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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. Then he must be the grey skined shirtless Sith in the movie on the lucasarts sight. I didn't think it could be the masked Sith as in the painting he has a very healthy looking arm. If Darth Sion is the leader of the Sith Assassins, then is Darth ..... the leader of the Sith Marauders, and Darth ...... the leader of the Sith Lords?
  2. Why only join? How about taking over and lead the petty fools instead? Sith Lord PrC?
  3. It's either Dantooine or Telos. The question is what are the laser towers for? There was a line of strange towers on the horizon in the Telos video which looked similar but much bigger.
  4. I'm guessing that there will be the opportunity to join a Sith faction in TSL. It has been stated that the "prestige classes" in TSL won't function like D20. I'm guessing that mean you will gain the class by completing an appropiate quest (i.e. assassinate someone to become a Sith Assassin). To get the Sith quests you would probably need to be part of a Sith faction. When you get your PrC you will get an apprentice. In order to gain a Sith apprentice it is resonable to assume that you would have to be a member of the Sith. I'm assuming that multiple Sith Lords = rival factions here.
  5. The other issue is Lucasarts. I doubt they will let Obsidian make the game more hardcore.
  6. I think that will be how it will work. Remember that the actions of the PC will now influence party members alignment. If you do the wrong thing you may loose your padawan to the dark side or get them killed, but if you are a good teacher that can be avoided.
  7. It was happy, but with a twinge of sadness. Luke has saved his farther's soul but not his life. Han had got the girl, but Luke had the lonely job of rebuilding the jedi ahead of him. Much more complex than ep IV. Ep I had Qui-Gon's funeral and the reminder of the Sith to leven the party atmosphere.
  8. True, I did make that assumption. Here is why: The Jedi (and maybe the Sith) may prefer to asign apprentices to masters of the same gender. I couldn't think of any other likely reasons you would get a different character depending on gender.
  9. 4) Me to, if leveling up had been consistant throughout the game would have finished at 21st level. Assume TSL is slightly longer then the character would expect to level up 21 times. 4 + 21 = 25, still less than 30. 3) HotU comes to mind imediatly (level 15), however as I remember the Final Fantasy games didn't start at 1st level either. I think Cloud was level 7 at the begining of FF7. Edit: and BG II of course. 2) I think Hades covered this one 1) It could be done this way: Near start of game (PC 1st level): "Aye-up chuck, I'm Kreia Weatherwax the Lancre Jedi. You're looking a little out of touch with the Force. Let me fix that for you." (Waves hand) ** LEVEL UP ** ** LEVEL UP ** ** LEVEL UP **
  10. I thought the LS ending was appropiatly Star Warsy, but I would have liked it to be longer. I would have liked it if it had been playable, so I could have chatted to the characters it would have been better. The DS ending was a little short too.
  11. I'm starting to suspect the PC will start TSL at around 4th or 5th level rather than 1st level. These are my reasons: 1) The character is a veteran of the Mandalorian war and does not have amnesia. 2) The level cap has been raised (to 30 at a guess). Since TSL is not going to be significantly longer than KotOR, in order for the PC to get to anything like this level they will either have to start at a higher level or level up ridiculasly quickly. 3) Kreia joins the party early on. It stretches credability that this venerable mentor character be less than 6th level. Having a character in the party that is a significantly higher level would overwelm the other characters.
  12. Will the size of the PC avatar be affected by choice of class this time round (big Guardians, small Consulars)? Will there be new designs for the PC's street clothes since the starting classes are different? Personally I would like to be able to choose these things myself rather than have it dictated by class.
  13. 12 would be the maximum needed, but there will certainly be more than 2, as it has been anounced that gender and class are a factor as well as alignment. I would say 4 would be the minimum.
  14. It's confirmed. Try reading the IGN interview amongst others.
  15. The same PC faces will be avalable in TSL as in KotOR (plus a couple more). Those pictures just show the PC. The screen shots will be set ups, not pictures of someone actually playing the game
  16. 6 prestege classes Jedi Master Jedi Watchman Jedi Weapon Master Sith Lord Sith Assassin Sith Marauder
  17. Even though most people now have DVD I expect it will ship on CDs just to avoid losing the tiny number of people without DVD. The chips where up for floppy disks when Ultima Underworld II shiped on about 9 and took 6 hours to install, compared to that 4 CDs is nothing.
  18. No, not from the previous game. I cacluate 12 as 6 prestege classes x 2 genders.
  19. Is it my imagination, or does the PC in shot 2 look like a vampire?
  20. Since your apprentice presumably starts out significantly weaker than your character it would probably be compulsory to take them with you on some missions, making keeping them alive a major challenge. I calculated that there could be as many 12 potential apprentices, but they would probably share some of the same plotlines. Dursil Onassi and Yuthera Ben could be potential apprentices. PC: "Wait on the ship, this mission is to dangerous." Apprentice (Whineing): "You're always holding me back!"
  21. Hades is grumpy, but not offensive, I don't see any reason for a ban.
  22. I agree that ep 1 sucked, but I quite liked Gungans as a race. I had an NPC Gungan in my P&P game. The players expected him to be a fool like Jar-Jar, but he was actually a very competent rebel alliance agent (working at an imperial controled nutrient mining facility) who kept rescuing the PCs from tight spots.
  23. I was talking about the Gungan shields (I'm guessing on point 3 though, I don't claim any special knowedge).
  24. Ugh, the controls on the Speeder Bike level of JA where awful (and the idea was riped of from FF7).
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