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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    Bandwagon jumpers are par for the course. You shouldn't let it get to you. As for the Rangers being swept; that comment may have irked me a month ago; but now; it just allows me to see the posoitive side. The Rangers are back in the play-offs. And, at least, they will likely do better next year as I don't see them beings wept two years in a row. Heh.
  2. Volourn


    Someone can't handle their team falling down,a nd choking. heck, my team did that in the first round, and you didn't see me snap (well.. kidna hard when youa re already unhinged :D ). Seriously, chill. if the Oilers lose, they lose. If they win, they win. They had a good play-off. Be happy, not snappy.
  3. "see? even YOU were tempted by the great visuals! I really wonder if the game is that fun to play though... " I'm tempted to do alot of things that I know are bad for me. :D
  4. Kirotto wins. Some good news has come out... except for soemthing that doesn't really matter to the people who tend to post here so I won't worry about getting into it.... I'll stick to the positives - some cool new PrCs and feats were announced. papermonk also really loves the game. I think he had sex with it, actually. :">
  5. BL is a good game that could have been one of the best ever. The atmosphere, the dialogue (mostly), and the characters are as good as any of the greats. It's npcs are on par with BG2 and PST. The music is great. The role-playing 'til the last part of the game is top notch (and, even the last part gets too much crap as there's still some role-playing there thoguh it is a drop off). Atmosphere is cool. My biggest beef is the combat which is annoying (not hard though) as heck, and the bugs/super slowdowns. I played the game once. I tried to play second time, and just didn't get far because the buggioness just got to me. I have every intention of replaying the game. I'd rate it at around the KOTORs though it should be much better than those games. it should be BG2-PST-FO2-NWN-FF8 great. Good stuff.
  6. Espiiclaly if you are wussy bear! for soem reason, I don't see me running away from *any* cat (not talking tigers, and lions you goofs!) no matter how 'vicious' it may be...
  7. "You just don't mess with cats." Tell that to the cats that were murdered by a couch!
  8. I didn't like MW at all, and while Oblviion obviously has superior graphics to the brown poo that passed as MW graphics; the games are seemingly way too similar that I haven't even bothered with oblivion. Though the pics shared by people here with horses or the odd occurances, tempted me for .53 seconds. If I ever see it in stores for $20 or less then I'd probbaly scoop it (as I've been saying it along). I think you have disliked MW; your chances of liking Oblivion are less than one who liked MW. I say, don't listen to our opinions, and read the facts then make a decision.
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5067912.stm O M G
  10. "Oh yeah, Toreador for sure."
  11. "You just gotta know where to dig." You know what's funny (well... to me, anyways, heh)? I just bought this game on a whim a couple months ago when I was Eb and no games I was intersted in. I went home,read the manual, and got sidetracked by other games (nwn, eq2, ETC.) and haven't even installed it yet. I might give it a try due to all the high praise it is recieving.
  12. Shake that b00tay! (w00t)
  13. 2 new PrC were leaked today! They look possibly cool too. :cool:
  14. No. If we're going by the defintion that anything 'creative' is artowrk than pretty much everything was art. Heck, what occured on 9/11 was 'art' - very disgustingly evil art; but art nonthelsss, or as others mention these posts of ours are 'art' as well. R00fles! "No, canned excrement is crappy art. Literally." Haha. D0uble R00fles!
  15. Hey, it had Mrs. Hannigan in it! It was worth the risk!
  16. "Nudity? Think of the children!" Perhaps, he is. "
  17. To me, it's real simple: art is art. Paintings, drawings, and the like. I do remember that in Art Class we surely weren't aught about movies, games, or books. Those who were in other classes like Creative Writing, English, and the like. Game over.
  18. Because those who claim that are WRONG.
  19. Date Movie - Dissapointing. Very, very few genuine funny moments, and just not up to par with other movies of its ilk like Scary Movie, Loaded Weapon or Not Another Teen Movie. Meh.
  20. Not art.
  21. "The only really good thing I could say about it is that it was STILL better than the main campaign in NWN." Tsk, tsk. It's sad to see you post such a falsehood.
  22. Yeah, bits that make one go haha at him. Like how he tried to make Kanada (and Toronto specifically) sound like it was big love fest with people sayting things like this: "Yeah, I lave my doors unlocked, I've been robbed a couple of time;s but it's just kids having fun!" Hahahaha! But, I've never found Moore himself funny except when he's making himself look like a tool. He, and Couter deserve each other. :ph34r:
  23. Moore is not funny. It's only funny in the way of you know he's lying or exaggerating yet he talks about truth being his way when it isn't. Just look at the recent lawsuit being pushed against him by a seriosuly injured soldier. Nothing funny about that. Just like Coulter is funny in the same way - as in, I find it hilarious that she can even truthfully believe in half of what she says.
  24. She's a goon. That is all. "She's probably telling the widows their dead husbands died because they didn't support our president enough" Actually, she believes their husbands thought they were witches, and they were about to divorce them before 9/11. R00fles! She's scum. Plain, and simple. P.S. She makes Republicans look bad just like Moore does for the Democracts so it evens out.
  25. I have not been into ninntendo for a very long time - not since PS1. And, the Peepee Nintendo doesn't offer anything - 'innovative' or otherwise - to change my mind during this generation. Nothing. It'll be likely xbox 360 this time around. Decent choice of games, a much more reasonable price than PS3, and not as kiddie oriented as Peepee Nintendo.
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