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Everything posted by nik_bg

  1. If K1 is LS, I vote for Mission - she is cool. If it si DS, may be Canderous
  2. Are you sure we need so may feats? In K1 only 6-7 feats are usefull, the others are mainly trash. Quality matters, not count.
  3. Hope the new swoop races will not be impossibly difficult as in K1
  4. When they say it is possible to have KOTOR at Chistmas, they mean Orthodox Chistmas - it is the second half of January. Nik.
  5. There is a general question about KOTOR - where are the authorities? You make street fights, kill many people, and there is no police (except Manaan). Imagine how interesting it will be if authorities are hunting you, and you have to run away or pick some fights with police, or Ebon Hawk is arrested and you have to fight to retake it - and all this on any planet.
  6. The game needs GLOBAL balancing in force powers, weapons and vitality. Hope Obsidian are working on this. Nik.
  7. If I want to be a little bit kiddish, I would suggest that Revan dies if K1 ends as DS and lives if K1 ends as LS In general, I vote for his/her death. Nik.
  8. In general, real time combat is much more preferable than turn based. But this decision depends on the engine available - Bioware had NWN and changing the combat mode to real time in the new engine would have been too much additional work. The same with K2. Nik.
  9. For RPG the most important is story. Gameplay is next. Otherwise it is not RPG but something else. (and yet RPG means roleplaying game, but not rocket propelled grenade ) Nik.
  10. Definitely NO. This game is about story, not shooting.
  11. I would like to put your attention to a promissing game that is announced as strategy, but after reading the preview IMO has mane RPG elements: Sid Meier's Pirates. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/sidpirates/index.html What do you think?? Nik.
  12. nik_bg


    Do you remeber my thread 2 months ago about DirectX 3d shooter in 96k? These guys have updated their site with new interesting stuff. Everyone interested in game programming should look at it! Obsidian programmers as well http://www.theprodukkt.com
  13. I want to play UT2K4 with Obsidian people - it will be great to see how rocket hits the head of Adam Brennecke and he explodes into pieces
  14. Take in mind, that displaying shadows is one of the big challanges in 3D. Nik.
  15. No single item made K1 good game, it is a mix of several items: story, sound, graphics, gameplay. Nik.
  16. In general, some summary: 1. Jedis are definitely overpowered. Especially force push - my consular ran through the whole game without using its lightsaber, even with final Malak. 2. Non-jedi members CAN be very powerful, but in the second part of the game, and if they are blade fighters - blasters are definitely underpowered. If you want more fun, play the whole game on hard with Zaalbar and Mission only What Obsidian should do? Better balancing: 1. Give more power to ranged weapons. 2. Reduce the power of some forces. 3. Improve enemies - more use of medpacks, more grenadiers (it is fun to be hard hit by several plasma grenades ), jedis should use more frequently their force powers. Nik.
  17. I think sentinel is compleely useless class - it is some mediocre average between guardian and consular, and was completely useless in K1. The only way to make it useful and fun is to add much much much more value to repair /computer skills - the were of no use in K1. Nik.
  18. Nar Shadaa and Coruscant look really cool, but we are already familiar with them from JK and the movies. That is why I vote for something new, unseen - Corellia. Nik.
  19. Flying with such ship is cool, yea Especially if there was animation ala Ebon Hawk
  20. Are you sure releasing the game earlier is better? This means that they will have less time for testing and debugging, and that is bad. Nik.
  21. There are many areas in the game where randomness is good, but not in leveling. The choise of attribs, feats, skills and powers is quite enough and complex, we don't need randomness here. Nik.
  22. This thread is completely out of subject. Moderators should lock it. Nik.
  23. Game consoles suck by default - completely useless. PC wins !!
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