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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Dear Launch - It will be a sad day :'( when you decide not to post fanart anymore. How about posting some of your anime sketches as well, ehhh?
  2. U.S. native white ballers: a dying breed. Ermmm. What exactly are the symtoms? And did you know that I had always confused you with Musopticon? ? You two used to have very similar avatars.
  3. Vall Konnar - Very nice sketch! Please post more! In fact, have you considered getting your own thread? You certainly have the caliber for it, and that makes it easier for us to find your art.
  4. I guess think Carth as a half-elf then. Thanks, DL. I am just drawing for fun and enjoying others' work here, but your approval just doubles my enjoyment. KotorFanatic - Didn't know you were the sensitive type :D . Nice one!
  5. Kotor2: All You Need to Do Is Click Flurry and Watch Enemy Get Cut into Pieces.
  6. Just drew Bastila and Carth with Elvish ears. :D I just realized that Elves don't grow beard. My bad.
  7. Well, when I first learned that people can die. I thought to myself: don't worry, you will be the first guy to invent a medicine that gives everlasting life. I have believed it ever since. I guess stage one for me. :D
  8. I think it's hard to find a spot-on Atton look-a-like, because the boy is just too good-looking. But the bearded Carth is much easier: (DL's job.) Baley - Are you a prophet from God like Moses?
  9. Kor Qel Droma - You really do wonders with just a pencil. Very impressive. Canadians are nice people. In fact, I would move to Canada if only there are more job opportunities up there.
  10. Something I doodled to celebrate anime chick's triumphant return: To get back on topic, truly amazing pictures, guys and gals! I have to say in that pic, Bastila's eyes and ears do make her look elvish, which is a plus for me. More please.
  11. Just want to tell the people who are trying to bulk up this: Arnold's bodyingbuilding techniques have major flaws. Arnold has the best genetic in the world, and his training methods are not conventional at all. Most professional bodybuilders find his techniques quite ineffective. For example, to bulk up, high intensity training is much more effective than high volume training. Nobody else except Arnold can get those big biceps by doing only 60lb dumbbell curls. So unless you feel your genes are just as good as Arnold's and I would suggest read some one else's bodybuilding manual.
  12. I am having a hard time imagining Kenobi as a Sith Lord, but good work nonetheless. (Draken - your fanfic link in sig isn't working.)
  13. I always thought Carbs keep your head sharp, and too much protein messes your body up(for example farting a lot). TrueNeutral - I would suggest what Darth Flatus said: eat a lot of protein (no egg yoke though, high cholestero, kills you in the long runl), and do heavy weightlifting.
  14. Sentry - Topnotch stuff! KotorFanatic - I am speechless.
  15. Reveilled - It's unhealthy for anyone to go down to 100lb. Careful there.
  16. What are you trying to say? That girl is hoooot! Didn't you see those cherry-like lips?
  17. That's so Carth! (w00t) (Somehow I get the feeling that's not the only picture of Carth you did, DL)
  18. Ha ha! Here's todays winner for the most egregious extrapoloation quoted in the popular press: Sunday Times, 10 Jul 2005: ... Almost two thirds of Americans don't know their national anthem. In a recent survey of 2000 people, 61% admitted they didn't know all the words to "The Star Spangled Banner" ... 2000 is a representative sample of 300 million? How were these 2000 chosen? Etc, etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I lived in US for 5 years, and I know less than 10 words from the anthem. It's a pretty long song. I try to sing it once, and "Oh Canada..." came out of nowhere. Most stats choose their sample based on multiple factors like income, ethnicity, age. A scientificly acquired stat should be well over 90% accurate. At least that's what my stat teacher said.
  19. Don't you just love Don Johnson's genuine smile and ultra-cool demeanor?
  20. I learned that according to stats from some extensive research, it's 40% Nature and 60% Nurture influencing our behaviors, but stats don't mean much anyway.
  21. Good job to DL and Arky. Not exactly fanart, but what the heck. Here is Draken getting his morning exercises :D :
  22. Draken - Welcome back! Darkside - I see the age of organized spamming is not far off.
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