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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'm going to be really snooty and suggest that if your chicken was cooked properly you wouldn't need cheese to make it taste more moist. *hides*
  2. I'm slowly reaching the conclusion that Malc should just take his company for every penny it has.
  3. ...why are you hashtagging a forum post?
  4. Joking aside, Prosper, I think someone needs to say that big companies just don't/can't accept open applications or input like you've been doing. It's pretty obvious that you really want to work creatively. But I would respectfully suggest that maybe you'd have more luck just applying yourself artistically in more traditional media, like sculpture. Just my opinion. Hope it helps.
  5. I just noticed that there's a link in Prosper's sig. I dare you to click on it.
  6. I shall be online tonight, because my date fell through. And drunk, because I'm damned if I'm going to be single and eligible. [you see if I'm drunk... oh never mind].
  7. I've got a map Agiel made for me. It's a .pdf but I want to position it in a Word document. Can't do it unless I buy a full version of Adobe was wondering if Foxit would let me do it for free. Screencap and paste into Paint.NET? That's free. EDIT: I'd go with Sumatra, by the sound of it.
  8. My dinner date cancelled, so I'm going to be cooking beef curry at home. I plan on making it the gastronomic equivalent of stabbing forks into my legs. In the meantime I have acquired a thick Chilean carignan. It is as dark, sweet, and sinful as a stolen kiss in a blackberry bush.
  9. **** it. I'm becoming a mercenary.
  10. William H. McRaven is awesome. I have two copies of his book. Well, one copy. The other has been pinched by a thieving officer.
  11. Ironically, given my quasi-feudal upbringing, I too favour a classless system.
  12. The stormtrooper can't hit anything. The redshirt can't survive an away mission. The redshirt doesn't have to get shot. Most likely there is a two foot tall koala bear with a stick in the scenario. It will kill EVERYTHING>
  13. Don't know why this got stuck in my head: "You ever dance with John Major, in the pale moonlight?"
  14. Did that thing every man with a bad back does where you think it's got magically better and you begin, kneeling, twisting and lifting like nothing's wrong. Graunched my spine. Am supposed to be in the pub, but I just want to lay up and try to turn my back into candyfloss by willpower alone.
  15. I don't know about an entire document cut paste, but you can certainly copy text, add notes and add text.
  16. full metal star wars parody snipped, not safe for forum.
  17. Oh gods. I might feel morally obliged to reapply... FFS
  18. It seems to me that there's a persistent flaw in human reasoning on risk. Whenever a risk comprises several components, we argue about which of the two equally vital things are vital. Rather than seeing the combination of the two as the threat. - dry brush and cigarettes - fierce loyal dogs and lazy owners - etc [i can think of more, but don't like any of the connotations involved] We persistently focus on things as bad, rather than the use and application of things.
  19. Then allow me to take this opportunity to shake you warmly by the hand, then quietly and forcefully entomb you in saran wrap, then push you out the window.
  20. I assumed you were working on New Vegas 4.
  21. I like to think this forum proves we are our souls.
  22. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/10/03/adobe_major_hack/
  23. I've been experimenting with a goblin team. They are just hilarious.
  24. The same is true of garden snails.
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