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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Hey, I'm planning a less focused version of this build, and I'm specifocally wondering about talents appliczble to summoned cloned. Do the following works (blast works for sure): - penetrating blast - penetrating shots - weapon focus (it may depends on which one unless clones weapons are universal) - dangerous implements - interrupting blows - corrode damage talents - various defensive talents like superior deflection Bonus question : is it the same for Monk clones ?
  2. Tested it. Salvation of time does add 10s to the invisibility from feign death, which could have been insane if invisibility didn't break for some reasons after a few strikes (backstab applied). Still not found application for the "ultimate" rogue ability. Now I discover that Int increases the duration when your rogue is disabled. Just a bit more lame...
  3. Thanks for this nice build ! Nice armor choice btw ^^ I would be very curious about novice (and trandcendant) suffering multiplied by anything but crit. Maybe the damage modifier stacking additively has been replaced by new (undocumented) rules ? Quality modifier for weapons seam to have been integrated to base damage on the tooltip. I wonder if it true...
  4. Which reduces the interest of bittercut + spirit of decay... At least stormcaller apply an electrical DR debuff so you'll usually apply electrical damages.
  5. I personnally don't like to minimize stat beyond 10, sometimes 8 or a few 6. However, resolve is rather easy to dump. The main risk is concentration, but a priest with holy meditation or Crown of the faithful will solve your need. -35% hp is harsh. You have way to work around, but I doubt it worth the trouble.
  6. Don't forget the soulbound scepter. It gives +3 Resolve which is cumulative with other items because it is a weapon. You'll have to play a caster protagonist for it by the way. Only drawback is tat you can't use it with +2 Con sword to pass a certain spore check. Steadfast is another option for +1 resolve.
  7. I start wondering if priest spell Salvation of time work with feign death persisting invisibility. So with 16s + Int of invisibility (renewable by your priest buddy) +150% damages from backstqb (plus usual sneak attack, deathblow, reckless assault), rogue would have access to PoE godmode...
  8. Did you boosted your accuracy for this fight ? I didn't have a priest, and I had also limited CC capabilities. Most of my CC spell weren't very successful. That might be the reason why I had so many troubles.
  9. Runner's shot working with backstab would be the very definition of sniping. 80% lash on a +150% damages (+others) attack would not be a joke.
  10. Just thinking : has anyone ever tried to create a party revolving around short duration buff and priest spell Salvation of Time ? It revolves around the same principles except effect extension comes from an AoE spell so you can use short duration effects from any class. Of course, Salvation of time is a limited ressource, so it would be nice mostly for boss fights. But for me it has potential to be a gamechanger with some infamous abilities like triggered immunity, hardened veil, inspiring radiance and well... good old humans.
  11. My own experience : Adra Dragon is still annoying because of her breath and the risk to be petrified by her Adragan girlband. If you properly apply paralyzis to her and CC the stone damsels, the fight will not be very hard. But there is a failure risk. Alpine is easy if you have a wizard. Buff accuracy, petrify him and it will not be very hard. Thaos always gives me headache due to Mind Control spells and cleansing flames. But he is not that hard to defeat. Concelhaut was a joke with a barbarian armed with hallowed redeemer. His minions are a bit annoying but once you killed a few of the most dangerous ones (void seer, animated wand), the fight becomes easy. Llengrath... I didn't have any problem. I Paralyzed the dragons, I used defensive mindweb... then it seemed that my endurance never went down. Radiant spore was not that hard. I killed the mushroom dudes, then aimed it. From this point, provided you can survive a bit the tentacle sniping, it will be easy. Kraken is easy, sky dragon is not very hard (but don't underestimated her as I did. She's upscaled now.) Magran faithfuls are crazy annoying. Priest and druids will blast you while healing like crazy. Blast them quick. All groups with high level monks should never been underestimated. They go for casters like Bouh goes for the eyes. With Iron wheel, clarity of agony, flagellant path and Force of Anguish, they are incredibly hard to stop. The fight with the new abbey of the fallen moon deserve a special mention. Finally, scaled Brynlod party win the cup. Hardest fight in the game for me. These guys just have too much defenses. Next time, I'll bring a priest for Devotion of the faithful.
  12. Just checked what form of the Delemgan actually did. +8 to all physical DR (and 2 elemental ones : electrical and corrosive. It doesn't overlap with Pale Elf resist ) ). Stacking with Armor of faith/Zealous Endurance... And couple of other goodies : +1 speed, bonus against disengagement attack, immunity against immobilization (which can lead to sick combination with binding web). It is fast casting with a nice AoE. This spell is crazy. I would have preferred it as a lvl 7 spell ! At least on level 8, avenging storm looks good. But for level 7 is really lacking non-weird spell. Nature's bounty is a pain to use, and overlap with many priest buff, except for the speed part. Elemental resist only lasts 10s. Call of the primordial, at least, will provide some okayish meat shield. They seem to have many more HP than Blights. Oozes are not very good attackers but they have sides effects like paralyzis, immobilization and even petrify on death for ice ones. So either you have a priest and you may cast ooze, THEN buff your whole groopze with devotion of the faithfull and some accuracy stuff. Or you dont' have priest and Nature's bounty suddenly looks OK because of Might and Perception bonus. Nothing great but at least next time, I will know how to use these 7 level slots.
  13. You should make a Poll. I would say... Druid. I like what they did with druids in PoE : embodiement of the Nature as beauty and destruction. Eora Lore is also very kind with "druid spirit" with Glamfathans, Pwgra and the dreaded adragans. Nature powers really feel like something you have to FEAR, even you have access to firearms. They might be slightly less relevant than wizards and priest but they are an excellent addition to any party. Storm spells are so powerful and nice to see in action. I hoped during the whole IE area that storm spell could really feel "special", and now Relentless storm is probably the overall strongest CC spel of the game... You don't even have to aim, Storm will do it for you. Venombloom might have the nicest visual effect of the whole game. Moonwell is really sweet too. Insects, ground attacks, firebugs, blizzard and this delicious lvl 1 sunbeam... what's not to like ? It is so nice to have the four seasons in your spellbook ) And Spritishift is really nice to use too since 2.0 scaling. Druid, bash ! Probably among the highest Single target DPS of the game. I have not tested stag carnage yet but Stag Druid is probably going to be my next MC.
  14. The true problems with Soulbound weapons are quite simple : - they can't be refined with Durgan steel. - to a slightly lesser extent they can't be added any lash (except Caed Nua scepter). These 2 are the only straight forward trait they are lacking. I can sacrifice overbearing or coordinating for a more exotic effect but the DPS you miss by missing lash or Durgan refined is too huge. Every other weapon of the game can be added these effects ! Add lash effect and possibility to refine to all Soulbound and they will be ok. (Unlabored, Abydon's and Stormcaller would even be a bit OP.) Currently for me : - Unlabored, Abydon's, scepter, Ryona's breastplate are OK. - Steadfast is good as a defensive tool, especially with the healing effect. - Stormcaller is good on a ranger. - Twin stings is okay as a secondary weapon, especially with alacrity. - Redeemer is awesome against vessels. - The rest of weapons/situation is between meh and inferior to "normal unique" weapons.
  15. They are now the strongest class for AoE constant & friendly DPS. This is mostly due to Dragon Slashed chant chanting time being shortened and stacking with itself. I's now like casting a massive DoT centered on caster every 4s for around 40x2 damages (with a bit of might) centered on caster. They are still very sturdy and versatile (mmm Cone of resurrection...) They will be good "arcane guard" for my potential future full caster party. What didn't change is that they are still a quite passive class. You melt everything by standing still. Maybe not that nice for your incarnation. I would not choose them as MC. On the good side they may be one of the best class for using Per, Int and Res. Per for damages and CC, Int for spells and chant and Res for tankyness. You should take into account that there are a bunch of stat boosting items now, plus food and some main character bonuses. You won't need 16-18 in your mental Stat to meet the checks. 13-14 is far enough.
  16. And while you are dressing the 50th pair the transformation expires ! That's why a bunch of peasants followers are essential for this build. "Equip your centiped Lord for battle !"
  17. Even with 75% (superb weapon + 20 might) it still worth 14% more damages +20% graze to hit. So I really think it is stricly better. But I doubt I would skip Weapon Specialisation by the way.
  18. Sure Handed Ila is strictly inferior to the fire lash chant. 20% Speed is inferior to 25% Bonus damage. Except that is generates phrases a bit faster of course. For a Carnage team chanter, I'd rather use Dragon Trashed and... Dragon Trashed. It stacks with itself. Not sure about Stag Druid, but I think Stag's Carnage should work with Lvl 8 spell avenging storm for AoE Lightning and Stun.
  19. Please check the formula above. It's around 8%, not 10%. It looks intuitive and most people believe it is 10%, but it is not. I AM NOT CRAZY It doesn't change much, it's still an excellent ability, and again, thank you for your clarifications.
  20. Then it's a really good ability. 20% Min damage is about 8%* Base damages. Base damages get multiplied by about anything, especially bonus damage. If you end up with around 100% bonus damages (It can be a bit more), it means it worth around 16% Bonus damage. It is unconditional, Passive (so it stacks with everything), works on spells and ranged weapons, and you'll also get Graze to Hit. * Formula : Old Average Damage = (MIN + MAX) /2 New Average Damage = (1.2xMIN + MAX) /2 Assuming MAX = 1.5 x MIN (depends on weapons, but it is not vvery far from it) Old Average Damage = 1,25 MIN New Average Damage = 1,35 MIN New Average Damage / Old Average Damage = 1.08 (So +8%)
  21. Yes this is what I meant by "damages stated as MIN". But I've seen different things written down here, so...
  22. As far as I know graze to hit part has always worked. But it has been said many times that the +20% min damages did not. Some says it is from 3.0 that it is not working anymore. Some say it's only a graphic bug. Finally, what does it do exactly ? Some say it works only on damages stated as min (Edit: when DR eats 80% of your damages), but by looking at old tests, it seem that it work as expected, giving +20% to min range of base damages (which is great). So, does anyone have a clear view ?
  23. The problem with deathblow is that you need 2 independant effect and a target still able to attack your rogue. As many effects are Hard CC, it's not so likely to happen often. Still I wonder why soul whip bonus damage does not work on retaliate meanwhile sneak attack work. At least the backlash beldam rogue variant should work.
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