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Everything posted by julianw

  1. I found this picture both funny and scary.
  2. Why so many pictures making fun of Jesus?
  3. Just saw the Departed. Good movie aside from ending and all the profanities. I am pretty sure that mobsters get sick of using the f-word every 2 seconds as well.
  4. I know that higher education in US is still the best in the world. I was just joking on how strange it is that a guy trying to study at a library could get tasered. I think UCLA should taser all those students who skip classes and sit at home playing games all day to get them to go to the library more often.
  5. So police is now using taser guns on students to keep them away from studying at the library? No wonder US's education is falling behind others.
  6. Nuclear arms suck. You can't hug your children with nuclear arms.
  7. NK will not attack China because China is their lifeline for food and resources. Every time Kim visits Beijing, he begs for money. Even if Kim wanted to take the whole world with him, he would have to attack China last.
  8. Isn't leaning your seat backwards much more comfortable? I usually fall asleep in a car as soon as we get onto highway; sometimes when I was driving actually and so I had to slap myself hard on the face to keep awake. Sleep deprivation in that case would be much healthier for you than to go to sleep. :D
  9. So which one is a more cruel punishment: a swift end of your life or having your life confined to a jailcell until the end of your days?
  10. His rear sounds like a more logical choice.
  11. I can totally see Mothie working for Fox News some time in the future. The Menacing Factor?
  12. Some people actually preferred Godfather 3 over the first two installments. I just thought the coherence of the story isn't there but I never thought 3 sucked.
  13. RooFLES! Another person from a society where there is insufficient variety of observable Chinese facial features fooled by the Chan look-alike! :D Don't feel bad or anything. I once thought Nicklas Cage is the same guy as Michael Douglas.
  14. Politician looking for excuses? That shouldn't come as a surprise. It is in a politician's nature to protect his image. What Clinton pointed out is that the right wing is not only looking for excuses for their mistakes but also wrongfully shifting their blame onto their predecessors. It didn't matter who ought to shoulder more blame for 9/11 between Clinton and Bush since both are guilty of failing to protect the country. Yet, the right wing and their henchman from Fox News have been constantly trying to paint the picture that 9/11 was inevitable since the Clinton administration. Now when Clinton makes the counter-argument and they blame him of playing politics. What hypocrisy! At least, focus your attacks on his arguments and not his mannerism. Two Clintons?
  15. Raised in Shenyang, China. <-- Lady who walks in water when dry land is 5 feet to the right. Now I live in Los Angeles.
  16. Look at the big picture. Christians not only have more followers right now. They have overwhelming economic and military power. Considering how much influence Christian countries like US or Britain wield in the Middle East, how could you not see that Christianity is the dominant religion?
  17. What about the net neutrality act? I know little about it but isn't that some kind of information filtering?
  18. You can show your anger on the internet by calling someone a d1ck; calling him a sperm just doesn't make sense. Great quote from craigboy2. The fact that Lincoln could have preached such love for all religion and humanity in the 1800s truly surprised me especially considering how little progress we have made thus far. As for why the outrage from the Muslim community and the Christians seems so unbalanced. I guess one of factors would be that Christianity is the more dominant religion at the moment. When the Muslims were at the height of their power, it was the Christians who felt the need to defend their faith and waged the crusades.
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