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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "JE also rules over NWN?" I guess I should clarify. I menat for 'recent' games. Only BL comes close; but the combat in that game hruts it though BL's rol-playing/dialogue is better - not by a lot; but enough. NWN will rule all overall until this December.
  2. I believe that quote was once directed at Visc. Or it could have beend irected at me. Who knows. Anyways, as for the 3500 icons. It's a lot; but I'm not that shocked. NWN2 should have lots of icons due all the spells, feats, skills, weapons, armours, etc., etc. likely to be in the game.
  3. JE rules all. Those who don't like JE shouldn't be playing games. Period.
  4. Your best bet is Jade Empire. It's the closest thing you are gonna get to the KOTORs on the x-box. It doesn't meet *all* your qualifications; bu then again no game does. Otherwise, you are screwed. LOL :D
  5. WOW! THis must be a joke. Pretty much all games don't match what he wants... Jade Empire is the cloest thing that fits his description, and since it's made by BIO it, of course, has similairites to the KOTORs. However, it doens't have a highly customable characetr appearance, or lots of weapons and armour (in fcat, it has no armour, r00fles!). So, in esssence... I pronounce his desire with this: Game over.
  6. "How far did ya get Volourn?" 3-5 hours, I believe. I just got past the first town. The only real memorabel things were the jumping downa cliff and being swarmed by wolves (heh), and watching the guards threaten me and then steal a wolf kill. Jerkoffs. The town itslef was rather... uninspired... Not as bad as the ES games, mind you, but unimpressive. The reason I'm giving G3 a chance is because it looks like it is truly improving thbings (and , not superficially like the ES series), and though I ended up not being a fan of G2; there were things I did admire about it to not completely write it off.
  7. "they don't talk through delicate situations or anything boring like that. That's why there are confused posts in this thread from a few people:" I have no problem with the PC having the ability to ATTEMPT to talk through delicate situations; but it shouldn't always work. The idea that every single being you'll meet is somehow convinceable not to use violence is silly. Heck, it's not even possible in the real world when you aren't dealing with fantasy stuff like slimes or umber hulks. That's why VD's game will likley be able to pull off 'non violent situations' and have it remain logical. "The more options to solve situations in CRPGs, the better." I agree with this 100%; but the options should fit the situation; not the other way around. Having to fight all the time can be boring no doubt about it; but so is something like every quest having a 'sneaky, dialogue, and combat option' is also silly, blasse, and without imagination. Heck, I'd prefer it if games threw situations out there where combat is the 'wrong' solution. ie. An enemy so powerful that full out combat is nothing but suicide - in my module, I have an enocunter that a player must get through where combat will likely lead to death 9.9 out of 10 times; but you can talk your way out (3 different ways) or sneak past it. The option to attempt to fight is there; but you are likely to fail at it. Game over. One example of dialogue not being an options as well is with the stereotypical BBG who wants to rule/destroy the world. Chances are you'll likely neve rbe able to 'talk him down'; but you *coul* have other non aggresive (for the PC anyway) to 'get rid' of me - convince others to betray/attack him, sabatoge his plans, et.c, etc.
  8. "What's wrong with making a game that involves talking, intelligent monsters? (Persona?)" Nothing, actually. It depends on the world, and the monster of course since the word 'monster' covers many creatures - some intelligent, and some not so intelligent. But, overall, most monsters tend not to be the talkative type. btw, Talking and intelligent are two different things. You can have a highly intelligent monster who aren't exactly talkative - see beholders or mind flayers.
  9. Heh. that Virgl. Such a goose one he was. :D
  10. How is that bad espicially since BIo didn't make either Arcanum or PST? And, actually, the PC's background is hardly used or relevant in Arcanum. In fact, it's completely glossed over even with the 'background' the PC chooses. Did you play Arcanum? Seriously. I think you are forgetting a lot or mistaking it for another game. As for the power issue, well, it depends on your playstyle, and how you made your character. Many claim it's really easy with a mage or really hard with a tech character; but I never had too many problems with my dwarf techie.
  11. No. You are wrong. Period. The PC is not a ' uberpowerful pregen' or even a 'pregen' nor is he/she even 'trying tof gure out who he/she is' nor 'do they have amnesia'. The only thing close to that is the 'prphecy' that calls you the reincarnation of some fabled elf. Not even close to PST like. If anything, it's closer to the BGs in terms of character background.
  12. "not to mention the protagonist is an uber-powerful pregen who is trying to figure out who he is.....ARRRRG" No.
  13. "Ever tried to play the diplomat in any Elder Scrolls games?" Heh. I had a hard enough time trying to play the ES games at all. :D The thing with computer role-playing games - espicially the fantasy ones is that they foten deal with things like monsters and the like that simply don't talk. A lot of people seem to think that it's like in the real world where it's posisble to 'talk down' possible violent people. You simply cna't see too many ogres or giants negotiating with a PC. Not to mention the mutants in FO. Not to mention all the non intelligent monsters. This si why I think it'll be possible for VD to pull off logical non combat situations in his game; because most of the encounters will involve human beings.
  14. It doesn't if it's actually role-playing. The KOTORs both have lots of killing; but there's more thana few opportuntiies that you can avoid bloodshed. the same is true for JE, BL, NWN, ARC, FO series, and a host of other games.
  15. "Yeah, combat never feels forced in games. "Nice hat!" "You will die!!!"" Games that have senariors like that are just as bad. If anything, you proved my point. "I've played Arcanum through as a pacifist" Really cna't be a pacifist in Arcanum unless you spend your time running and running and running. So, I call that cowardice not pacifism.
  16. "Am I the only one who really misses the ability to play CRPG's as a pacifist? I've always loved playing through Planescape: Torment only fighting four or five battles." You were an AWESOME pacifist! " P.S. I think pacifism, by itself, is overrated in CRPGs. First off, no CRPG has done it from what i[ve seen. Secondly, many times the 'pacifistic'/non combat choices comes off of being forced or fake just so it can be claimed to include it. Including a non combat conclsuion to all quests (or 95% in those games that include them) comes off as stitled; not reasonable. The Master in FO1 is a prime example of this. You point out one thing, say a few words, and the Master blows himself up within seconds. Whatever, I say. Whatever.
  17. "Sounds very Hades like to me." Game over.
  18. "And hopefully they have more spells than in IWD2. NWN had some pretty cool ones that IWD2 did not and I would like to see them in NWN2." I believe, in the end, that IWD2 and NWN had about the same amount of spells. IWD2 had lots of spells, and some cool ones that I wished NWN had (and NWN2 too). And, vice versa. I figure we'll see 200+ spells. NWN1 had just about 200 spells without expansions, IIRC. IWD2 had about 300; but ti had the advantage of all the other IE games (not counting PST).
  19. "The Shadows of Undenthingie-Hordes of the Underdark campaign/story was much more replayable than the original campaign, I found." SOU is overrated. Heck, I overrated it when it first camse. I think it's because the 1st chapter (other than the collect x items) was beyond awesome espicially role-playing wise. But, the inetrlude was just a pretty linear path. And, ch2 was just a ph@t lewt chase with some kewl ideas gone awry. It also has one of my top 3 worst bosses ever. HOTU was really good. It's only negative, imo, being it's brand new defintion of 'ph@t lewt'. Game over. "First of all, any RPG fan needs to try the Gothic games...and I mean really try them." I can't even remember if I have ever played G1. I have tried G2 for sure. And, it's boring. It's one of those few games that actually goes downhill from the start. Between the horrid controls, and the lack of movitation; I just had to ask myself 'is there a point to this?' Too bad too. It had some cool stuff. That said, unlike the ES series, G3 truly looks awesome and woth a try.
  20. "We have to remember that Hades has played infinity engine based games each about 30 or 40 times. Compared to that your argument doesn
  21. Great interview, Dhruin! If VD does what he says he will 9whcih i have littel doubt he will); this could very well be one of the best games ever.
  22. Torments spells were silly, and overtop. They were cool the first time. Afterwards, I just wanted to use them on those who deisgned them. It's funny that I don't mind those type of things in a FF game; but it just felt out of place in a D&D game. They seemed tacky; because it was just another way to show how 'wacky' PST was...
  23. "I don't judge Baldur's Gate based on Dark Side of the Sword Coast and I will not judge Neverwinter Nights on Dreamcatcher or Tortured Heart. It doesn't matter to me if the game comes with a Tool set or not. I will not judge Knights of the Old Republic 1 or 2 based on their mods, nor Morrowind or Oblivion on their mods. Mods are mods. They are nice additions that give a game a bit of longevity but that is all." To comapre NWN mods to BG mods is ridiculous. Modding, and the toolset has *always* been a big part of the NWN game. It was part of the package, and it was hyped even more than the OC. In fact, BIo wouldn't have bothered to have included the OC if it wasn't for the whiny BG fans (including me) who begged for a full fledge epic campaign which is why the OC was more or less made in a year. The funny thing, as far from perfect as the OC is, it beats most CRPGs including and espciially the ES series. There's a big difference between MW/ES and NWN because the ES toolset is an after though; it's thrown in as a bonous/download. NWN is very much about the whole thing. "I give the total package of the NWN 1 a grade of C and with the improvements of the expansions it inches up to a B." Says the one who says he hates the OC yet hasplayed 3+ times (more than me), has bought both expansions, bought all the PMs (don't deny that you haven't scooped up or will scoop up ID), and has played it a lot. Just admit you like the game a lot as your actions suggest you do. Also, the reason why NWN2 is so awesome to me is that even after 4 years, it is still my most played game. R00fles!
  24. "The best game is only rated about 75/100?" No. The best game is rated in the 90s. The OC - which is just part of the game - is rated 75. Come on, now. Don't be silly. "Oblivion is a pretty big step up from its predecessors, which some people seem to have trouble dealing with." This makes me chuckle. This is what people said about MW as well, and I got suckered into believing them. I went out, and bought the game... and, found out that they were right.... it was a step up.... yet, still wasn't good enough. Perhaps, by the time ES10 come sout, the series will actually be fun. "
  25. Volourn


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