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Everything posted by julianw

  1. I also doubt any of them would sink that low. Being a mod is cool, their name appears in orange in the users online list .
  2. Congrats to all! Are we going to expect a much more disciplined forum from now on? Not that I am complaining :ph34r: .
  3. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey! Disciple is a goodlooking man. Where is LadyCrimson when you needed her <_< ?
  4. Keanu Reeves for Disciple (dye his hair first.)
  5. I don't dance, but I like to watch .
  6. This is how you beat him: turn the sound off or unplug his controller . Very inspirational story, though.
  7. Jackie Chan's greatest hits. He sucks, but the songs are good.
  8. DL - Now imagine you are the girl in that pic . p.s. Keanu Reeves can act... somewhat...
  9. It's perfectly right for fanboys to adore a woman with strength, character and depth. Now this one has little of the above three, but we still love her .
  10. Doesn't Sidious have a golden one? Any blood relations between the two?
  11. Bah! Young girls these days! Little idea what a grown man is made of.
  12. Yes, the best in-game villain would be Malak. You actually have a history with him. You could easily have been drinking buddies with the three other Sith Lords if they didn't try to kill you first.
  13. All right, you forced my hand now, lady:
  14. Obi-wan - True representation of LS.
  15. Are you giving dancing lessons by any chance?
  16. How about him then, LadyCrimson?:
  17. Alcohol makes every one an instant dancer, too bad my body won't let me drink. I'd die after just one shot.
  18. You didn't see what I saw, so stop encouraging me. And yes, I talk to myself from time to time.
  19. Let's just say that I danced once in front of my bathroom mirror and I told myself afterwards: let's not do that ever again.
  20. Maul: I liked the Peking-opera-look. That's real bad-ass.
  21. Who doesn't?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right on!
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