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Everything posted by julianw

  1. I highly doubt that US could ever go back to mono-culturalism. A temporary lapse maybe but scientific advances in telecommunications would continue to drive globalization even if the political forces begin to work against it.
  2. And don't forget to bring plenty of rubbers!
  3. Recently discovered a great show on Nickelodeon: Avatar: the last airbender. Maybe a bit too simple and straightforward for the maturer audience but you can always enjoy it with your kids...
  4. Didn't Kafty's sig use to say something like "a good debate should be like masturbation, pointless but fun and educational"? Personally, I would prefer kids be taught creation in school since snake that talk, magic apple, naked lady etc. seem to have more entertainment value comparing to study Darwin and monkeys.
  5. I don't know if there are aliens or not. If there aren't any though, there would be an awful lot of wasted space out there.
  6. Long time no see Baley. How's the desert in Iraq? And Krookie, Yuusha doesn't hate America; he just thinks that people hate America. At least that's what I've gathered.
  7. ^He's not from the country. Hate is a strong word btw,
  8. Haha, i just finished watching it on tv (basic cable). It does bring back memories. I remember thinking that it was the coolest movie ever when I first watched it in elementary school.
  9. Can't believe that you took my ridiculous "hollow" comment so seriously. You must thought a lot about this particular subject. There is no uniformed view on the subject of the soul in the Buddhist community since the religion has now branched into so many schools, so you probably won't get an official explanation concerning your question; but if you ever get one, please keep us posted. In my personal opinion, you probably want to look into this place called the soul society. All these souls just sit in that place and they must get bored...
  10. I am sure Buddha has a secret soul reserve bank. Some souls turn into hollows too and then eat other souls. You simply can't manage without some sort of backup.
  11. Only time I ever ran a mile is for a PE class in high school 6 or 7 years ago. I think I finished in about 9 minutes (I was walking half the time; I am more of an explosive slasher type and unlike Laozi I have trouble maintaining momentum.)
  12. julianw


    Happy birthday! Don't people say that 40 is the new 30?
  13. Especially since he is worth 25 million dollars! Congress is going to vote to double the bounty money soon. So get ready.
  14. Donno. We might have some Baozi made from Laozi tho. On a side note, I heard that many human body parts (male testes in particular) taste great. I remember reading about them on a magazine which detailed the story behind a cannibalistic serial killing ring. Though it might have been a novel. Can't remember.
  15. Wow. Political cover-up over cardboard buns? WTF. Btw, I may be wrong but I think the Chinese greeting about daily meals might be similar to how British people greet each other by talking about the weather. It's a culture thing perhaps?
  16. ^How else do you expect us Chinese to feed ourselves? We got like 2 billion people and usually greet each other with 'have you eaten yet?'.
  17. ^Sit in the back row could solve that problem for you. You can observe the whole audience's reaction to the movie (sometimes they could be quite entertaining) and flick pop corns at annoying cellphone users.
  18. I vote hot dog cuz I used to eat a double cheeseburger every day and my taste buds no longer respond to burgers...
  19. At least their baozi has a good amount of healthy fiber...
  20. The punishment should fit the crime. They should be starved to death as well.
  21. I think it's clearly stated that whichever hand that has committed the sin must be chopped off.
  22. It is true. He was caught with the steroids. I think he even admitted that he was taking them after he had been caught. You can
  23. I heard he just got busted for taking steroids. Not really surprised if true though... He was HUGE in that film.
  24. So when are u gonna convert to Islam??

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