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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. Unarmed combat would be 3 Feats. + Unique class feats for each PrC 3 levels per class if following same pattern = 18. + Unique Character feats for non Force using NPCs, say about 4. = 25 which is getting close to 30 already.
  2. It has been indirectly confirmed that Darth Sion and the masked guy are not the same. It was asked if the guy on the title screen (now reveiled to be Sion) in the Mike Gallo video was the masked guy. We where told no, it is a different Sith Lord. We also know there are at least 3 Sith Lords.
  3. Grey spherical ball in ANH? You mean the Death Star right? Maybe it is something like the probe droids used by Darth Maul in TPM.
  4. I think the colours have been exagerated on that set of screen shots. In all the others the Ebon Hawk is the same colour as before.
  5. From the designer diary on the lucasarts site: From the trailer: "We have all but destroyed the jedi knights..."
  6. I think the lack of grammar is the real problem which is not to say that my grammar is always perfect wot my girlfriend the English teacher keeps complaining about like but grammar is very important to clarity and people are more inclined to take time to read short well spaced paragraphs to i think;
  7. . Not a bad idea, but I think that Sithlord looks too man-like to be a woman, so why not change it to "brother" instead? Twins can be of the opposite sex too, you know Unfortunatly its already been anounced than Onderon is ruled by a queen (although I guess they could be using one of the alternative meanings of that word).
  8. On topic: I've had some thoughts about this. How about the king and queen of Onderon (from TotJ) have twin daughters strong in the Force. One is sent away at a young age to become a Jedi. The other remains on Onderon to be groomed for the sucsession. The twin on Onderon falls to the dark side and arranges the early demise of her parents. She becomes the beutiful young queen, but is secretly a Dark Lord of the Sith (donning a mask to conceal her identity). "Atris, I am your sister." "Noooo!!!!!!"
  9. Dunno about that, since I think we got it confirmed before that the queen won't be an ugly-looking old hag Interesting possibility there.. Women don't turn into ugly hags the minute they hit 60!
  10. I have suggested previously that Kriea could be Bastilla in disguse (it's quite easy to disguise a young person as an old person, and she does tend to keep her hood down). However the possibility of killing Bastilla in KotOR would seem to make this unlikely. As for Jolee's wife, I believe she turned to the dark side. We only have Jolee's word that she is dead though, and Jedi have been known to lie (or be mistaken).
  11. Since TSL is set 40 or so years after Tales of the Jedi I would imagine the king and queen of Onderon would be the same as at the end of that story (names I forget) and therfore aged 60-70. I think there is a history of Force sensitivity in the royal family of Onderon though, so "Atris" could be a scion of that line.
  12. The black guy appears to have one of the PC faces (it's the one I used so I recognise it). The shoulder cape is new though. The silver armour guy has already been spotted in some of the screenshots. He does appear to be a party character. I thought it might even be Canderous. I thought I caught a glimse of Dursil Onassi in there. Yeah, but there's another pc model standing to his left [with the black robes and visor] Yup, I noticed the other guy. Theories: 1) The black guy is an NPC with an all new body but an old head (either as a placeholder or because he is only a minor character). 2) The black guy is the PC with new "regular clothes". The black robed guy is an NPC or placeholder.
  13. The black guy appears to have one of the PC faces (it's the one I used so I recognise it). The shoulder cape is new though. The silver armour guy has already been spotted in some of the screenshots. He does appear to be a party character. I thought it might even be Canderous. I thought I caught a glimse of Dursil Onassi in there. Are you sure that wasn't Atton? He's the only one that really looks anything like Dustil in the trailer. The Coruscant-type planet looks really cool!!! I did not spot any1 who looked like dustil, but Atton Rand does look a little like him! The Coruscant type planet is probably Coruscant. Read the designer diary on the Lucasarts site. I saw the face of a character that looked a lot younger than ealier pictures of Atton Rand (Dursil should be 21 in TSL). There was also a character in Sith uniform who looked like they could be part of the party.
  14. Winter 04 means the winter that starts in 04. i.e Dec 04, Jan 05 or Feb 05. Clearly they would like to get it done in time for the Christmas market but aren't sure that they will be able to get it past QA by that date, so they are hedging thier bets.
  15. The black guy appears to have one of the PC faces (it's the one I used so I recognise it). The shoulder cape is new though. The silver armour guy has already been spotted in some of the screenshots. He does appear to be a party character. I thought it might even be Canderous. I thought I caught a glimse of Dursil Onassi in there.
  16. There is no reason why a character can't have more than 10 hp per level. In my speculation I gave the Marauder more hp than a Weapon Master because I think the Weapon Master may rely more on finesse but the Marauder rely more on brute force, and I thought the designers might want to make them different in ways other than alignment.
  17. Will there be more complex feat/force power trees? I.e cross dependancies rather than power X level 1, 2, 3.
  18. Im sure there must be more to the classes than that. According to your descriptions, the lord would be a suboptimal choice and I really doubt OE would make one class so much weaker than the others. That's just as far as my guesswork could go. I expect each class will also have a unique power that improves with level.
  19. the "poor" BAB wasn't used in KotOR so it might not be in TSL. Good BAB = level Average BAB = 2/3 level round down Poor BAB = 1/2 level round down I saw the descriptions in a UK magazine but I can't remember which one as I read it in the news agents (I'm half Yorkshire/ half Scots and all tight-fisted).
  20. I don't think TSL classes will look much like these. Here is some speculation Weaponmaster (per level) 10 hp, 4 fp, 1sp good BAB, extra lightsabre stances Marauder 12 hp, 2 fp, 1 sp, good BAB Watchman 8hp, 6 fp, 3 sp, avarage BAB Assassin 6 hp, 6 fp, 3 sp, good BAB, sneek attack bonus Master 6 hp, 8 fp, 2 sp, poor BAB, faster force point regeneration (from magazine article) Lord 6 hp 8 fp, 2 sp, poor BAB I expect you will have to do a quest which requires you to show sutable aptitude for the class rather than have specific feat/skill/BAB requirements. e.g. to become a weaponmaster you have to defeat the current weaponmaster using only your lightsabre, to become a jedi master you have to show great wisdom in solving a dispute, to become an assassin you have to sneak in somewhere and kill someone without being detected.
  21. Well the ghosts could be metaphorical. The phrase I notice is the mention of the deserted Jedi Temple on Coruscant. How do we know it is deserted unless we go there?
  22. Superweapons: In the Clone Wars expansion to Galactic Battlegrounds the bad guys had a super-tank called a devestator.
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