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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. I read somewhere that the red chrystals are synthetic, the coloured chrystals are natural. The way I see it there are lots of different traditions in the understanding of the Force. Jedi and Sith are just two of them, there are others in the EU. The Jedi and Sith traditions/rules also change over time, hence the NJO and Bane's Dictum. In KotOR matters are confused a little by the Sith troopers, officers etc who are not Force sensitive and therefore are not true Sith, they just serve the Sith.
  2. Robes look good, but the boots look a bit bulky. I assume this means the clipping issues are solved.
  3. To deal with the issue of dealing with alternative endings, the biggest balance of power issue is the survival of the Star Forge. LS it is destroyed by the republic fleet. DS it survives. The way I would deal with this is to have it destroyed by some other band of heroic jedi or by dissent within the Sith. Dead Characters: The only party members that can't die in KOTOR are the droids and Candorous. These characters can be made important to the plot. The mortal characters must either not appear, be periferal or have an understudy character who replaces them if they are established as dead. Jedi: Regardless of how KOTOR ended many jedi where killed on Dantoonie and in the battle of the Star Forge. If Sith assassins are hunting the survivors then the jedi may have disbanded and gone into hiding, alowing rumors to cerculate that they where all dead. The PC being in exile was left out of the loop. At this moment an army of jedi may be gathering at a secret location to stike back at the Sith. Revan: It seems to me that the most likely reason for this character leaving is returning memories. Revan encountered something on the rim that caused him/her to seek out the Star Forge. Maybe it was something that threatens the Republic and the Sith. Revan, light or dark, would have to return to the rim to try and deal with it. I expect in SL the PC will encounter Revan as a (robed and masked) force ghost. P.S. In PS:T the antagonist is present thorought the game, as you are fighting yourself.
  4. That stricture was introduced later by Darth Bane (about 1000 pre-ANH I think).
  5. I liked Vandar and wouldn't mind seeing him return in SL even if we have to have a hokey "he made it to the escape pod just in time" explanation for his survival. On the other hand the creation of an additional yoda-clone would overstretch credability and devalue the character concept.
  6. Adding extra control options seems like a sensible idea for those who find the existing contols difficult, so long as it doesn't mean rebuilding the game engine from the ground up.
  7. Qui-gon and Jolee and indeed Han Solo may be grey in thier personal beliefs, but when it comes to the crunch they come down on the light, as indeed the Fetts come down on the dark side (at least in the movies). I can't really envision an ending for KotOR which could be considered grey. Either you atone for your actions and help destroy the star forge or you reclaim your past identity as the dark lord of the Sith. Somehow killing Malak then putting the Star Forge up for sale to the highest bidder does not seem like an option that Revan would consider.
  8. But if you are already quite dark you are awarded more LS points for doing something good and fewer DS points for doing something bad. Visa versa for light. If you are going to do some of each it is best to do it early on while you are still about neutral.
  9. Yup, Star Wars is about the epic battle between good and evil. Real World is about grappling with moral ambiguties where any choice could turn out to be wrong. Star Wars and Real World are not related.
  10. for the record: he's much easier with a "consular" if you have force breach, you can just disable all trapped jedi. that way, you only have to fight malak once. as to the rest of you: yeah, malak was too easy. yeah, tis a game, not the movies- malak the coward had tactics and lines that suited him yeah, he seemed to much like an off-the-shelf bad guy. my 2 pence There are lots of force powers you can use to free or kill the imprisoned jedi. The best one is drain life so you can use thier life energy yourself! Malak had to be designed so that he could be defeated by a Sentinal or Consular with poorly chosen force powers, so it was unavoidable that a maxed out Guardian would cut through him like butter. Given the past history of the developers on this game it is pretty certain there will be a non-combat way to win in Sith Lords. A side effect of this is that the end boss can be tougher as wussy characters won't have to fight. Sith Lords has a different composer so the music may be better.
  11. I've tried the Galaxies trial and found it exceedingly dull. You can remap the keys though from the options button among those at the bottom right of the screen. I think it is a spanner (AKA wrench).
  12. I think there have been many Mandalores who have lead the Mandalorians. Maybe Candarous could be the new Mandalore? I don't know anything about a homeworld. As for Manaan, I doubt there is any call to revisit that world. It seems most likely that it will have fallen to the Sith. In SL there may be Selketh refugees kicking about other worlds. As the model already exists it may as well be used to make up the ambiant alien population. The possibilty of encountering Selketh Sith can't be ruled out.
  13. It wouldn't be Star Wars without cheesy dialogue!
  14. It occured to me that the 10th/11th companion could be Vandar/ a Sith Lord depending on your alignment towards the end of the game (they would only join in the endgame). A problem with that idea is that the Dark side ending implied Vandar was dead.
  15. Speaking of gay...what the hell is Teal? It's a kind of small duck.
  16. Where you playing on the PC or X-box version? Is the slowdown the same for both or is it more pronounced on the X-box?
  17. You could have cycling colours I suppose, or special effects like the red lightning crackle of the artifact in jedi acadamy.
  18. P.S. I'm dyslexic, I do wish there was a spell checker on these boards.
  19. One of the smartest fellows I know was a devout atheist. He broke off an engagement to the love of his life after repeatedly mocking her for having faith in a religion. He said that only an idiot would believe in the existance of the divine. Two years later after a theosophic experience, he is a devout believer himself. And he calls himself an idiot for insinuating that she was. I am a deeply religious man, and a man who loves science. I believe in questioning conventional logic, and probing deeper to understand why. I have found my fair share of close-minded religious and scientific zealots. The condition is not limited to one group or the other. In your post I see two statements. One would lead me to believe that you are a close-minded fool. The latter is where you claim to have an open-mind. You acknowledge the fact that you don't completely understand the nature of the universe and everything in it, but you are convinced that religion is inherently invalid. Hmm. Which am I to believe? Spellmar says: acutely I'm both! Actually I used to be a ferverent evangelical christian, but I eventualy I found I could no-longer honestly reconcile the inconsitencies. I am an athiest due to loss of faith rather than as an act of faith. I did break my own rule never to get into an argument about relegion though! You can't win, because the defender of faith will argue with all thier might, because the person they are really trying to convince is themself.
  20. It does depend on how the textures are drawn and coloured. If they where lit by a realistic physics engine (yes light is physics - so sayeth the physics teacher) just changing the light sorces would work, but you have to simulate how the light reflects of each surface to generate ambiant light. KOTOR simulated the ambiant light by the way the textures where shaded (the shadows where often very dodgy too). A more elaberate lighting system might overload the already stretched x-box as well as not fitting in with the short development cycle of this game.
  21. No random missions please. They are always generic and boring.
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