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Everything posted by julianw

  1. I am more surprised by the fact that this woman has married 21 times. Does she eat her male companions after mating?
  2. Irony! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think that already happened... it's called China. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you implying that communists and socialists are introverts? Hmm... I can actually see this: Mao and his introverts buddies gathered on a boat, secretly plotting a revolution against those extroverts bastards who believe that capitalism and opening up to the West is the future for China. :D
  3. Animal cruelty! Waxing is the only form of hair removal allowed to be performed on a chimp!
  4. That's not the only logical explanation! Personally, I prefer another one: some 8-year-old kid in 3009 was bored, so he decided to travel back in time and stack a few stones.
  5. Okay, the Byzantines make more sense then. It was a loose interpretation after all.
  6. Anyhoo, you might want to check out the film I recommended. It even got a religious factor in it. (Just to get you interested: Did you notice that the rise of every major religion (when it's still pure and its leaders upright) marks the beginning of the peak of great civilizations? Christianity ---> Roman Empire. Hinduism ---> Ancient India. Buddhism ---> Golden Age in ancient China. Islam ---> the Ottoman Empire. The film reflects on this... )
  7. Just saw Warriors of Heaven and Earth. Great film. @Mothie - Scary Movie 4 is done by the same dudes who did 3. Not 1.
  8. New playoff format? Btw, with Kobe playing the Suns, I think he's going to average 50. But if he averages 30, the Lakers might have a better chance.
  9. The East: 1st round: Detroit; Miami; NJ; Cleveland. 2nd round: Cleveland; Miami. (Wade vs. LBJ! (w00t) ) East Champ: Miami. The West: 1st round: Sacramento(even if Duncan's ankle holds up); Phoenix; Clippers; Dallas. 2nd round: Clippers; Phoenix. West Champ: Clippers ( ) Finals Champ: Miami. @kumq: Detroit meets Cleveland in the second round... unless I am mistaken?
  10. Pakistan has always been quite friendly with China, since both of them had/have sort of a beef with India.
  11. Calax is from North Cal... but try this in some parts of LA county or any third world country, you are dead. This sort of crap only happens in places where people got nothing better to do.
  12. I know China sells arms to Pakistan and Israel. (Though I might have read about it here, so it is not that reliable... :D ) Racism will never die since prejudice is part of human nature, but prejudice among nations can be eliminated. One day, Chuck Norris will unite us all.
  13. A math challenge for all you geniuses (high school mathematics and a high IQ should be sufficient): Each of n gentlemen checks both a hat and an umbrella. The hats are returned at random and then the umbrellas are returned at random independently. What is the probability that no man gets back his hat and his umbrella? +100 tombs pts for getting the correct answer. (you get no points if you majored in science during college.)
  14. I remember Clinton stated similar points in a speech defending his foreign policies regarding China: a economically strong and politically stable China is much more favorable to US than a weak China in political chaos and its power rests in the hands of military hard liners. I don't doubt the possibilities of minor military conflicts between US and China, but I am quite positive that neither the Chinese people and their government nor the American people and their government wouldn't do anything in their power to prevent this from ever happening. As for whether China is interested in total war on any nation, the answer is NO. The Chinese leadership since the start of its civilization has always been under the pressure to keep its land intact. Everyone in China knows that the reason the Chinese government right now desperately want to unite Taiwan with mainland is that no leader of China wish to be remembered as the loser who lost Taiwan. Personally, as long as the Taiwan people are happy, I couldn't give a damn about the whole issue, but I guess when 5000 years of pride is on the line, some people just can't grasp the idea that the whole earth is but one nation. However, rest assured, China has no ambition of conquering any other nation. For 5000 years, Chinese only fought their neighbors when provoked and most of times ended up on the losing side and have to submit to the rulings of other races. They spend generations of manpower just to a build a wall long enough to keep the foreigners out. Unless its culture changes radically any time soon, the rest of the world should have no fear of an invasion from China.
  15. ^ Well, it's more like red-orange. Did I mention how handsome I looked on it?
  16. Sorry about that vulgar analogy anyway. I am just a young punk who sympathizes with the illegal immigrants since I too sacrificed very much just for a piece of the American dream. I did it legally, btw, before you get upset again. ^_^ *shows his shiny orange green card* I understand that US is generous enough as it is, allowing young punks like me to come into this country, go to its schools, and living a better life than I deserve, so I am sincerely grateful for this generosity and wish nothing but the best for this country. Okay, enough rambling. :">
  17. A million apologies for the misunderstanding. My analogy only applies to the process of deporting 50 million people and then try to reinstate them into the system again. It's certainly not directed at your well-written posts. Also I certainly won't argue about whether the illegals have the right to be here, I am simply arguing that deporting all of them may not be the most beneficial step for the US government to take. Again, if my ignorance offends you then I am truly sorry.
  18. Don't be silly, Hades. Back in your grandfather's days, we have no laws restricting immigrants who are (direct quote from immigration laws) "free white person". As for your friend from UK, the US still has no severe restrictions on western European immigrants because few of them really want to come here in the first place. The death tolls from people trying to reach America should be enough to convince you that the immigration system is broken at the moment. I guess being an immigant myself, it's just easier for me to sympathize with their cause. You see, back in China, we call this 'taking off your pants and fart'. Why can't we tighten our border security and prevent more illegals from entering and grant those already here legal status (not citizenship) to work here? Or maybe offer them the choice of paying a hefty fine for breaking the laws in the first place so they could stay or be deported?
  19. I still think my theory is more plausible...
  20. If I get this right, then your proposal is to actively deport the illegals and at the same time drive them out of jobs so we eventually get rid of all of them? In the process, we get our unemployed workers back to work and get new (and legal) immigrants to fill any void in the work force? I am guessing this since rewarding any illegal immigrant legal status is obviously out of the question. I can see that by rewarding the illegal immigrants, we might encourage more of them to come and dig us into a deeper hole, so I guess you are right. In the end, we really might not be doing the illegals any favor since their children would have to compete with a new wave of illegal workers. Though there are still a few problems with your plan: First, many illegal immigrants have family members living and working here legally. I am sure they wouldn't thank you a thousand fold for separating their family. Furthermore, the system for legal immigration into US is certainly broken. Climbing over mountains and escape from armed border patrol members or hiding in a cargo hold for weeks deprived of oxygen certainly aren't as comfortable as waiting on a sofa for an interview with an immigration officer. So I wonder if the US is ready to lift the quotas on legal immigration? If so, wouldn't you get the same group of people you just deported?
  21. Hey. Now that you mentioned it, what's up with those Coke commercials where the polar bears are hanging out with the penguins? Has some crazy PETA people smuggled polar bears into Antarctica?
  22. Hmm... You mean the polar regions? It's true, however, that here in California spring doesn't mean much difference from winter, but when the allergies start attacking, you know the trees are getting horny again... <_<
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