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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. I ain't got no Zabraks in my house, although Molly does have a stripey face.
  2. No, it sure wasn't. It didn't really seem believable. So what about the Verpine? What's the name of their planet? And here's another planet idea: Bpfassh. I remember the Verpine from a module from the WEG RPG, but they where on a secret rebel shipyard in an asteroid field (building B-wings). I don't recall anything about a homeworld. Curiously they look a little like Trade Federation Battle Droids (this was long before EP 1). battle droids? i thought they was bugs. Yup, but they had long faces and thin limbs like the battle droids.
  3. No, it sure wasn't. It didn't really seem believable. So what about the Verpine? What's the name of their planet? And here's another planet idea: Bpfassh. I remember the Verpine from a module from the WEG RPG, but they where on a secret rebel shipyard in an asteroid field (building B-wings). I don't recall anything about a homeworld. Curiously they look a little like Trade Federation Battle Droids (this was long before EP 1).
  4. In P&P creative players and GMs will find ways to work in obscure skills such as Knowledge: Mating habits of the Telosian Skunk Beatle.
  5. Since I played the game through twice, once mainly in armour and once mainly in robes I can't vote in the pole as it only gives me one vote.
  6. I think I have worked out what is happening here. When you aquare one of the 6 "prestege" classes you will be assigned a Padawan Learner/Sith Apprentice depending on your choice of class and your gender (it has been mentioned that gender is a factor in interviews). You will of course have to work hard to keep your student alive! This gives us 9 "normal" npc companions (although I doubt Kriea will make it to the end of the first reel), plus 1 out of possibly as many as 12 different students.
  7. George Lucas never made any prequels, get your facts straight... As for the races, there was that one bounty hunter race that we never saw, it wasn't the Mandalorians or the Irodonians...any help? Well, I was under the impression that the Empire Strikes Back was a prequel to Return of the Jedi... As for that alien race = Iridonians I thnk one of the mercs in the Mannaan bar was an Iridonian.
  8. That wouldn't preclude having one planet with 27 Sith Lords. Okay, I agree the phrasing implies the number of Sith Lords is between 3 and 6.
  9. What about Verpine? At maybe not as a party member but at least make an appearence. There was a lot of Verpine tech in the first game. As far as I remember from the West End Games RPG they are a tall insectoid race with some minor telepathic ability and are tech wizzes.
  10. yeah if you could please, and does anyone live in Australia that has a scanner? Nope, everyone knows there are no scanners in Australia, just marsupials.
  11. Acording to EU sources Mon Calamari has not been contacted at this time. And R2 droids won't be invented for 1000s of years.
  12. I think Hoth was cut from the first game bacause there was nothing interesting there (it is supposed to be uninhabited at this time). After you've killed your 32nd Wampa it begins to get tired.
  13. Most likely options would be location in the game at last save or choice of class/prestege class. Has it actually been anounced anywhare that there will be 7 Sith lords? It seems like a lot if they each represent rival factions. I would guess 3 or 4 factions would be the maximum. It might include masters and apprentices though. Or non-faction Sith Lords like Revan and Freedon Nadd.
  14. How about a sabre-axe? It could be used by the Sullustrian Jedi character. :D
  15. The model looks like it could do with some tweeks (Smaller lips, lower eyes). I think Mira will prove treacherous, I don't trust Bounty Hunters after BGII.
  16. As I've mentioned before Onderon will probably be one of the worlds since Dxun is so close. Also in the background on the earlier video clip was a dragon like creature which could have been a beast rider mount. Onderon has a pseudo-medievil feel to it. I personally I can't think of any more stories to tell on Kashyakk. We had Wookie slaves in the first game.
  17. One of the interviews stated that Battle Meditation can effect larger scale battles, presumably via dialog and cut scenes. In normal combat I expect it will give friendlies bonuses to attack and defence (and maybe critical hit chance) and hostiles penalties to the same. It won't change ability scores like valour (which I found very useful out of combat to boost skills). Rage/Fury will probably boost Attack, Damage, number of attacks and HP but penalise defence. Force Sight really aught to boost Awereness skill in addition to its other effects.
  18. I would like to see non-jedi force users in the party, perhaps Sith trained (Dursil, Selketh) or a Force Adept type. A Gammorian with a big axe would be fun. I was very disappointed that I didn't get to run around with a big axe in the first game.
  19. Gungan, Gammorian, Dug, Gran. + Trandoshan
  20. Didn't Mara Jade have a purple lightsaber? I've only read the first book of the Zahn trilogy, but here's a pic for the SW: CCG (a card game). Yes, you played as Mara Jade in Misteries of the Sith.
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