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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Wow. They actually updated the 'homosexuality' page. It used to be much more concise and simply stated it as a sin and something else blah blah...
  2. You might want to start looking at women with less baggage or just get a dog.
  3. Well, there is bound to be backstabbing when not all your interests align. That doesn't change the fact that both countries are stuck together in a sinking boat and neither's economy can survive without the other's.
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090313/ap_on_...hina_us_economy The communist party is warning US against radical fiscal policies... K_K/Sand: China and US are already sleeping together. China is already trapped by US debts so they got to keeping buying them to keep the dollar strong. Your 'enemy' is financing Obama's stimulus package in case you didn't notice.
  5. More sex ed or make birth control mandatory till you are 18??
  6. ^It's true... There is an Evangelion movie in the making too. I think these sci-fi films should be easier for Hollywood to make comparing to Dragonball or Naruto... where a lot of Asian humor and culture the producers just can't fully grasp.
  7. http://dragonballthemovie.com/ I am cautiously optimistic since I am a fanboy and would see this in theater no matter what... Though I gotta ask: where is the tail??? In news relating to another classic anime, MTV is making a Cowboy Bebop film and Keanu Reeves is set to play Spike. I am not sure what to make of that yet...
  8. Hey. You just might be right. The only gay people I have ever come to be personally associated with are all from the college crowd. I never met any 'traditionally' gay people.
  9. I haven't looked into any research on the subject but from personal experience, most of the openly gay people I have met are still physically attracted to girls. While I am not knowledgeable enough to make a judgment, but it's believed within the religious community that we hear more about homosexuals failing to live straight lives but those who succeed are less likely to advertise about their stories since they are probably married, have a family and want to leave the past in the past.
  10. I see where you objections to traditional marriage come from now... and I agree for the most part. Though in defense of Asian traditions, remember during the times of Confucius, medicine technology is still quite lacking. People also live a lot shorter with lack of nutrition. Your window to give birth to a health baby all the while being productive enough so you can raise him/her to adulthood is very narrow. I would say in those days, you do have a moral obligation to marry young and give your child the best chance to grow up to full adulthood, and many of the older traditions facilitate that process. Nowadays, you can have a baby at say 50 if you are rich enough, and I think that
  11. ^Could you elaborate on that last sentence? I am not quite sure what you meant by that.
  12. It's my understanding that the Bible advises against homosexuality in a few passages. However, there are many more passages there concerning infidelity. All the Christians who are against gay marriages are quite silly; since if gays aren
  13. I think a lack of an open mind is a big reason why people can't stand views in contrast to their deepest beliefs. People just have too much pride sometimes. It's no big wonder when a person is deeply humbled by some unforeseen event, suddenly he/she has some new revelation about life. If God really wants man to achieve greater wisdom, he should employ the strategy of 'shock and awe'. Maybe sending a few avenging angels could help.
  14. I guess I am also playing the odd that's he is a forgiving God...
  15. Well. I always liked a quote from some 17th century philosopher: I bet on God because if I win the bet I get eternal life; and if I lose the bet, I lose nothing.
  16. I was only joking... I don't really think that the conditions have gone so far south that the Palesitians would want to leave their homeland. However, if you will indulge in my nonsense, here is another suggestion. How about we force the region to desegregate. I remember watching a documentary many years ago about basketball camps involving Palestitian and Israeli youth. While the young boys and girls stayed the camps, they grew to love and respect each other. What if we make the entire region a huge 'basketball camp'? Wonder if that will work...
  17. I take no offense to any type of faith as long as it is not aimed to cause injury to others, and I'd like to believe that most people base their life on a set of principles and beliefs. The fanatics however do scare me.
  18. I am still in favor of Kafty's plan involving dozens of school buses and moving the Palestinians to somewhere like China far away from the Jews. Remember the Sichuan earthquake here made 4 million people homeless and forced 11 million to relocate and we still got through that. Taking in 1.5 million Palestitians is a piece of cake.
  19. Also some pictures of the condition of the house might help you claim that insurance. As for me, if this is an escape from some sort of uprising, I would take nothing and just join the mobs and start looting.
  20. Well. My question is that people keep drawing the battlelines along atheists and religious people when I always thought atheists believe in the non-existence of God, and is obviously quite religious because of their faith in this non-existence of God. I have always believed that the pure atheists are a very small minority of society where most of the non-religious people are simply agnostic that is to be doubtful or skeptical about the existence of God. Personally, I've always felt that the very religious of the society lacked a bit in the spirit of independent investigation and sort of let faith overrule logic in some cases, so I see nothing wrong with being skeptical about the existence of God. However, I must admit I have trouble understanding the pure atheists since I usually associate that with life without purpose, which would make life entirely pointless to me.
  21. Slumdog Millionaire. Best Indian film I ever saw (out of about 3 of them)... Seriously though it's a great film. I would have voted it best film of the year over the Dark Knight.
  22. There are seriously less people in that region than my elementary school in China. Just move half of them somewhere as far as possible already.
  23. 28.4%. All those anime and pixar movies got me that far... I probably heard of 50% of them though.
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