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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Pure capitalism without human conscience or effective government regulations = dead babies, dead coal miners and dead elementary school students.
  2. There is this girl who followed me around in high school and gave me rides home after school. I remember she had nice legs, so I never minded sitting in the passenger's seat.
  3. Wisdom gives you better saves I think. I just played an archer all the way through. His stats aren't so impressive though. 13 str 20 dex 17 stam 12 intellect 17 wis and 10 charisma at the end.
  4. Just finished a BG2 run playing an archer. Playing Oblivion now at level 5 as a Nord warrior/thief/archer/mage.
  5. My first crush was when I was 12 and the girl was probably 15 or 16. I was 5'11" already, quite tall for Chinese standards so I appeared older. We had a good time together on our parents' company vacation trip to a beach city; never heard from her again though. Truth is that there was no boys or girls older than 10 except us, so she had no choice but to hang out with me; but at the time I was naive enough to think she actually fancied me lol...
  6. I have finally decided to buy a 9600GT (99 us dollars before taxes) and now it's up and running. Oblivion looks so much better with trees and grass now... lol
  7. Hmm... Doesn't 9600 have a higher resolution than 8800? At the store I visited, 9600 is actually 30 dollars more expensive. Maybe I am reading something wrong here...
  8. Some screenshots for the upcoming dragonball movie: http://dbthemovie.com/2008/09/02/new-drago...shots/#comments Until the trailer comes out, I really donno what to make of this. At least from what I can tell, all the actors took their roles seriously.
  9. @Mkreku: Indeed, I have heard that I might need external powersupply to run a medium-high graphics card as well as better cooling methods. Will definitely need to look into that later. (My laptop broke down right after when I was able to fry eggs on my keyboard...) @Withteeth: Yeah, I think you are correct. I have become quite chipper since I realized that my computer is not a total lost case... So far after some more research and a couple visits to computer stores I have gotten four likely choices: 8800 GT; 9600GT; 9800 GTX; and Radeon HD 4850. Right now I am leaning towards 8800 GT to avoid adding power supplies and further cooling. What do you guys think?
  10. ^ Hmm. I am pretty sure you are right after reading the motherboard specs again; and yes, any input would be very helpful and appreciated. I am considering spending around 100 to 150 dollars though if my computer can handle better cards I might spend more. (Looks like I get to play dragon age when it comes out. )
  11. ^ I could very well be reading something wrong due to my noobness since I don't even know what GPU stands for... (graphics processing unit? utility?) but here is the stats pasted from hp's website: Video graphics Integrated graphics using nVidia GeForce Up to 256MB (with 512MB or more system memory) Also supports PCI Express x16 graphics cards* It's also got expansion slots available: Two PCI One PCI Express x16 graphics One PCI Express x1 (for cards such as network, sound, tv-tuner) Donno if that helps. (I am tempted to just blow some money on a graphics card and try and install it for fun and a learning experience. If it doesn't work maybe save it for later...)
  12. So my trusty Vaio laptop has finally gave out on me after 4 years of gratifying companionship and now I end up with a semi-new hp desktop. At first, I thought new computer = better graphics right? Boy was I wrong. Now my games like neverwinter nights 2 and oblivion aren't even playable on the absolute lowest graphics settings. So for the first time in my life, I looked into graphic cards and learned that my hp computer actually comes with a 10 dollar graphics card and my 4 year old laptop with its built-in graphics card could handle 3D graphics much much better... Naturally, I thought of upgrading and went to a computer store and was mocked for my noobness as I learned that graphics are not just about cards but motherboards too. So here is my dilemma: I've got a hp computer running windows vista home premium; Motherboard: Asus M2N68-LA or Narra-GL8E. Now it says it supports PCI Express x16 graphics cards with up to 256 (with 512MB or more system memory). So is it possible for me to install a new and better graphics cards capable of running some of 3D games I am interested in such as mass effect or dragon age with mid-range settings or am I doomed to play BG2 and Age of Empires for the rest of my life (or at least till I get rid of this computer)? (Btw, I am not looking to play extreme high-end games; really I would just like to run Oblivion without having to turn off all the trees and grass and run on barren land. Any suggestions?)
  13. So they no longer need to deal with the homeless?
  14. ^From personal experience, healthcare was much more affordable for my family back in China's state-funded health systems than here in US even though our income are much greater now. Even now, we dread doctor visits because they are so damn expensive comparing to costs in other aspects of living since in China it used to be the other way around.
  15. Palin's daughter is pregnant at the age of 17 now and getting married. I think Palin's camp is saying since she is now 5 month into her pregnancy, any allegations that Palin's 4-month-old baby could be her daughter's must be false. Juicy stuff...
  16. I am playing BG2. First time around, I wasn't able to finish the expansion but now I am stuck again on the final battle. (I have a problem with reloading whenever my characters get level drained or die... probably on my 10th try now...)
  17. Palin's cover photo on Vogue should justify the milf comment.
  18. My information sources are pretty old but basically the supreme ruling body in the Chinese government is the parliament (usually 90% communists and 10% outsiders). Every four years, the parliament members vote for the chairman of the government body and once elected the chairman cannot serve more than two terms. (The winner is usually predetermined kinda like how Washington got the first presidency even though it
  19. Maybe. British press also reported the story about the Spain's basketball team picture that's supposed to be racist. (Apparently, the Spanish players posed together while slanting their eyes or something, which is not particularly funny but definitely not offensive imo.) I think media people just like to blow stuff out of proportion in order to make money and that's about it.
  20. Wow. Do you put George Bush on trial for Clinton
  21. Still living in the 1990s? It's a totally different government now. You can talk about regulations on religion and press and Tibet. Today's Chinese government are ruled by different people and the person who ordered the troops on the students died 10 years ago.
  22. The Chinese government has a near 80% approval rating in the Chinese population. What percentage does the American government have? The support for the Chinese government from the Chinese people is at all time high right now. Sure, there are things that could use improving but what some people don't seem to understand is that boycotting Olympics (which only means boycotting China in the Chinese people's mind) or advocating any sort of political agenda through the Olympics (which only means humiliation to China in the Chinese people's mind) only serves to rally the Chinese people together for their support for the government. Whatever the human rights groups are doing thinking that they are weakening the Chinese government's reign over its people only serves to strengthen it. I think an American broadcaster summed it up pretty well. The Chinese people value independence over human rights. Until the human rights groups realize this, their efforts are futile.
  23. The American team drew very loud cheers by the way. Probably third loudest after the host team and the team of Taiwan. The welcome for the Japanese team however was not so warm even though they were waving both Japanese and Chinese flags. One interesting fact: the new nationl statium has no ac-equipped VIP viewing rooms so all the spectators were watching the whole 5-hour ceremony in 90 degree heat. (Statium designer staying true to the spirit of communism??) It got a chuckle out of me when during one camera appearance that apparently both Laura and George Bush were soaked in sweat and Mrs. Bush had found some comfort from a traditional Chinese fan and Mr. Bush had taken off his jacket.
  24. My camera fell off the desk, and I almost squeezed myself under the desk too...
  25. What was the message that it was preaching? I would like to save myself 98 min. It's a mix of robot boy meets girl love story and environmental awareness. Great date movie imo.
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