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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. 10% chance Divine Mark is the best option on this sword. Maneha is the way to go. You use Redeemer only to fight against vessels. Carnage enables insta-kill vessels on an AoE. It is really a no-brainer for me unless you have roleplay reasons to do otherwise.
  2. Nothing in this game can resist the combination of high accuracy and the right CC spell. So my advice : 1) Cast Eldricht aim with Wizard. 2) Cast prayer against fear, inspiring radiance and Devotion of the faithful with Durance. 3) Cast Gaze of the Adragan with Wizard. He is not immuned to petrify. 4) Kill the Dragon. Repeat if necessary. Throw a couple of Crowd Control spell on the adds, and finish them.
  3. Rogue with firebrand is another option. In the great scheme of things, paladin are not exactly a top tier class in melee. They are inferior to anybody but casters and chanters. That does not mean Paladin can't damages in melee. But a true melee DPS would do better (Paladins have many other strenghts.). In this case the slight bonus is you would anyway pick Scion of Flames with your paladin, so it's not a bad idea. But I'm always surprised about how many people want to build a DPS paladin.
  4. You basically need 8s of lvl 1 chant to cast paralysis cone (which last... 8s + Int). So yes, I think it could matter. Against eyeless, I noticed nothing was more efficient than mental binding (paralysis vs will). If you don't have cipher, you can use a chanter. If course, in this case, not using lvl 3 bread and butter fire chants is less critical as they are immuned to fire. But it is in my opinion just an example of alternate strategy.
  5. Well using Lvl 1 chants means having exactly +100% invocation than with lvl 3. Ok that's a synonym for twice more )
  6. Chanter's dragon trashed would save you a lot of headache cause it is the most reliable way to always have a DOT active on your targets. That or barbarian with Tidefall.
  7. I updated my original post for clarification. Basically I meant using low level chants.
  8. I'm just wondering if it is possible to make a chanter focusing on Invocation rather than Chant (using short chants to stack phrases more quickly). Level 3 chants are for me the best : Dragon Thrashed and the fire lash chant are awesome. While facing fire immuned eyeless, I suddenly realized that chanting level 1 chant and using more Invocations could be nice too. But could it be better ? For me, the best Invocations are : - Worms explosion - DR debuff (Summon specter is not bad but is rather useless at high level) - Paralysis cone - Seven Night she waited (with proper aiming, you can hit all ennemies of the screen, and your melee target up to 3 times. Kana killed radiant spore this way) - Resurrect cone chant (always handy to have as backup) - Ancient Weapons (best summons) Lvl 4 invocations are not very good by the way... maybe mushroom summon but I prefer Ancient Weapons.
  9. Usual consensus on this forum tendscto say Priest is the hardest class to replace even if Wizards tend to be seen as the most powerful. I can't imagine a powergaming party without priest. Even a chanter party would be optimal with 1 priest. But honnestly, if you're powergaming, why do you even bother with companions (except WM ones and Pallegina who have unique bonus). I think Durance is the best written companion. But I hate him. Furthermore, his stats win the suboptimal award and human is not awesome for a priest, so...
  10. "I'm polymophing into a Dire Centiped. - That's lame. - Nope. Now I can wear 100 magical pairs of boots now !
  11. "I'm playing a half-ettin, half-Marilith Eldricht Knight. He has 2 heads, six arms so I can use 6 weapons, 3 bracer pairs, 6 rings, 2 necklaces, 2 helms. Unfortunately as I have no legs, my dungeon master say I cannot use boots. He's so mean !"
  12. And 10 rings. Plus 10 on your feet. And also "Mister T style bunch of magical necklace"... Restriction about number of magic items has always been based on the "it's magical" motto. My only regret about PoE is that you can't wear cloak and necklace at the same time.
  13. Totally agree with the above. You can also add Skyrim in the list. And about Ultimate Endgame Optional boss being too powerful... I guess the OP never played a Final Fantasy where such kind of battles are what fans expected. For a non linear game, I really think PoE balance, even if far from perfect, is significantly better than average.
  14. Active abilities (including modals like auras) don't stack when they provide same bonus type. Therefore, most active abilities providing accuracy bonus don't stack (but abilities providing melee accuracy/ranged accuracy like Devotion of the Faithful are considered as a different type of bonus than "raw accuracy" and do stack with them). Bonus from passive talent/abilities (including talent applied to active abilities) do stack with everything. That's why Liberating inspiration and inspired radiance stack with everything.
  15. Just Figured what St. Wygelt's Cudgel "Persecuting effect" actually did. It applies a -5 Resolve Debuff and a +5 Deflection Buff on yourself on Hit or Crit (no throw). -5 Resolve probably doesn't stack with similar debuff, buf is a bit superior even to Terror. If not stacked, it means -15 Concentration and -5 Deflection for your ennemy, which seems very handy for any interrupt build. You don't even have to be on your barbarian. And as Concentration Debuff and Resolve are not the same effect, it probably stack with Concentration Debuff like Zephyr. I thought it could be a good idea for this build.
  16. I just can't stand being a Paladin. Even when NPC paladins were UP, I still used NPC ones. So I don't have this kind of problems.
  17. Scaled Sky Dragon is not a joke. (Yup, a scaled dragon, got it ?) I don't say it's harder. I went into it unprepared and I got my ass kicked. Then I prepared properly and it became fairly easy. But against Adra and Alpine, I was prepared too and it wasn't a problem at all. So I can't really say if they were stronger.
  18. Alpine is immuned to paralyzis which extremely annoying. If you have a wizard in your party, he's a joke. Without Wizard, it might be a bit more tedious.
  19. Yes Does it work the same with Bash shields ? I tested that shield Bash is even faster than fast weapons (when used with one of them, the bash part of the cycle seems fasters) but I forgot to check how recovery works. For me, it should be the same as Dual Wield except Dual Weapon Style does not work.
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