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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. The system works the same for granting XP, yeah. I'm not sure about that bug though. I doubt anyone's looked into it on our end since I haven't heard about it before. Note that NPCs were never supposed to have the /same/ amount of experience as you in KotOR1. Throughout the game, they're supposed to be earning 80% of what you earn, if I remember right. -Akari I'm surprised you havn't heard of that bug before as it was quite widely discussed when KotOR came out. A lot of people put off leveling up so they could take more jedi levels and found that thier sidekicks where getting less and less experience. This could effect your prestege classes if they work the same way as swiching to a jedi class did in the first game.
  2. Well Peragus is already in space so they could simply pan down to the asteroid that the PC is on/in.
  3. Many Bothans died in order to destroy the Star Forge.
  4. What wise words would he have used to escape Malik's planetary bombardment?
  5. Would LS Revan wear a mask? Of course s/he could have fallen again. The skull masked Sith in the concept art could be Revan, hence androgenous appearence (Reven's original mask was destroyed by the jedi council). T3 (we know) and HK-47 will probably rejoin the party. it is easy to justify knocking their levels back down as droids can be memory wiped. (also the droids are the only characters to appear in all movies). Canderous will be back as he was the only other immortal character in KotOR. Note that he should be 20th level though. The other characters may make cameo apperences depending on how you answer questions at the begining.
  6. If we must have a Rodian I would rather have the guy from the Yavin station. At least he could build stuff. After all I already have Gluupor's special ability.
  7. To turn this thread useful: I think the architecture in that screen shot looks like Onderon.
  8. My 2 theories: 1) You where sent on a mission by Revan and given the Ebon Hawk. You arived on Peragus aboard the Ebon Hawk with T3. 2) HK-47 was sent to kill you or Kreia at Peragus and traveled on the Ebon Hawk with T3 as his pilot.
  9. Good Idea, but scattered radiation (If there was no scattered radiation all lightsaber blades would be invisible) from your ultraviolet lightsaber could cause sun burn and even cancer.
  10. Then why does the database on the official Star Wars website include more EU stuff than anything else?
  11. Maybe he slipped through a dimesional gateway and encountered some D&D vampires who drained his levels before he could escape back to the Star Wars universe (I've known stranger things happen in P&P).
  12. The anchient Sith are described as "Alchemists and Sorcerers" In the EU. Sith alchemy created the dark poison that precipitated Ulric Quel Droma's fall to the dark side. Like it or not it's an established feature of the EU.
  13. Observations: Demolitions skill effects Grenade damage. Unarmed combat feats have been added.
  14. Okay, how about if in TSL there are 3 Sith factions (Darth Sion's Assassins plus 2 others). There is also the Jedi (who are in hiding). In order to complete the game you have to join any one group and destroy the other three.
  15. In I Jedi Corren Horn builds himself a lightsaber with an ajustable length.
  16. Then they could flip out and kill people right?
  17. Maybe there could be a quest involving Sith alchemy to create a lightsaber chrystal.
  18. I would like to avoid the situation where you fight final a duel with the "main villain", then game over all together. KotOR would have been more interesting if at the end we discovered that Malak had been taken over by the Star Forge which had become semi-sentiant and was now intent on destroying all life in the universe. Freeing Malak, you have to solve a logic puzzle to disable the Star Forge core whilst fighting off hordes of Force using uber-droids.
  19. I'd noticed them, but have heard nothing. I expect it's plot related.
  20. Lucasarts arn't usually too bad on UK releases. Maybe 2-4 week delay usually. They arn't as good as Blizzard though.
  21. If the infomation is accurate one has to wonder about the identity of "Darth Sugerplum". Maybe Government Isn't the only ship that leeks from the top.
  22. I thought of that possibilty. Jolee said she was killed in the war (leaving it open to decide for yourself if he pulled the trigger or not). He could have been mistaken though.
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