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Everything posted by julianw

  1. I am more of a tea guy, but coffee does have more flavor. However, I much more prefer smelling coffee over drinking it.
  2. Chicago Bulls and Houston Rockets during the 90s. Today's NBA players are just too lazy.
  3. The book gets better later on and Gimli isn't such a wimp. Maybe you should try them if you love the movies. Thanks for the trailer. It looks better than I expected.
  4. Sentry - I love your style. Your works are stellar! Keep it up!
  5. Maybe Kreia is Disciple's mom. I see some resemblance.
  6. I thought Handmaiden's mom is a jedi knight while on the other hand Kreia is somewhat of a archives woman.
  7. If Kotor I is 10, I would give Kotor II 9.5 since its ending is unpolished.
  8. Not to mention that they would have the cutest children, too. I wonder which one of them are going to change the kids' diapers.
  9. Slashing my roomate with a broom while making the sound of a lightsaber. I tend to do that after hours of Kotor play and hundreds of clicks of Flurry.
  10. Bastila is good, but I think Handmaiden's story is not that shabby either. I kind of like the apprentice-lover thing. Visas just had too little to say.
  11. Deeply appreciates all the encouragements! Though I doubt I can improve much at my age (going 21 in a few months).
  12. I was thinking about drawing the Exile saying goodbye to Mira before going into the unknown space, but didn't really like where my drawing is going, so I stopped before my pic gets any worse. I guess just imagine it is the model you used next to Mira:
  13. Isn't Mira a Mandalorian woman? Or is it that slaves do not count?
  14. Jodo - A drawing of Mira coming up, and hopefully it will be more decent than my Visas. (You are too kind with your words.)
  15. Just drew a disappointing picture of Visas. I think she should be much prettier, so apologies to all Visas fanboys. I am really no good at drawing faces.
  16. A million thanks for sharing yet another brilliant piece.
  17. Kor Qel Droma - Your stuff is amazing. Can't wait for that pic to be finished. Launch - GREAT work! But how in the world did you draw those tiny little details on her forhead? You must have the patience of a budda.
  18. Two days on vacation and I missed so much good art! Anyway, happy birthday to Launch and Jodo! May you two live long and happy!
  19. All I know is that they would be the first team to win game 6 and 7 at the opposing arena in the finals.
  20. I say Spurs win it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Duncan and the Spurs always choke under pressure though, unless Robert Horry and Brent Barry come through with their three-pointers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> eat crow <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, Parker choked big time. Duncan made something like 20% of his shots. Why do you think Horry and Barry were playing major minutes instead of Parker and Nazi Mohammed(not sure about the spelling)? So I was partially right.
  21. KOTORFanatic - Blue-eyed Revan, I like it a lot. People who hate anime are entitled to their opinion, but I grew up with anime, so the more animelike your pics are the more I like them! Jodo Kast 5 - I can deal with her whiny part as long as she runs in front of me.
  22. Here's a picture of Bastila, and hopefully I haven't done her too much injustice. She is after all, in my unworthy opinion, the prettiest female out of the whole series.
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