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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "No, it's not. The article said the money would be payed using unclaimed lottery money." Oh, I missed that. Then I say, go for it. Might as well use lottery money for lotteries.
  2. "You can be American and still think things that America's, ah, politics, churn out are pathetic." Except he bashes all Amerikans. Talk about lameness. " Anyways, I'm neutral on this issue. Potential legalities (which is an argument that suits only the anal) aside, the big issue is if it's actually worth spending $1 million of taxpayers' money on this. I say if people don't want to vote than they shouldn't vote. I really hate the 'psh to vote' stuff.
  3. "this post is for Volourn that didn't believe my claims in some previous posts." Huh?
  4. MVP Baseball 2005 is the best sports game ever. I am on Season #7, and still rocks. I usually stop quickly (most basketball games), 1 season (most sports), or 2-3 (football); but this one rocks. Sports games I am looking forward to is the new Smackdown vs. Raw and Madden '2007. NHL 2006 was dreadful, and 2005 was meh so I doubt I'll be in a rush to pick up 2007....
  5. Aye. Because, to me, Jersey Girl was great. And, yeah, little cute kids can be annoying; but that one wans't so thumbs up. And, Ben Affleck is vastly UNDERRATED as an actor. "
  6. Volourn


    Yeah. 'Cause signing one of the best goalies ever who had a great season last year where he wa slikely to win ANOTHER Vezina if he didn't get injured because of the EVIL Olympics is a HORRIBLE decision. Uhuh. Sure, there's a chance he'll get injured again; but quite frankly; it's a chance worth taking.
  7. Hulkamania runs WILD on Gremlins!!!!
  8. ST:TNG Season 3. Very, very nice. Good stuff.
  9. I started watching the video, and got bored. Not that it's bad; it isn't. Thinsg look (mostly) good; but earlier videos have basically covered everything anyways. I need new input.
  10. "My top 3 would be First Contact, Undiscovered Country, and a toss up between Wrath of Khan and Voyage Home." All good chocies except for Wrath. Seriously, I think if it wasn't for Spocks' over dramatic 'death scene', I don't think Wrath would be so popular. In fact, there are other parts of that film that i like more IIRC. Khan himself, however, was a terrific villain.
  11. ST:TNG - Season 2. Mostly good episodes with some silliness. Whoopi + Borg = Great Stuff!
  12. "Especially after the last two mediocre to terrible films." Nonsnese. Insurrection was good. And, Nemsis is one of the top 3 ST films. I personally think people overrate The Wrath of Khan. Then again, anything with picard and company goes up by 1 million points in my mind since the acting is 1 million times better than the original ST cast (and the ones afterwards as well). "DS9 or a Voyager movie is what we need." I wouldn't mind a DS9 focused movies. It's no YNG; but it was good. Voyager, however, was simply below average. Sorry; but when your best character is a HOT borg; you know you've lost it. Not to mention how they destroyed the Borg's aura of awesomeness.
  13. Volourn


    "If the player is willing, why not?" Why would a player (or team) renogiate after an arbitrator's ruling if they 'won' it and they ahd agreed to such a ruling? That's silly. Then again, I think the whole idea of an arbitrator ruling on contracts is dumb in ofitself.
  14. Don't get mad at me when I factual point out your falsehood on the PS2. It isn't 'just' a game machine. That's simply false, and you know it.
  15. "The PS2 is JUST a games console" No, it isn't. Unless you are saying that when I watch movies on my PS2, I am playing a game? WOWSERS! (w00t)
  16. 10K is a angry? LOL I think many of those 'countering' him are the angry ones. They seem to take it as a personal afront that someone would are to say soemthing positive about MC or the xbox 360. And, yeah yeah, this must mean I'm a xbox/ms/xbox360 fanboy... even though, I haven't even bought an xbox 360 yet, and likely won't 'til next year at the earliest. In fact, I used to be a 'Sony fanboy' until the FF series started boring me... Plus, my fave RPG dev (when it used to be SS) seems focused on MS's platform for their console RPGs. for 19k. for the Trolls. P.S. Not everyone debating 10k are in that second category. the ones whoa re know who theya re, and are likely the most offeneded by that comment. When games like ME1+2+3, and JE2 come out then I shall think about a xbox 360. A PS3 is a likely maybe when its price is cut in half. And, I will NEVER buy a machine called 'Going To The Bathroom'.
  17. My condolences though as Buffy (heh, using tv is never a good sign) pointed out, a death of a loved one is ALWAYS sudden. And, yeah, it's true that no one can know how you feel like going through this. I just have to refer back my and my brother's seperate feelings on our biological father's death eons ago. In the end, you have my condolences since that's all I can offer.
  18. "1. As you rightly note, the Enterprise is in constant jeopardy, so they should just be done with it and leave the saucer section behind." True in a way. But, that doesn't mean the diea is stupid in ofitself. "2. The writers and actors were still finding their feet." But, that doesn't mean it's worse than the others. What it lacks in 'finding its feet' (and, their are some examples where I can agree with you on this); it brings up in original ideas like Q who becomes much more of a goofball in later appearances instead of an 'all powerful being' espicially his appearances on the other ST shows ie Voyager which is the absolute worst. I espicially like Encounter At Farpoint. Definite a top 3 series priemere. I'll be able to fairly judge this (again) as I continue to rewatch the series since it's been like a decade or so since my last viewing of it so it might be skewered. <>
  19. "The first two seasons were AWFUL, though they did pick up a lot after that. I mean, what a dumb idea to have the saucer section come off. Which stupid writer thought that that would be useful in space?" You are wrong on both accounts. 1. The ship being able to split makes good logical sense in times of great danger (lol, which they're almost always in), and various tatical maneuvers. 2. What was so horrible about Season 1 as compared to later seasons?
  20. Heh. You guys got the good end. Had another storm today. Power was off for 1 second only though. Hehehe. But, you can actually tell it was a storm during the storm this time. "
  21. Firsts eason of ST:TNG. It refreshed my memory of why I like it so much, and why i feel it's easily the best ST series. Picard, and company are awesome. Some misteps; but overall coolers. Q, oh how I have missed you!
  22. Volourn


    The DMC delay thing was months ago. I'd be shocked that the new delay doens't allow a grand opening of having the DMC included in the package. Afterall, as it currently stands, the DMC was scheduled for released through a patch on the same delay of release. I would be surprised if the state of the DMC, and the negative reaction to that whole hoopla didn't have at least something to do with the postponement. If it isn't now released with the game I'd have to classify something REALLY fishy going on at the Obsidian offices.
  23. "Volo, a friend of mine is currently working with the Indian Navy, and is STILL cleaning up after the Tsunami. I rather think you should reconsider your 'bring it on' type behaviour. Wouldn't want you to get struck by swarms of fire ants, now would we?" My insults directed at mother Nature is not meant to belittle those who have truly suffered due to 'Mother Nature's' warth. In fact, it's because of all the death that Mother Nature causes that I hate her so. She's evil. And, I taunt her as I'd taunt a human suicide bomber. I will not be intimidated by scum. The mass of people who have been negatively effected by Mother Nature is horrifying, and it gets me mad when peopel proclaim how great Nature is when it wrecks this kind of havoc. What happened in my area is comparitively spekaing very minor. Those hit by the Tusanmi as you mentioned should be backed up and helped and I will stand with them against the Hate of Mother Nature. And, LOL, Hades... then again, before a couple of nights ago; I would have been shcoked about nearly having tornadoes in my town... yet, we came that close to having them. WOWSERS! They'r even sending 'experts' to see why, and how this occured and no one foresaw it.
  24. I mena, seriously. The only thing i suffered because of this was 24 hours without power. Boo hoo! i used to spend 2 months camping on and island with NO POWER, and 24 hours is supposed to make me fear Mother Natuire's power? LOL Innocent people who happen to love Mother Nature suffered worse than me. I mourn Mother Nature's victims - she is worst than the worst terrorist 'cause they have a purpose even if they are psycho reasons. She just kills just because... and, she cna't even hit her atcual target. I apologize to my fellow North Bayians.
  25. Outside of one (easy) time; you can easily ignore said mini games. BIO learned from their mistake with the forced space shoot 'em up in KOTOR.
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