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Everything posted by julianw

  1. To improve the ratio of drawings to comments, here is a supposed Sith Lord Kenobi though I borrowed too much of Darth Maul's looks. The pic is not that good. Where are all the super artists? *cough*Zulu*cough*DL*cough*Kor Qel Droma*cough*
  2. How about Drago as Canderous? He's got the muscles too.
  3. I think maybe it's because the British accent has a classy feel to it, but I am no good at English, so I don't know. I liked the overall look of Bastila the most, but voted for Handmaiden instead since Bastila is already the run-away winner.
  4. I see the Carth fangirls have rallied to an impressive second place. Congrats.
  5. Show a pic of him, please? DL - I am not giving up yet.
  6. How about a young Elvis for Atton? (I see a little resemblance. I know it's not convincing enough for any of the Nicky fangirls and will try to find a better one soon and crush them all then. :D ) The screenshot is done by LadyCrimson. So thanks.
  7. DL - You are wickedly good with paint. (imitates Disciple) "I admire you!"
  8. I am still not convinced about Nicky, but will give up arguing for now. Wait till I find a better look-a-like and destroy all the Nicky Katt fangirlism.
  9. I have to say that it's a bit of a stretch to say Nicky Katt looks like Atton. I see some similarities in their atttitude and that's about it. Do I have to walk on street with a bulletproof vest now? :ph34r: :D p.s. DL - Where is my cookie for discovering RonCarth first?
  10. Ender, that's over the top! Nothing can make your puns look good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What about William Shatner's acting skills?
  11. I finally caught up with the story. (I missed the beginning of Episode III in theater, hence a bit lost in chap 1. ^_^ ) Good job with the story!
  12. I really don't see the necessity for patriotism when a person has absolute love for the entire human race. Patriotism can inspire honor and courage from time to time, but a person should pride himself more on his love for his kind rather than his love for his country. A German didn't choose to be born a German. He could easily have been born a French. It's silly for nations bear any kind of grudge against each other, since nations are simply concepts drawn by the imperfections of man.
  13. Kreia: Find what you are looking for amongst the dead? Exile: Duh? This is a RPG, isn't it?
  14. You are most welcome. It was fun drawing an evil character.
  15. Draken - Just tried to sketch Sith-Lord Kenobi. Not sure if this is what you had in mind. It's not that impressive :"> , but as least I kept my words.
  16. Zulu - Lovely pic. Never thought a one-eyed woman or a sith lord can be so cute. :D
  17. Female Revan ought to buy Carth a shaver. That's gotta hurt. I would say Atton is really handsome enough to be arrogant about it. If only I had his looks...... <_<
  18. I commend your courage. Arkendale - You can showcase your sigs in way-off-topic, since people (including me ) really wants to see them.
  19. The pic is beyond awesome, Zulu, I really like what you did with her hair. One protest though: how could you hide Mira's body under those massive jedi robes?
  20. Darth Schmarth - You are not turning insane. It's only that pic on the red carpet makes Ron looks like Carth. Ron look nothing like Carth in Band of Brothers.
  21. Your last one. It's also a brown robot with round eyes like EnderW's last one.
  22. I will not point my finger to those textbook writers as if they are trying to revise history. Even they must know that the truth is known everywhere, and Japan's inhumane war crimes cannot be disputed. But I will say that by omitting many of the facts of history, the textbook writers are insulting millions of victims in China, Southeast Asia, and amongst British and American POWs, not to mention those of them who are still alive. Japanese army conquered Nanking against heavy Chinese resistance and went onto a rampage of murdering and raping to release their anger. After three days of Armageddon, 300,000 deaths of civilians and POWs are totaled. Same thing happened in Tianjin, except the death total is 100,000. The fact is that Japan has committed the worst war crimes in modern history. Their POWs' death rate is 46% comparing to 7% in Germany. And 100 Malaysians are killed for every murdered Japanese soldier. Of course, it would be wrong for me, who did not live to receive the offense, to hold any grudge against today's Japanese, who didn't commit any of those crimes. But still, they ought to have some sincerity to atone for their fathers' mistakes.
  23. No women in that video. :thumbsdown: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No idea why you want to see female ballers. I guarded one once. She must have weighed 300lb. She totally raped me.
  24. I am working on graduating right now. You can always post them in way-off-topic. There are a lot of anime lovers out there.
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