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Everything posted by julianw

  1. My bad, then. It must be some one else, or nobody at all.
  2. I don't think that's the case. I didn't talk to him right after that Refugee chat with the Twi'leks, yet I could turn him later on when I finally decided to bring him along with me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I meant once you talked to him and he refused, but I am not so sure.
  3. I think you only have one chance to turn Atton into a jedi. If you failed already, you have to reload.
  4. So that's how Bastila fell to the dark side. Then she must be excused. :D
  5. This thread is definitely fangirls' turf now. :ph34r: Must tread softly... With fatter cheekbones, Joe Flanigan can look very much like Atton.
  6. I just drew my Elvish Bastila with the dancer's outfit, but too tired to finish it with shading (never thought I'd get tired drawing a beautiful woman ) So here it is: Hopefully it's not too revealing for any one.
  7. *Taking notes" 1. Chicks dig sensitive guys. 2. Arky is a guy. 3. Nobody agrees with me on Penelope.
  8. Of course not an Expansion Pack. New story, new characters, new planets and many new features. The game stands alone very well. I do believe it's overpriced, since all games are overpriced (it's just a piece of plastic).
  9. Hey, Silver! I am not making fun of Atton and actually serious about Penelope looking like him. They are both very pretty, you know. Am I insane and alone in this?
  10. Composed music from Inuyasha. They are just beautiful. :'(
  11. Kotor I. Kotor II's story had a lot of potential, but too many disappointments for me. I knew all along Kreia is evil and can't do anything about it and was again crushed when I gathered all the jedi masters and they died in less than two seconds. I would also have liked it better if I can gain access back to Atris's secret acedemy with high influence over handmaiden and patch up things with Atris before everything turns ill.
  12. They have issues to sort out in life. :ph34r: How about Penelope Cruz for Atton? :D Take away the long hair and the feminine parts (big eyes, etc.). Do you see it?
  13. I liked that in Kotor I the NPCs will start the conversation with you on their own and you know it's about a new topic. While in Kotor II, I just run around and talk to every one on the Ebon Hawk and have to choose from a huge list of dialogues all the time.
  14. julianw


    If you don't mind still pictures, then read the manga. I think they had quite a few sexual jokes just in the first chapter. " Of course, I didn't get it when I was 6.
  15. Since you own all the games, I would suggest you try them all in due time. Jade is still the top choice though.
  16. julianw


    It doesn't suck when you are 6. Imagine hearing Vegeta say, "I will blast you into tiny pieces, you ugly and fat marthafocker." at age 6 like I did.
  17. I think Jade might be the best choice, but it's also the most expensive. BG series is pretty old, but if you don't mind the 2D graphics, you can still have a blast of time (It's cheap, too).
  18. I finished each game twice as LS. Had some trouble with Bendak Starkiller as a Consular, never had much problem with the rest of the games since I play at normal difficulties and visits every shop and picks up any garbage.
  19. How can you even try to like the Wookies in the game? They don't talk. I hated how Visas's character and personality didn't develop at all throughout the whole game. Wasted potential.
  20. Favorite quotes? There are so many good ones. Here is one: Peter: Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, "Oooooooo..." Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
  21. julianw


    Rurouni Kenshin is good, but I liked the prequels better. It has a very nice love story and Kenshin is a bloody killer who chops people's heads in half all the time. Cowboy Bebop is very good, too. [edit] Well then. Kenshin is about a man's redemption from a ruthless assassin. Cowboy Bebop is about a super cool bounty hunter who smokes a lot. Sorry, I don't think that helped much. I am bad at summarizing stories.
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