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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Tolkien may have invented the term, but now when I hear Eldar, I always have the mental picture of a 6'2'' gigantic grinning Nord in medieval clothing, holding a large cup of mead.
  2. I am not a female! Stupid test... @Baley - Very interesting post. Though you are an atheist, I found your following approach to religion more sound than many of the religious: "But the truth is simple. My soul has never felt God. And I shall certainly rather trust my soul than some old drunken preachers stranded on a mountain's top." Your morals and ideologies are derived from within. There is a similar saying in Chinese: Were there no morals before Confuscius? (Bad translation...) Therefore, I disagree that religions are creations of men. I think men merely compile and organize them. Disagree?
  3. ^That's still pretty impressive. I can't write sh1t with a calligraphy brush.
  4. I read about some woman in China who ate rocks to help her digest the food (or is it that she just like the taste?). So I tell you: Chinese women are going to devour the earth before global warming!
  5. ^ Is that phone a souvenir? Or did you steal it from a museum?
  6. That chair (or is it a stool?) doesn't look all that comfortable... You should get one of these:
  7. They do. That's one hot-looking dummer, btw.
  8. A quick tip: save right before you get out of the first dungeon (city sewers) when the game allows you to reconfigure your character, so if your character doesn't feel that great later, you could always restart from that point.
  9. 12,800 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Obsidian better give Hades a free game or something when Hades reaches level 10.
  10. Those were the translations in English. @Rosbjerg - Did you write them yourself? Or was it a friend?
  11. I didn't know Guild Wars is so Oriental... Are there Japanese elves or Mongolian dwarves?
  12. My guess for wot: median - 21 and mean - 25 (due to the late-30s and early-40s club)
  13. Is that concept art for Age of Empires?
  14. You can click on it to see further explanation.
  15. Why is there zero chubby-people in Oblivion? Looks like everybody's got a six-pec... with shaved armpits, too!
  16. http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=1461
  17. Pigs are the best thing about this topic so far. They go oink and have funny tails <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay, so the pigs escaped in the end and me the butcher who went after them was drowned when crossing a river. Happy ending. :D
  18. Human compassion is one of our greatest strengths. Btw, Moose, I hope my pig-analogy made sense. If it didn't, I hope it at least got a chuckle of you.
  19. There are things in life that are worth fighting and dying for. The truth can't get any simpler than that. It's as obvious as the sun. All you need to do is open your eyes and see. If a man decides that his comfort is more important than his freedom, than I say:"Congratulations, sir, you've chosen the life of a pig."
  20. Next time he dips his hand in boiling water, he's going to shout 'light!' as well. Even a foolish man like me doesn't need to travel to the sun to know its existence. Pigs used to be wild animals, running free in the mountains. Then it learned the comfort of the pigsty, so it forgets all about fighting and lives in a fence. Eventually the pigs will be killed and served on a plate.
  21. Look, I too believe that the concept of a country is not worth dying for, but when the lives of my father, my mother or my sons and daughters are threatened and when people's basic rights as human beings are forcefully taken away, I would gladly give my life to defend them. Now I don't know much about this poet, but if he believes that all wars are not worth fighting for, then it is the poet who could not see the truth. His long years spent in the trenches and my total inexperience with war have nothing to do with who's right here. No matter how close you bring a blind man to a candle, he still could not see the light. If this poet could stand and watch as innocent children were sent into gas chambers, then he is a simply a man indifferent to all life and no different from a dog who spends his time between sleep, meals and licking his own balls.
  22. If in some smothering dreams you too could pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin; If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, - My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess sometimes you have to ask the question:"Is ____ worth one good man's life?" As Eldar pointed out before, many things are. I certainly refuse to believe that the soldiers who have given their lives so the people of Europe could live in freedom again were merely children ardent for desperate glory.
  23. Yet it was the tensions from the Cold War that sped up research in aerospace and nuclear technology and many other fields of science. Through competition and conflicts, mankind grows stronger, but if we keep mercy and compassion in our hearts and learn to forgive, we could still strive for peace and harmony along with growth.
  24. Not really. Men are allowed in man's room. Women aren't. But seriously though, I was thinking more about involuntary military service. If a woman can perform the job better than man and is willing to take the risks, then I have nothing against that.
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