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Everything posted by julianw

  1. The choice should be simple. Everybody vote for Kreia!!!!!
  2. Here's a get-well card.
  3. Could you please explain where this came from, Cheers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There was considerable amount of specualtions that Bastila, under the corruption of the darkside, became Kreia in K2. I am very very positive that they had solid evidence to back up this theory.
  4. Video only loaded halfway for me, so was the conclusion that Bush hired Osama bin Laden to blow up the twin towers so they could take out Saddam? This sounds a little similar to the conspiracy theory that FDR sacrificed Pearl Harbor to enter W.W.II..
  5. Hurlshot is an anti-dentite!
  6. 20 votes to go (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 35 now, unless you count the Bastila votes as well since Kreia is rumored to 'be' Bastila.
  7. Yeah, they always fight back and never give up. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> France had a 2nd goal in the first half that should have counted though.
  8. You said that about God, too.
  9. MAN DOES NOT CRY. PERIOD. The only acceptable bodily fluids coming out of a man are blood, sweat, and urine.
  10. I bought my dad a blender, which he told me that he's never going to use.
  11. I don't eat while at the computer but I am craving for some instant noodles at the moment...
  12. ^ And Blank is what we call an 'alt-hunter'.
  13. I was pretty sure they are already on the market and after a quick google search:
  14. It's comfy alright, but it also farts.
  15. It's actually useful information... Goku from DBZ is originally based on the Monkey King from a classic Chinese fantasy novel:
  16. Enjoy this if you've followed American sports for the past 50 years or just watch a lot of ESPN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88zWUKEHx0w...ports%20montage
  17. That toad reminds me of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa's Smile.
  18. Luke was, but not Revan <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? Who granted him the rank?
  19. ^All I remember from the film was the fact that the girl from another disaster film the Day after Tomorrow was also in this one and had a lot of teenage angst since she couldn't get laid; and there was lots and lots of water...
  20. Was Revan or Luke ever a Jedi Master?
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