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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "the only way isreal has survived has been a near constant flow of second hand equipment from the usa. If the US hadn't done this no matter what the training was they still would have had the bejesus beaten out of them by the islamic states." Yeah. I see. It's unfair for US to give them aid; but it's a-ok for the Islamic States to gang up on sucha small country half a dozen (or whatever) to 1. Yahoo! The only reason why the Islamic states still exist, and Isreal simply has blown them to bits with the power they do have is because the rest of the world would not approve of such harsh action by Isreal. L0LLERS! Anyways, more seriously, hearing about innocents (which is different from civilians in soem cases) is never good so hopefully something is worked out. Perhaps, next election, the Palestinians won't elect a terrorist group like Hamas into govern. Not to mention the interverence of Hezbollah, and the uselessness of the Lebanese gov't to control their own country. Not to mention Isreal seemingly having no worries about bombing civilians. Tsk, tsk all around.
  2. It's all aboout hype. I've seen NWN2 features hyped as 'new' when they were in NWN1. LOL As long as people aren't blinded by the fancy hype words it's all good. Though; one can construe that this dialogue form is 'new' for BIO since it's not their usual way of doing it. <>
  3. As long as we get a choice on how we interact with characters, and how to solve quests (as well as the main story) it's already a step up role-playing wise in comaprison to the Final Fantasies (and I like the FF games for what they are). With FF; the goals of the creators is to tell an interetsing story much like a writer would do with a movie or a book. I don't think ME has the same goal.
  4. "I couldn't stop everything and play pazaak in any cantinas during JE. Stuff like that makes RPG's better, giving subtle options. Sure, there were minigames, but only as the story allowed. You could revisit the games, but that took me out of the Role-playing experience; it felt like metagaming." Eh? JE, despite it's relative shortness, has more than a few side quests. They're just easily lumped into the main quest because they're not (usually) off the beaten path). JE's role-playing strength comes in the form of choosing how to do soemthing; not in freeform travel. Jags is correct on this issue as well. Besides, as long as ME is better than KOTOR series (which it will be); all is well. JE's combat, while real time, was vastly sueprior than KOTOR's 'fake' TB combat that is for sure.
  5. "The fact that Dragon Age isn't touching it says enough about how next-gen awesome it is." All that says is that DA is a different game with (similar) but different goals. As for the bartender + gun thing. I agree with you. While it's cool; it's definitely not "OMG! Stuck a gun in a bartender's face so I ****! LOLOLOLOLLIPOP!!!)...
  6. The interview, btw, details some of the character creation/;customization as well. Ther'es a tidbit on the story too though it's pretty much verbatim of what we already know about it. I still wanna try the rover vehicle. Looks really cool!
  7. I'm sure ME is under the same sort of contract that JE was... an exclusivity contract for the xbox 360 for x amount of time than BIO can port it to another system. Remember, BIO owns ME, so outside of an exclusivity contract that BIo likely signed; they decide what system it will eventually be on. Not MS.
  8. "I find it odd that it's five pages long since this morning when I ok'ed the thread" Well.. it's a BIO game.... outsidd of Obsidian themselves, they're the company most likely to be known by the forumers here whether they like them or not so it should be no surprise that a thread about their upcoming game is being discussed, praised, and bashed sp quickly and so thoroughly. :D
  9. New interview: http://igo.ampednews.com/gamehub/1875/previews/645/
  10. FANBOY ALERT! FANBOY ALERT! - I like the graphics, music, and voice overs. Someone mentioned the voice of the bartender was too 'teenagerish'; I say; perhaps the race sound slike that plus it sure didn't sound like aq typical teenager, anyways. - I'm iffy about the atcual dialogue tree; but the dialogue itself was good though the lipsychning obviously needs some work still - I chuckled when I saw the young lady who was sitting in the older gentleman's lap - combat looks pretty quick in real time - I really can't eait to drive around in that land rover; looks like lots of fun - the samller details really spruce stuff up; my exmaple of the old man + young woman shows this Some misconceptions in this thread (some of which has been squashed already): 1. There is pretty much a full character creation. The only things 'set in stone' are the character's last name, the race (human), and you are a commander. You can choose class, skills, gender, and even background. 2. Yes, stats *do* matter in combat. You can also pause during combat to switch characters and target an enemy if you so wish. If the story works out, and the actual rules are decent; this game will be easily better than either overrated KOTOR.
  11. Shhh, Alanshu. Don't let the anti Isreal people into thats ecret. Everyone knows that before Isreal was created, the ME was a Beacon of Freindship, Honour, And Peace.
  12. LOL He made fun of the guy's mother, and sister. Oh, the humanity! Sorry, I don't buy that as an exuse to take away a medal or as an exuse to go around headbutting people. I'm sure, the players are ALWAYS trashtalking each other on their field. If Materazzi is guilty of anything, it's that he used such a cliche insult when he chose to make fun of Zidane's family. LOL If youa re gonna verbally insulty someone, please be original at least. I mean seriously, I bet the joke was like this: "Zidane, your momma's so fat, that you need an entire plane to transfer her around, and your sister is so ugly, that the Beast runs away." Hahahaha. Zidane needs thicker skin. Also, both Zidane and Materazzi have a history of poor sportsmanship. This isn't the first time, Zidane has decided to physically assault someone on the field of play at least according to the various articles I have read. P.S. I say one thing though... this incident is interetsing. I was only a passive half interested viewer in the World Cup until this blew up. WOWSERS! P.P.S. I don't exuse Materazzi's behaviour either. He should stick to playing soccer, and not play the insult game; but Zidane is much, much worse in this incident. P.P.P.S. "For me (personally), at least Zidane has the passion and the provocation of the moment to excuse himself (very partially) for a moment of lost control." That's a silly exuse that both can use. In fact, Materazzi also used it. It's a good thing that I don't buy it. Headbutting someone (and making fun of them) are concious decisions.
  13. @ Headbutt Incident: Should it really matter what the victim said? Physical violence is physical violence and should not be used as an option because someone said mean things to you no matter how bad it is. If that's all it took, I'm sure everyone would be ussing headbutts as revenge as I don't think there's anyone who has lived past the age of 10 who hasn't had mean things said to them. That said, if the victim did say what some are accusing him of; he should be ashamed. Still no exuse for headbutting someone over words.
  14. "The last movie I watched was Shattered Glass" Very good movie. :cool:
  15. "whatsoever if youre trying to liberate a hostage held by a small group of terrorists hiding among civilians." Isn't Hamas the kindappers in question (not the newest ones as those are Hezballoah); but the older ones. Plus, Hamas is attacking Isreal. last I checked, Hamas is one half of the Palestine government. They're more than just a simple terrorist group now. As for the violence, one can only hope we'll see peace between these three countries within our lifetimes. Somehow it seems doubtful...
  16. Irrelevant. It's like saying that it was the "NY Oilers" who won the Cup in '94 just because a nice percentage of the team was made up of ex Oilers. There's no denying the Obsidian Big Wigs' ties to BIS; but they are NOT BIS. In fact, I think it belittles Obsidian's current efforts espicially all those who never worked at BIS. Obsidian is a brand new company (relatively speaking since they're a few years old now); not some old, dead failure. Obsidian is alive, and well crafting awesome OBSIDIAN games. :cool:
  17. "The former Black Isle Studios employees who work for Obs." At last count, I believe the percentage of former BIS employees that made up Obsidian was around 25%. I'd be shocked if that % has remained the same or even incrased since. And, while it's true that the Obsidian big wigs are basically all ex BISers, it still doesn't change the fact that it's nwoehre near the same company as BIS. Two different companies. BIS was a 'big dog'; Obsidian never was espicially considering they're pretty new games wise. Please don't pull a Troika fanboy and mix up Obsidian and BIS like they mix up Troika and Fallout. It be like me saying if Gaider (and some of his BIo friends) left and made their own company that somehow BIO Part 2. Obsidian should be treated as its own company as that's exactly what it is. It's sucesses, and failures are its own.
  18. "Obs has regained their big dog status." Regained? They never had it before. They've only made one game so far, afterall. "
  19. I don't want to hear anyone complain about how Obsidian is a small, second rate company, anymore. 100+ employees, and still growing. They are now one of the bigger developers. So, anyone who thinks that them devceloping ready made million + sellers 'hands me downs' was the wrong way to go should admit that they were wrong. And, oh, nice little article. Too bad that we knew most of the info already. Heh. But, still all info is good.
  20. Volourn


    "I'm not sure why I'm responding to Volourn, since he's always right and I am always wrong" Yeah. You are right. I am wrong.
  21. Volourn


    "Boy, I sure hope that title gets released on other consoles, or maybe even the PC!" The majority (if not all) EA sports titles usually do so i don't think you have anything to worry about. "10 years ago, the EA hockey games were only good on the PC. The console versions paled in comparison." False. And, even if was true (and, it isn't); you seem to think it's ok for the consoles to get shafted. LOL Talk about a double standard. P.S. NHL 2007 looks great. NHL 2006 was pretty bad. One of the worst EA NHL games to be made.
  22. Halloween - Not as good as I remember.
  23. "Tell your friend that the first Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games were dumbed down Ultima clones. Still are, if you ask me." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! But, no.
  24. He's as close minded as the opposite side who claim that FFish games aren't 'RPGs', and only 'Western style' RPGs are. They both are - just with different focuses.
  25. Delta Force 2 - Chucky at his best Highlander - There Can Only Be One... I know, peons will laugh, but, the sequels are better, this replay viewing proves this The Transporter - Solid action movie, silly 'love' story as evidenced by the fact it was dropped like a hot potatoe in part 2 The Transporter 2 - Much better than the first, action scenes were very cool
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