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Everything posted by julianw

  1. I saw the Dark Knight this weekend in a packed theater. It was funny. Every time the Joker gets on the screen you can hear the murmuring excitement from the crowd and then sometimes followed by loud cheers. It felt like a live concert. After the movie, I went to the bathroom and the guy in the adjacent stall who was a total stranger and looked about 60ish started talking to me about the movie. Totally werid experience. Overall, the movie is really good. I wished the Batman performance was as strong as the Joker though.
  2. More details. yah, more details not bad - it was terrible? not bad - it was mediocre? not bad - actually kinda good? I think if you enjoyed the first movie, you gonna like this one as well. If you are terrified of ugly trolls who feed on cute kittens though, definitely avoid this one. That scene where the troll is about to take a bite out of that cute kitten scared me way more than the marching army droids in the end...
  3. Just want to point out that the Chinese leadership has somewhat softened its stance on the Taiwan issue recently. The chairman is hinting at an unified China not necessarily under the leadership of mainland government but a joint government.
  4. To be honest though, it's just a huge chunk of barren land. There are few natural resources and the lands are also poor for agriculture. Imo, it
  5. Happy birthday! (Bring back the handbag Jaba.)
  6. ^There u go, Sand. I can try to give you solid examples on how all nations are losing their identities slowly and the world merging into one nation but Azarkon just explained it better than I can ever dream of.
  7. ^If China is gonna dominate the world, that's not how we gonna do it. We are simply gonna marry our sons and daughters to you guys and outproduce everyone genetically. We defeated all the minority tribes this way and have gotten quite good at it. (Marrying foreigners is very popular in China these days.)
  8. @Walsh (is that your nick?): A thread about my native country is just too much to resist... China certainly represents a great competition to US or any other nation in many areas. I just want to get the point across that not only the Chinese people are a peace-loving nation, we also suck at war. @Walkerguy: Yes. China has always been active militarily. Actively being invaded all the time hence the fear of foreign powers and the urge for isolation and self-preservation. Imo, China should never be leader of all nations even if we grow stronger than the US. Simply put, we just wouldn't care enough to be a good leader. We are the quiet kid in the class only concerned about his own grades and never participate in class activities. Even though we are a member of the UN's security coucil, we are always the relatively quiet one. We forfeit our votes on key issues and only does small talk all the time. We strongly condemned US for its involvement in Kosovo and got our embassy bombed (I don't know if it's accidental or on purpose) but a wave of news editorials blamed it on the Communist government overstepping the boundary and getting itself tangled up the world affairs not related to us. Ever since the border conflict with Vietnam, China has never sent one soldier to foreign territory. Compare that to how active US, UK, Japan and even Iceland (which sent one soldier to Iraq) are doing militarily. Please also elaborate on how the study of Japan could lead you to be against China. There is mongering fear between Japan and China which is true but it's the result of the Japanese invasion and occupation. China and Japan had a much longer history of peace and exchange. We are closely related in culture, language and religion and enjoyed many centuries of mutual love and respect. Even after the horrible war between us, there are still many that are working hard to rebuild that relationship. Sure there had been bumps on that road but China had showed only less hostility in that regard than South Korea and other Asian countries. Remember South Korea even kicked the Japanese emissaries out of their country once in protest of Japan's new edition of history books and China only sent students to protest in the streets.
  9. Being a Chinese immigrant living in the United States, I am completely baffled by the US media's portrayal of China as an imminent threat. Trust me, if a war does break out between China and anyone, China is going to get its ass kicked, period. Throughout history, we have been besieged by neighboring tribal people and had to build a freaking five-thousand-mile long wall just to keep people out. You think our ancestors had any ambition of conquering anyone? In more recent history, we first were defeated by the
  10. I am Asian. Also, the number of Asians in US is nowhere near the Hispanics or Blacks. It's very likely they got ignored just like the Native Americans.
  11. Is that suppose to give the performer satisfaction?? Or 'improve' the beauty of the female body?? Either way it sounds pretty sick and I wish I never asked for a description.
  12. You are ABLE to circumcise women??? Not exactly sure what that is, but I think a similar example would be how the Chinese used to bond women's feet - a cruel practice. Until the masses is educated and turned away from the wrong ways, there is little individuals can do against a society that firmly believes in such practices.
  13. I liked this guy ever since I read his ending comment on one of his strats playing white:" Of course Black can play differently and lose in a different way." Rest in peace. Guy who is considered a jackass by most.
  14. It'a cultural thing like Japanese with whaling...
  15. Andrew Walters Something Worth Listening To Picture was some trophical island. Pretty crappy album cover if u ask me.
  16. Kite runner. Very touching film. Friendship, war and love. No hawt girls tho.
  17. Once the Hobbit films are out you can have a Tolkien marathon! Is the Dungeon Siege movie any good btw? That trailer seems to suggest that the movie is filmed with 80s technology.
  18. Why don't they conclude Berserk already? The series has been dragged on long enough. Haven't watched or read any new anime/manga for a long time. I was wondering is Shaman King any good? (I am mostly looking for a likable lead character and a good laugh.)
  19. Hey there Kor! Missed that sig... hehe and my greetings to everyone here! And to get on topic, a dragonball movie is coming in 2008. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1098327/ Emmy Rossum is playing Bulma and Chow yun-fat as master roshi. Hope the film doesn't go straight to DVD...
  20. My wow character in retirement : http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...&n=Evoldoer Looks like my guild kicked me...
  21. "I love you like a fat kid loves cake.": from 50 Cent's '21 Questions'. And he considers himself a gangsta. .
  22. Yeah, and then you get eaten by a giant robot. I really didn't get that I didn't get that either... so there, you aren't alone. Also, what do you mean by 'it's journey that matters, not the journey'? Kinda cryptic...
  23. I really liked Bleach until the fillers began. Totally killed the momentum of the story for me. Also it's kinda disappointing that Sado turned out so useless; he was a pretty cool dude.
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