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Everything posted by Aurelio

  1. It's not a translation issue. Text: data\localized\de\text\conversations\08_wilderness\08_si_enter_cave.stringtable data\localized\en\text\conversations\08_wilderness\08_si_enter_cave.stringtable Script: PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\conversations\08_wilderness\08_si_enter_cave.conversation <FlowChartNode xsi:type="TalkNode"> <NodeID>9</NodeID> <Comments /> <PackageID>1</PackageID> <ContainerNodeID>-1</ContainerNodeID> <Links> <FlowChartLink xsi:type="DialogueLink"> <FromNodeID>9</FromNodeID> <ToNodeID>17</ToNodeID> <PointsToGhost>false</PointsToGhost> <ClassExtender> <ExtendedProperties /> </ClassExtender> <RandomWeight>1</RandomWeight> <PlayQuestionNodeVO>true</PlayQuestionNodeVO> <QuestionNodeTextDisplay>ShowOnce</QuestionNodeTextDisplay> </FlowChartLink> </Links> <ClassExtender> <ExtendedProperties /> </ClassExtender> <Conditionals> <Operator>And</Operator> <Components> <ExpressionComponent xsi:type="ConditionalCall"> <Data> <FullName>Boolean IsPartySkillValueCount(SkillType, Operator, Int32, Operator, Int32)</FullName> <Parameters> <string>Athletics</string> <string>LessThan</string> <string>3</string> <string>GreaterThanOrEqualTo</string> <string>2</string> </Parameters> </Data> <Not>false</Not> <Operator>And</Operator> </ExpressionComponent> <ExpressionComponent xsi:type="ConditionalCall"> <Data> <FullName>Boolean IsPartySkillValueCount(SkillType, Operator, Int32, Operator, Int32)</FullName> <Parameters> <string>Athletics</string> <string>GreaterThanOrEqualTo</string> <string>3</string> <string>GreaterThanOrEqualTo</string> <string>1</string> </Parameters> </Data> <Not>false</Not> <Operator>And</Operator> </ExpressionComponent> </Components> </Conditionals> <ScriptCall> <Data> <FullName>Void ApplyAfflictionToBestPartyMember(String, SkillType)</FullName> <Parameters> <string>Wrenched Shoulder</string> <string>Athletics</string> </Parameters> </Data> </ScriptCall> Not sure what ApplyAfflictionToBestPartyMember does, Maybe it adds the Affliction to the party member with the highest Athletics skill? So not sure if thats also the same party member which is specified by [skillCheck 1]. Text reads: id 9: The wind picks up and knocks [skillCheck 0] into the wall. [skillCheck 0] loses hold of the rope and begins to plummet.</DefaultText> id 17: Without hesitation, [skillCheck 1] reaches out and grabs [skillCheck 0]. The weight wrenches [skillCheck 1]'s shoulder but saves [skillCheck 0] from certain death.
  2. aktualisiert? Die Abfrage war für die Telemetriedaten, also dass automatisch Bugreports an die Entwickler geschickt werden. In den englischen Texten heißt das auch nur Reflex Bonus 1 oder 2. Scheint so gewollt zu sein.
  3. Ja, das kommt durch fehlende Textelemente in "unserer" Übersetzung. Ist aber in meiner Version schon behoben.
  4. There is really something strange there. It really points to a permission issue. Other ideas. Try to make the folder not readonly. Check all permissions of all users, Maybe try to give full permissions. Do you have any antivirus scanners running? Try to disable it. You could also try to create a new windows user and install the game with that user account.
  5. There seems to be an problem to access the file or directory: C:/SteamLibrary part2 the reckoning/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/data/localized/de/language.xml Can you try to start steam as admin? Or see if the files and directory below C:/SteamLibrary part2 the reckoning/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity/ have access to the user account you are using? (right click on directory then choose properties, go to the security tab and change the rights, if needed.
  6. Hm, if they release it on PS4 and Xbox One, it means they upgraded to a newer Unity engine. Either same version as Tyranny or even PoE 2? Maybe also for PC later?
  7. 1.06 oder 3.06? 3.06 auf jeden Fall, da sich am Text nichts mehr geändert hat. Mit 1.06 funktioniert die aktuelle Version theoretisch, aber es kann sein, dass einige Beschreibungen nicht passen, da ja sich ja mit den Patches z.B. auch einige Fähigkeiten geändert haben. Auf nexusmods.com ist auch eine alte Version noch verfügbar, die mit der Version 1.06 kompatibel ist. Allerdings hat die deutlich weniger Rechtschreibfehler korrigiert. Hinweis: Ob man nun alle Erweiterungen hat oder nicht, sollte egal sein, da alle Erweiterungstexte eigene Unterrorder haben.
  8. Also den deutschen Mod zu Pillars of Eternity findest du auf: http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/6/? Oder auf github: https://github.com/Xaratas/pillarsofeternity-german-patch-with-expansions Wobei die Version auf github einen Tick aktueller ist. Für Tides habe ich ein neues Projekt angefangen: https://github.com/AurelioSilver/tidesofnumenera-german-patch Ist allerdings noch sehr am Anfang und ich weiss nicht, ob ich soviel Zeit dafür habe. Googledocs halte ich für eine schlechte Idee. Nutze git und Vergleiche kannst Du z.B. auch mit Winmerge machen: http://winmerge.org/ oder https://bitbucket.org/jtuc/winmerge2011/downloads/
  9. Nur mal nebenbei. Die Übersetzung von Tides of Numenera scheint auch was gruselig zu sein. https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17361806_1284237091693507_8473220176788089646_n.jpg?oh=a12a7e682068514ff04b727c0322e2d7&oe=592B1016
  10. Hab da noch was gefunden. Siehe Pull Request. Eventuell war es das?
  11. She played with the mod for a while now. She said that everything regarding stats, spells and game mechanics is very understandable now. She would compare the quality of the German mod with that of the Russian translation. But the dialogue and lore stuff is still better in Russian. As far as I know she switched completely to Russian now. Ah, geat. Lore = Cyclopdia? We fixed spelling, grammar and translation errors but did not spend that much time on rewording sentences.
  12. Just extracts the whole text and removes the xml tags. Might be a bit easier to read. It transforms <Entry> <ID>1</ID> <DefaultText>"So Aloth... I've been wondering. Have you and Iselmyr ever tried to... you know..."</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> to: "So Aloth... I've been wondering. Have you and Iselmyr ever tried to... you know..."
  13. If you use notepad++ you can try to paste the following beneath the ---- into a transform.xsl file.. Install the xml tools in nodepad++ Load a *.stringtable file with the conversations Then choose plugins->xml tools-> XSL Transformation. Load the file transform.xsl and press transform. ----- <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:for-each select="/StringTableFile/Entries/Entry"> <xsl:value-of select="DefaultText" /> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="FemaleText" /> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
  14. You could read the text files... Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\localized\en\text Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data_expansion1\localized\en\text Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\_expansion1localized\en\text Or try to read the files with the quest editor: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/79976-preview-pillars-of-eternity-quest-editor/
  15. I read that the german translation of Tyranny was better but I can not judge it because I do not own it. @Lord_Mord Maybe your wife can try our german translation mod. Would like to hear feedback.
  16. @Lord_Mord: Wenn Du noch aktiv Poe spielst, würde ich den Mod installieren. Für weitere Verbesserungsvorschläge sind wir dankbar. About translating names. It's always a matter of taste. Some prefer to have the "original" name, some like to have everything translated as close as possible, some like to have things translated so it sounds better even if you are not close to the original anymore. The translated names were not really a big issue with translated version of Poe. Biggest issue are: lots of spelling and grammar errors, missing text and untranslated text, wrong translations and bad translations. I doubt Poe translators played the game or had information about the context of the text . Good translations need good preparation. Also it seems there was no QA done on translations.
  17. Broken Encding in the Stringtables? And that now? We have corrected it in the first versions of the German Fix, and the Russian Locale had it too. I do not see this issue with steam. Which file and folder? It appears in many books. At least in Russian, yes. And yes, i know about fanmod fixing this, but it's not right when modders do their job - this issue was never fixed officially in patch. Seems to be only in items.stringtable in russian. at least in data and expansion1- Did not check the other languages. I think the _x000D is an issue with the excel export. The text however seemed fine. But could be an encoding issue. With UTF-8 with BOM it looks ok.
  18. Broken Encding in the Stringtables? And that now? We have corrected it in the first versions of the German Fix, and the Russian Locale had it too. I do not see this issue with steam. Which file and folder?
  19. Jein. Du kannst zwischen beiden deutschen Versionen umschalten. In den Optionen sollten schon Unterschiede zu sehen sein. Damit siehst du zumindest, ob er andere Texte anzeigt. Sonst gib uns ein oder zwei Beispiele, wo der Text nicht in Ordnung ist. Wir haben sicher nicht alles gefunden oder behoben. Da sind wir auf Mithilfe angewiesen.
  20. Portuguese: http://forum.tribogamer.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=23323
  21. Would it be possible to incluce the german translation mod as official translation? https://github.com/Xaratas/pillarsofeternity-german-patch-with-expansions/releases Many bugs are fixed and the mod has more translated strings than the original translation because usually all new strings of a patch are untranslated...
  22. Hat eigentlich wer mal unsere Übersetzung auf dem Mac mit aktuellem PoE getestet? Es hab wohl ein Problem mit "komischen" Zeichen, die durch unsere wordjoiner Änderungen auftraten. Ich weiss allerdings nicht, ob das noch aktuell ist.
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