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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Illegals do pay sales taxes, btw. It's also true that the illegal immigrants are doing the jobs Americans won't do. Our umemployment rate is below 5%, which consists of people who just joined the work force as well as people searching for higher-paying jobs. If you are against any sort of guest-worker program, I wonder if you have a better proposal for the current situation then?
  2. You know it's spring when I have to wake up an hour before my classes just to get my allergy attack over with.
  3. The fact of the matter is that you have got some 50~80 million people living here in US without legal status. Yes, they don't pay their fair share of taxes and pose a major threat to our national security since they are very difficult for the government to moniter. But there is simply no way for you to drive them away without a great cost to the US economy and its legal citizens. Again, I want to ask you: why would you injure others at a cost of yourself? That's why Bush's guest-worker program could work. We get the illegal immigrants into the system so that they are registered and easy to find and pay their fair share of taxes and all the same while maintaining the balance in our economy. As for my lameass argument, I should clarify that if you didn't do things right the first time, you probably want to learn from your mistakes and make things right the second time.
  4. Obviously you have no idea how tough it is to immigrate to US through legal means. Still, it is a virtue to be reasonable and accomodating toward others (and not to mention how stupid it is to hurt others while not helping yourself.) If you want all the illegals out of the country, you are basically seeking to cripple your own economy because you know well that the unemployed work force in the US right now is not going to take over the low-paying jobs filled by illegal immigrants. If you want to be unreasonable and argue that the illegals broke the law so they should be criminalized, then I suggest you also write a letter to the US congress and ask them to return the whole country to the Native Americans. I don't remember the Indians inviting the colonizers as legal immigrants to slaughter them and take their land.
  5. Hoff... I so want to bite those tender juicy... Hi, DL! How are you doing?
  6. First of all, many central and south Americans come to US illegally as well and are known to have started some of the most notorious gang organizations in US. Secondly, we can all see that the system is broken and sending the illegals back home won't solve anything except hurting the US economy. If you want that, then be my guest.
  7. Well. California and the entire Southwest belonged to the Mexicans just one and a half century ago. They are reclaiming their property now. :ph34r:
  8. Meat is good for the body and bad for your soul. Did you know that whatever type of animal you ate the most in your life would be what you turn into in the next life?
  9. I am afraid that won't be enough. The government spendings on border security in the past years have increased three fold only to see an increase in the number of illegal immigrants. Also Hades, if you check the numbers, a large portion (30~40%) of the illegal immigrants here are women and the majority of the illegals are family-oriented and hard-working people. Don't get the wrong impression that most of them are single men and are either gang members or drug dealers. Secondly, they do contribute positively to many industries here. I have no problem with cracking down on the criminals among illegal immigrants with harsh measures, but a guest-worker program seems necessary; otherwise, US would be hurting itself by driving away a part of its work force. (Our unemployment rate is still around a very healthy 5% mind you.)
  10. She can light my candle any time... " though I was actually wondering about Lois the fictional character and whether it was the same Lois from the movies...
  11. Meh. The movie was good, just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. By the end, I was just praying for Kong to fall off that building. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Since you are a devout Christian, let's pretend that you didn't just say that. You heartless 刻薄鬼!
  12. Now that we have entered the land of speculation, I think Judas never had true faith in Christ. Perhaps in his eyes, Jesus was not the Lord but someone exceedingly arrogant for all his claims. Perhaps Judas betrayed Jesus out of jealousy over the Jesus' power and anger over His arrogance, and the "30 pieces of silver" are only an added bonus. (Besides, that's a lot of money back then, no?)
  13. ^ How could a half-naked hottie fail to draw a bigger audience, even if she was terrorizing the city?
  14. I agree. Don't know much about the Dead Sea Scrolls myself, but it seems to me that Christians emphasize too much on the significance of Jesus
  15. Question: is this the same Lois from the movies? She's from Smallville, too?
  16. Moses wasn't born a prophet... so you never know.
  17. Left or right? Your choice.
  18. They have some super-advanced lasers, too.
  19. I think you haven't been completely honest with us. Come on. Spit out the rest of the story!
  20. I fight stress by playing basketball until I can't stand straight anymore so for at least a few hours I am going to be too tired to worry about anything.
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