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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    Yes! Shanahan is a Ranger!
  2. "Wow, the girl voicing Neeshka is gorgeous."
  3. The 'behind the scenes ' video seems old. The red dragon talk was awhile back...
  4. The graphics aren't going to win awards; but at least they don't make me puke ala a certain other overrated game graphically. This game looks to have most of what I'd want in a game.
  5. Very rarely. We do at times because some of our players like them. It doesn't bother me eitehr way though miniatures, and hex/gridmaps do help in keeping combat movement/aoo more exact though; but they really slow down the game at times.
  6. Volourn


    "The wishes that he gets maimed or whatever is just because the city has a strong emotional attachment to the team." There's a definite difference between having a 'stronge motional attachment' to a team, and being a 'psycho' about. Seriously wishing harm on someone because they basically want to switch jobs (for whatever reason) is simply uncalled for and wrong. And, don't tell me that those who have wished harm on him don't mean it; because most definitely some of them actually do. I have a 'strong emotional attachment' to the Rangers but I have NEVER wished harm on any player who for whatever reason has said he wnated to leave the team. There is no exuse for that kind of nonsense. Even if if he had demanded a trade in midseason, or basically stopped trying ther estill be no reason to wish harm on him. But, then again, I'm civilized. I don't think wishing harm on summon whod oens't wish to live in a certain town is a good thing. Meh. Again, it has nothing to do with either it's an Edmontonian, a New Yorker, or hatever city. That's why I laughed at Quebec's reaction to Lindros not wanting to play in Quebec espicially what he did was even cooler than Pronger; because unlike Pronger he never agreed to play for Quebec. He was 'enslaved' to them buy the lame draft system that sports teams have. Still, in good news, Edmonton got someplayers who might possibly turn out to be good players while Pronger now gets to be part of possibly the best defensive tandem in the league.
  7. Volourn


    "Would you still like him as much if he asked for a trade and went to say, New Jersey?" I like Jagr as a player. I felt, that as a player, he deserved the MVP. I could care one wit about him as a person 'cause like you said I don't know him as a person which is why if he were to demand a trade tomorrow I wouldn't be referring to him as evil or scum. I'd be dissapointed that my team lost a good player, and that's it. If Jagr wanted to play for NJ, I'd be dissapointed; but I wouldn't act like he somehow owes me anything. Take that in comaprison to the various Edmontonian reactions in this thread about they wish all sort sof nasty stuff on Pronger, and call him all sorts of nasty names. I read an article on another site from an Edmonton fan, and he had the PERFECT reaction to the news. I wish that would rub off on all the immature people who wish death, torture, and maiming on Pronger. And, oh, I don't hate Edmonton. I like Edmonton just fine. I simply hate fans from any city - including NY - who think they own players and pretend to be 'loyal' to players when they are not. P.S. Ther eis no asbolutes here. Like anything, different people react different. If you aren't reacting in the way I described above, my 'issue' isn't with you. I've seen Ranger fans act like this before, and I bash them just the same because it's an immature, selfish thing.
  8. Mmmm... illithids... mmm...
  9. As for the topic, 2e and 3e have their strnegths, and wekanesses. I like them both, and 2e is easily more intuitive. However, overall, I have to side with 3e being the 'better' game system.
  10. Volourn


    Well... hopefully, Cloutier will recover from last year's wash and play as the number oen goalie he is. He had a good record last year though his GAA and S% needs to be improved though his action was limited, of course.
  11. Volourn


    "I wonder if Volo would even bother posting if there weren't Edmonton fans' buttons to push on these boards." Meh. Edmonton is far the first, or last team to have a disgruntled played who forced a trade or release. the Rangers have been through it. And, I had to 'suffer' through taunts about the Rangers. I managed to survive it. I just dislike this idea that 'fans' think they actually own players, and somehow their feeling of entitlement that they and their team (or in this case, their city) should be a player's number one concern. You know, instead of someone's family. Pronger is far from the first employee that left a company because the family no longer wanted to live in a certain city. It shouldn't be treated like he committed some great sin. To answer the question directly, the existence of Edmonton fans is irrelevant. Besdies, I wodner how many would have made as much fun of the Rangers' collapse in the play-offs if there was a certain Ranger fan whose face could be rubbed in it? R00fles!
  12. "I just don't understand why you'd want to watch grown men in neon-coloured tights, covered in baby-oil dance with each other on stage for an hour at a time? Why not watch the real thing, like MMA? Pride FC for example?" Because, those tend to be boring. Matches tend to last a minute, and there really are no characters. Professional wrestling is about the drama, characters, and just plain fun. Yes, it tends to be over the top; but that's the point.
  13. Currently: Edge (who just became champ!!!) Overall: Hulkster "Pro Wrestling is a soap opera for men" And?
  14. Volourn


    Aye. Stevie Y is a geat hockey player who did a lot. He can now join the other greats in The Great Hockey Beyond.
  15. Volourn


    "insulting a city that had come to love him in the process." False. His family loves. Edmontonians only love what he can do for their precious hockey team. If they *truly* loved him; they would understand and respect the fact he's doing what is best for his family instead they moan about their poor city being 'dissed'. Let's put it this way - if he had come to Edmonton and sucked balls; Oiler fans would have been the first to bash him. So stop this nonsense about how much Edmontonians 'love' him. They never did. If this is what is cosnidered 'love' by sports fans they don't know what love is.
  16. Volourn


    "Oh, and I hate Chris Pronger." Yeah. Damn him. He chose his family over his team. How immoral is that, huh?
  17. Volourn


    "Hey dip****, Oiler fans only started hating him after he wanted to be traded. There was no loyalty on his part, so why should we show him any?" That's because Oiler fans are loyal to the Oilers (as they should be); not to him. All he did was ask for his release (with his contract it ended up being a trade). Pronger did NOTHING wrong. It's not like he threatened to not show up for next year. Heck, from the sounds of this, his decision that he didn't wnat to be Edmonton/an Oiler occured earlier in the season... but, he sucked it up, and played his heart out. Oilers, and Oiler fans obviously did not give him enough reasons to want to stay with the team or in the city. "It's not such a bad deal after all." Agreed. It's soild trade. Pronger is guarnateed gold, and the Oilers got a lot of potentials. As long as one of the players/draft picks work out for them; they did a decent job considering the circumstances. It's hard to get a real good trade when the other teams are aware that the player involved wants out. It's better this way instead of the Oilers forcing Pronger to play for them (which is their legal right). 'Cause eventually that would cause resentment on both sides, and would start effecting the team negatively.
  18. Volourn


    Good. Pronger is likely to find a team/city that's good enough for one of the best defensemen in the league. Obviously, Edmonton wasn't good enough. It's obvious that Oiler fans never liked him, and had no loyalty to him so why should he have loyalty to them? Good stuff. GO PRONGER GO!!!
  19. They were released before I presume on the Vault for free. This si why i find it silly that BIO (and the modmaker) were gonna release a part 3 to a free module as a DD. That's just silly. I've never tried them which is why I have little interest in this module.
  20. "Does this mean that Demons etc. who cast spells as natural abilities also need to use spell components?" No. They're treated differently as theya re different. I believe there is a section about spells the reasons for the differences, and why it works. "I never have participated or GM'd a campaign that made use of the material components rules, except for the more powerful spells. I just don't see how that contributes to role-playing or, for that matter, fun." Your logic is illogical. If this is lame or unfun like you claim why do you bother using material components for more powerful spells? Hmmm... And, it can eaisly contribute to role-playing, and fun. Your groups seems to agree or else you wouldn't use material components AT ALL.
  21. "Why should arcane users lose experience when they cast spells?" Because it is their 'enegry' symbolized by their xp that powers that spells. Divine clerics also suffer this depending on the spell. "But that doesnt make any sense. If a sorcerer casts spells through an innate ability without ever having to look in spellbooks and stuff.. why would they still need to use spell components?" Sure, it does. The spells naturally come to them; but it's still the same spell that wizards learn so it still follows the same rules for that spell. Atriedes: Just play anything. They're all solid choices for the game. I have to disagree with eldar ( ); but I find NWN actually favors arcane casters closely followed by clerics then throw in the warrior in third. Though, rogues/bards are still very very solid. Try a rogue/cleric. It's a cool combination though one of the SOU companions uses that. "
  22. Doubtful. The NWN2 OC has a whole new PC; but it does have some ties to NWN1 OC according to Obsidian including some npcs. As for this mod, I don't why BIO was going to have a DD Premium module that was a continuation of an otherwise free series. They should have got the creator to just make a new mod. The DLA one is the one I cna't wait for. It's gonna have rideable horses. That'll be cool for just a check out.
  23. Nah. What would be sad is if I wasted money on a game I already own....
  24. "Apparently you've never watched, heared or read anything from China than." If I hadn't seen/played/heard it it's ireelvant to my assessment. And, it doens't matter if the sourc eof the mateiral is China, or Kanada. Still changes the fact that JE m, while it may not be super original, is definitely more original than most other CRPGs. I sure haven't seen any evidence to the contrary outside of 'stuff from China'. LOLOLOLLIPOP "JE for the pc!" Not for me.
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