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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Actually, I am an electrical engineering major. Apparently not a bright one though. Science is not another theory. If my words upetted you in any way, I apologize. I said it is a practice. I just don't think it explains everything such as life's purpose, etc.. So I try different means to find the answer. I doubt my skepticism for those people are any less than yours. That's why I try to study them in the first place. Their claims are so significant that I must find out whether they are lying or not. It is because that I am a man of science, I feel that it is my responsibility to distinguish truth from fallacies in any claims. Anyway, just want to thank everyone's inputs. It helps a lot to learn others' perspectives on the issue.
  2. Acutally, I simply study all religions a little bit, though I am no expert on any of them. I wouldn't call myself religious at all, since I don't follow any of them. But I certainly would not discredit any prophets without extensively studied their teachings myself. Since you think Mohammed hasn't been discredited yet, why can't there be new prophets coming that won't be discredited either? I mean Mohammed did come after Christ and Moses. Well. Newton's laws are once regarded as the eventual theory in physics, but when science advanced and new experimental methods become available, quantum mechanics becomes the theory that outdated Newton's laws. F = ma was proved to be only a very good estimation but not fully correct. It doesn't mean we can no longer believe in science. I am simply saying that science updates itself. I am simply comparing how we practice religion and science, not the actual practice themselves. They both require openmindedness is all I am saying. Fanatism in any practice is evil. Well, except Kotor of course.
  3. Generally speaking, most manga characters look like teenagers though. But again, who doesn't want to look young? I mean plastic surgery is getting more and more popular these days, right? Launch, me want pictures of Bulma, too.
  4. Not Kenshin though. The dude is 28 years old when the manga started. Don't know how old Spike is, but must be over twenty though.
  5. Changing clothes for characters in manga means a lot more work, so the artists don't do it. Just imagine that the characters wash their only piece of clothing everyday. Great work as always.
  6. But don't you think that you must believe in the practice of science that it is the method to reveal truth about the physical world. The scientific methods have come a long way since the beginning of human race. I mean the contemporary science certainly makes more sense to us than studying nature simply through perception, but ancients have held similar beliefs in using perception alone to study nature. Hence, they believed that sun revolves around earth. But when methods or theories in science get out of date, we scratch them. Since we don't yet know everything about science, you can only say that we believe in the scientific methods. And I think religion applies to metaphysics in a similar way. Science and religion are valid ways to study physics and metaphysics, but they are not stagnant and requires updates. By the way, religion does not deal with God in western terminology all the time: Buddhism, Confuscism, etc..
  7. I think many religious people believe in the big bang, too. They believe it is God who started it, which is one possible explanation. Of course, it is not the only one. But I think since the big bang did not happen by following the laws of this universe(these laws only govern the existence), its cause might have been willed by something else? But the study of science as means to discover the truth is something that requires faith in the method. I think there is the same approach to religion. When new prophets arrive and reveal new tablets, we investigate with an open mind just like we investigate new theories revealed by further study of science. See? Science and religion are not so different after all.
  8. We believe in religion and science. It doesn't mean we must believe in monotheism and gravity, and gravity, as you said, is already proved wrong. I just think we should keep an open mind in this progressive universe, and it shouldn't conflict with our faith in science or religion.
  9. I agree science and religion do not conflict, and I believe they should be practiced in a way that compliments each other. No one (well, maybe the prophets) can claim that they have full understanding of God, and science is equally limitless. So one should always search for proofs from both fields to test one's beliefs.
  10. Here are some of my thoughts on the subject: If the Big Bang created all matters of existence, which are governed by laws of science that can be discovered through studying of matter; then the Big Bang itself must occured by will but not by the laws that itself created. Hence, the Big Bang is not only the primal cause but also the primal will. Maybe, this can count for some sort of evidence of God. Anyone?
  11. I wouldn't talk trash about some one who can destroy planets. Awesome picture, show us more! (w00t)
  12. Just tried drawing with paint, and it is sooooo hard, especially when you have shaky hands. I think I'd rather solve a Calculus problem next time. Forgive the crapiness, I tried really hard: Launch: Love all your comics. How you draw the small details is beyond me.
  13. Is that a tear on the Exile's face? That is one awesome picture, I love the 'emotions'.
  14. Haha, Draken, are you that desperate? Glad you liked the picture.
  15. An Echani fighter must be ripped, right? Thanks for all the encouraging comments!
  16. After viewing all the brilliant drawings, I was inspired to try one myself. So here it is: (I borrowed Atton's pose in the game menu, except the jacket) I couldn't seem to get the pose right, as it turned out a bit weird. Any help or criticism is welcome!
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