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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Neither am I, but I still love my enemy. I just don't want him anywhere near me. Otherwise, I would have to kill him and get very choked up about it.
  2. Indeed. And btw, Lonewolf, that 'an eye for an eye' stuff is so OT. The NT says 'turn the other cheek' and 'love thy enemy'. (Though to clarify, I merely believe that violence on a personal level should be prohibited, but on the state level, it is a necessay evil because people like Zarqawi must be stopped from committing more crimes, but I certainly don't believe any individual has the right over another's life because let's face it, there is also 'let the one who is sinless cast the first stone'. Am I still making sense? )
  3. There are lefties who are one step ahead of pro-choice and believing that government has the right to purge the world of unwanted child. I am talking about the really crazy people here...
  4. Point taken, though I watched those films back in high school, so I really don't remember that much. Actually I don't even have a point on this issue. Sure, Moore makes me laugh more than Pat Robertson does. That doesn't mean that I believe Moore pursues a more morally just personal agenda than Pat's. Putting all this aside, however, I probably don't know Moore enough to have ever considered him a extreme libertarian. He seems to me just another liberal who's very vocal about his positions. Sure, he makes a lot of accusations based on speculations, but he doesn't appear to me as even close to being on the far left wing of this country. I mean, there are left activists who are pro-abortion or believing that US should be an atheistic state. I think you can only put those people on equal footings with the right-wing extremists who believe that ten commandments should be displayed at every public school or that homosexuals chose their sexual orientation.
  5. ^ I thought Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11 both had bits that are pretty funny.
  6. But Moore is at least funny; the right-wing extremists seem constipated on top of being unjust.
  7. Take these! Pew! Pew! :D
  8. My cuteness will defeat your spidiephobia that reeks of prejudice, hatred and intolerance:
  9. Spiders can be cute, too...
  10. I certainly wouldn't mind that. I was talking about a minority group of Christians. Hence, the word 'some' and not 'many' or 'most of'. I always thought 'love thy neighbor' doesn't mean that you could feel free to hate the guy two doors down the street.
  11. The story goes that the dude was a low-ranking officer in the army. He was attacked by a tiger when he was traveling across the countryside at night. He killed it by riding on top of the tiger and repeatedly punched it in the face and had the body to show for it. Plausible story or not?
  12. ^ Is that your cat? So fluffy...
  13. You are on a gaming forum. Try some of the forums of the Christian Coalition if you wanted to pick a fight. Besides, our Chrisitan crowd hasn't showed up yet. I am still eagerly awaiting a flame war to break out. It's funny though how some Christians' minds are so transfixed on this single topic when there are thousands of laws in the Bible concerning poverty, helping the sick and elderly, promoting peace and forgiveness among nations, etc.
  14. It's part of the opening sequence of a popular animation show. You could check out the full version right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUXrkiXwbVU...bebop%20opening When your book gets published, do we get discounts? Btw, if you are going to have a book-signing session in LA, I am so there.
  15. Newton was religious. Descartes was religious. So was that guy who got eaten by a lion. Having faith has little to do with your intelligence.
  16. Hey, you can always lick your own feet. Sort of like foreplay before masturbation, no?
  17. Isn't that illegal or did it happen back in the 1800s? There was an ancient story about some martial arts guy who killed a tiger with his bare hands but many people speculated that the tiger must have been either sick or really old.
  18. I am a student/assembler. Graveyard shift sucks but at least burning moths with a torch during work is always fun...
  19. I think woman looks better with that pose...
  20. At least you weren't bitten on the balls...
  21. Kor - Sorry about your dog. I had a pet turtle when I was five but one day I accidentally sat on it and crushed it to death, so don't feel so bad about your dog... I am sure he/she is fattening up on grade-A steaks in heaven.
  22. Just saw Da Vinci Code. I think the book is better entertainment. The film is a little corny...
  23. I always wanted to be the president of United States. Sadly, the constitution does not allow so.
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