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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Interesting... I think if a person's heart is filled with love: love for the creator and love for her creations, then that person's actions would be benefiting this world and what he is doing would be called 'good'. When love becomes absent in your heart, the thoughts of greed, jealousy, hatred, etc. would sneak in, and your actions would become 'evil'. In the alternate universe described by indarkestday, if acts of love such as self-sacrafice is called 'evil', then 'evil' acts are what benefits all creator's creations. It doesn't matter if you would be going to 'heaven' or 'hell' for performing the supposed 'evil' deeds, you will still be rewarded for loving your fellow beings. So even if the creator is twisted and teaches her creations to hate each other, as long as we are offered the choice to interpret the creator's teachings as we are in this world, and as long as we have the choice to obey her or deny her just as we have today, that alternate universe won't be much different from what we have today. The force may indeed have a will, but it cannot impose its will on the beings in its universe. It only serves as guidance. That's just my take on the issue. Feel free to comment.
  2. I actually liked Carth's voice: it's so young and vibrant. I really liked Jolee's voice too and can't figure out why some people would think that he's annoying.
  3. Cheer on, fangirls. Though I am curious, how come nobody talked about the voice for Carth Onasi yet?
  4. At first, I thought that homosexuality is unhealthy enough for us to look for cures, since I had a friend who was suffering greatly from it. Now I realize that the actual enemy is abusive and irresponsible sexual behaviors. If any one was angered by my ignorance, I apologize.
  5. Hah! So homosexuality is not as unhealthy as I made it out to be. (It's still somewhat unhealthy though). I guess I was worrying too much. Meta - I am just wondering if the rate of infection is actually higher among heteros. I know the rate among heteros is growing faster, but is it already higher? p.s. Never mind. I guess it is already higher. p.s. Wait a minute! That's only the total numbers, not the actual rate. Heteros have a much larger population.
  6. Which one is higher, meta? p.s. I am a lazyass.
  7. Nope. Since I am not religious and don't have a universal moral standard to judge all humans, I have no right to say it's wrong or right. I just want to get the facts straight. Thanks, Darth Flatus, for the actual name of the condition.
  8. Just because you never heard of it doesn't mean it's nonsense. Some one else pointed out that no.3 happens quite frequently. First two only happens to some of the straight people, but all homosexuals suffer from it.
  9. Hey, nobody said homosexuality is simply a choice or even not as complicated as you said it to be. I did list some of the health issues from homosexuality, but that got deleted. I am just saying that homosexuals are more vulnerlable to AIDs, one of the biggest enemies of mankind. Homosexuality is not wrong, but unhealthy and not safe. If you disagree with that part, then list your evidences.
  10. Mothman - You are confusing people's understanding of themselves with their actual sexuality. Most people who try to experiment with their sexuality always go back to before they started experimenting.
  11. Walsingham - I agree that homosexuality is not a significant issue. It's just for discussion's sake. BTW, the rate of dying from AIDs is much higher than from rock-climbing. I love all people, including homosexuals. That's why I try to point out their problems.
  12. I think most of homosexuality is due to genetics, so it's not wrong for a person to be homosexual. Most of them don't have the choice. But just because homosexuality is in our nature does not make it natural. Some people are also born with only one arm. We don't blame them for being unnatural and different. Instead, we try to help them. As for homosexuality, it is definitely unhealthy for the body and unnatural. If you know homosexuality well enough, you would know how many health issues come with it. I can understand homosexuals' desire to be accepted by society and not wanting to feel inferior because they themselves did nothing wrong. But I also understand why many people feel that homosexuality is nothing to be proud of.
  13. Lucius - I guess you never saw some of the 'animals' I've seen. They would experiment with their sexuality and switch back and forth just to have fun.
  14. Exactly. In fact, I read somewhere that the red crystals were in fact just blue or green crystals that were dyed. ('course, I don't know exactly how canon my source was, and I can't even remember the site I saw that on, but it seemed legit enough at the time.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Interesting... What's with DS people's obsession with red then? It reminds them of blood? Communism? Boston(just kidding " )?
  15. That's so touching :'( :'( :'( . (I am imagining Bas saying that, just to clarify.)
  16. Or something like how Dr. Evil responds to his son's rantings. p.s. That's it :D , Alanschu.
  17. Calax - The second sentence in your sig is confusing. I think it should have been "everything we do is scripted, there won't be free will unless we kill god". If not, then could you explain it a little bit?
  18. Your arts are very good! Do you post any more of your stuff anywhere else?
  19. Interesting... I am a newbie here, so hopefully my inexperience warrants my absence from your hit-list. :ph34r: As for my obsessions, I would say Star Wars, since I didn't care much about it until I played Kotor.
  20. Sounds like hand job addictions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You really are as evil as you claim to be on these forums. :D
  21. Sorry, nothing new here. Just my finished Bastila pic. But I don't know, I kinda like it better without the shading. Now it lost its fairy-look.
  22. Thanks for the words of experience and wisdom. One word for that guy you just described: Psycho...
  23. Shoot! I better watch out in the future. :ph34r: Didn't know there are people out to get me everywhere. And lots of thanks for all the hard work, team Gizka .
  24. Besides, who would bother to do 11 pictures with photoshop just to convince people on the internet? Thanks for the tip, I will give it a try next time.
  25. Wielding a lightsaber and listening to the buzzing noise it makes. Oh yeah, and all the ladies except Mission (too young) and Kreia (too old).
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