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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. Darth Streaker? Actually, I thought it was Mike Gallo.
  2. Potential spoilers in the text, so I won't mention them. Interesting changes to the interface, including a unified action bar. It looks like it might just be possible to initiate combat with non-hostiles now too.
  3. The x-box was pretty stretched by the first game.
  4. I don't like the small caps "THE". It seems to unbalance the subtitle.
  5. The bottom logo is identical to the original KotOR logo apart from the II. I prefer it to the silver, but it's missing "The Sith Lords". Maybe a combination is rquired? I liked the Jedi Outcast logo, that was clever.
  6. HK-47 is fiercly loyal to his creator, Revan. Since you don't play Revan in TSL HK-47 will be hard to control, unless you compleatly reprogram him (which should disable his assassination protocols) or Revan orders him to obay you.
  7. Wasn't he in Dr Who: The Pirate Planet (by Douglas Adams)?
  8. If HK-47 comes back I expect the PC will be the target of his assassination protocol! I would have liked to see Sabacc implemented, but it is a far more complex game to do. How about a lightsaber with more than 3 crystal slots? Not that I'm a munchkin powergamer!
  9. Look in the desert south of the sandcrawler approching the entrance to the southern bit. Candourous must be with you obviously.
  10. But it was quite difficult for even "good" Reven to turn her, so most likely she is dead, unless there is a specific question about her.
  11. Maybe he cut himself trying to wield a double bladed lightsaber?
  12. That's what I mean, I chose only powers that worked with armour.
  13. TSL interview at TheForce.net: here. Interesting info about ranged weapons.
  14. We didn't find out very much about Telos in the first game (I always thought the tomb of the cybermen was located there ). Dantooine will be changed significantly. Peragus is compleatly new and Dxun is from the EU (but sounds very interesting). If Bioware had some interesting ideas for Sleheyron I don't have a problem with Obsidian using them, but most likely it got dropped because it was boring.
  15. I quite enjoyed wadeing thorough heaps of enemies abord the Star Forge. It made a change from the predicatable "a small enough group may be able to sneek into the enemy base and activate the self destruct". I do think Revan was advised on stratagy by a minature giant space hamster though!
  16. Which arguments? As far as I'm concered the only reason to include/not include Sleheyron is: Is it interesting?
  17. Have you seen the new jedi robe in the recient screenshots? I played through KotOR with an armour wearing light side Guardian, just selecting force powers that worked with armour. Didn't have any problems.
  18. As far as I could see the powers which Vader used are all ones that work in armour. The ones he didn't use (eg lightning) are ones that don't work in armour. I do think the armour restriction is illogical though. It is sufficent restriction for a jedi to have to use valuable feats to be able to use armour, especialy if wearing armour also caused the loss of thier defence bonus.
  19. I've been trying to think of ways this system could lead to funny results. Haven't come up with anything side splitting though. The man with no name King George IV Barry from Hoth Probably won't have much affect anyway; since the game will be full speach the writers will try to avoid mentioning the PC's name anyway.
  20. The hair styles where short to avoid clipping, but it could be put down to the fashion at the time. It's better than double donuts! I think it was said somewhere that there will be a couple of additional heads to choose from.
  21. I think the masked Sith Lord in te consept art is female.
  22. Agreed. Amost all the human characters in the movies have a first name and last name (the only exception I can think of is Lobot).
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