on it. MARIE you'll be mine soon. I have presents for you. I hope you like dragon eyes and durgan steel. Do you prefer it hot, electric or corrosive ?
  17. So this ability is more interesting for a Soulbound weapon build than for a double durgan refined rimecutter one. Barbarians abilities could have got just a little more love from the devs...
  18. Sagani (and her boreal people) has increased utility now that one of WM II major boss is a primordial with wilders minions. (Adra minions were also primordials and wilders.) With the chanter "I like killing dragons" chant and all anti-vessel weaponry, all major battles are covered by some specific counter. PoE difficulty is mostly about 6 crazy fights. I think this kind of metagame considerations are relevent.
  19. Fighter and Monk have basically the same role, they just fill it a bit differently. Monk has the highest damage potential but they are less reliable : if you don't get enough wounds while your teammates get slaughtered, fighter would have been superior. Because of wounds system, you'll have to make choice between all great monk abilities, when creating your build and also during play. Fighters can just stack everything. Fighters also benefited the most from 3.0 and WM II. Now they can morph freely into a mind lance 2 times per encounter, and can become immortal for a decent time. I'm not saying fighter is better : basically monk are a bit stronger, but fighter are more reliable (and have major defensive tricks).
  20. The answer to your question mark is a spoiler. I will just say that you can get a skull pet somehow in WM I.
  21. Except their western inspiration comes from medieval time flagellants. Wearing an armor when you're a flagellant is like wearing sunglasses to explore a cave. It does not exactly serve your purpose. Zahua himself seems to be naked most, both when you encounter him and on his picture.
  22. Oh no, they will remove my ressource generator for soulbound weapon activation. Correcting a bug has never been so convenient.
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