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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Calling BG better is just stupid." Coming from someone who liked IWD2, I'll take you calling me stupid as a compliment. "
  2. Yup. You are pretty much dead on.... P.S. Remember, Infogrames could always find someone else to publish it even if Atari were to go bust which is what the article suggests...
  3. Maverick Shane, a cool Obsidian dude posted this on the NWN2 boards: "Ok, I
  4. If true, this kind of EULA would likely never stand up in court if challenged. On top of this, I believe I read in another plce where this was posted that this 'rumour' was simply a joke... "
  5. 'Cause I like them? I thought that would be obvious.
  6. Meh. You repeat the same game(s) too much. I can't stand to play even my favorite games more than 3 times.
  7. "Where have I seen this before?" www.interplay.com
  8. Alanshu has some 'ties' with BIO. That's why he used the wink, I beleive. "
  9. "Are you sure that was a response to PM cancellation thing and not just a press release for NWN2???" L0LLERS! :D
  10. Link here to the article in question: http://nwn.jeuxonline.info/nwn.php?article=1843 Pertinent Part of Interview pasted here: "JeuxOnline : So what
  11. Atari responds to the PM cancellations: http://www.firingsquad.com/news/newsarticl...?searchid=10472 P.S. It's nice that their 'response' to the PM/support cancellations ans is full of NWN2 hype. LOL :D
  12. The closest thing to one was a Rob Bartel interview from 2005 that BIO would like/were hoping to. It's the same article wher ehe says that BIo would stop supporting NWN1 after 2006 (this year). I believe Llyr shared in the link in the 'NWN2 stops NWN support' thread.
  13. Nah. Sarge hates BIo because Mr. Gaider beat him when they were kids in highs chool much like Grom's relationship with Mr. U. :D P.S. sarge also believes that BIS is repsosnible for BG1 and BG2's greatness while BIo is at fault for TOB's sucikness. As you saw above, he also thinks BIO is why KOTOR2 and NWN2 are great or will likely be great games.
  14. IWD was a good game. IWD2 was not. Though; I liked how IWD2 did 3E though. Thumbs up for that.
  15. "I think that could work for the best for that way Bioware can do the PMs and continued support for NWN 1" BIO wa splanning to stop supprting NWN after this year, anyways. They had given indications they were inetretsed in making PM for NWN2 though (dpeending on Atari and Obsidian of course). That's another reasonw hy Atari's recent move was retarded. "so why not make Unca Feargie an offer ta merge Obsidz wit' BIOweeenia an be the D&D cRPG division o' BIOweeenia???...a win-win, if'n ya asks me... " Why would Obsidian do that? They already have a contract with Sega, and another undisclosed game as well.
  16. "was that lie painful???...shoulda been...the only reason there still be an Obsidz be cuz BIOweeenia fed 'em a few scraps...the only reason, as much as it pains me ta say..." No. Obsidian is here because of Obsidian. They make the choioces for their company. Stop trying to give BIo credit for what Obsidian does.
  17. What's funny if this happens ( which it likely won't); is that BIo wnated to get away from D&D/Atari (heheh) after NWN. L0LLERZ! :D
  18. *puke* Bethesda *puke* has something to say about that... Plus, it wouldn't be BIo buying it; it would be Elevation; BIO's partners and financiers. I wouldn't mind it being EA. EA ... it's in the game! Oh yeah!!! Llyr: There is no such thing as 'free' money..
  19. Obsidian isn't BIS. Deal with that. BIS, and BIO had a business relationship. BIS/Interplay didn't hire BIO 'cause of their good looks after all. Theye xpected BIO tod evelop games for them. you also forget that BIO had worked for Interplay BEFORE BG so they already knew what BIO was capable of. What BIS did for BIO was work as their games' publisher. Nothing more; nothing less. I wouldn't expect them to do anything but that. Stop trying to give the credit for BIo's success to BIS. i think it's funny you'll do that but you won't blame BIS for you disliking TOB or NWN (which BIS/Interplay wa spublsiher for 3-4 years). R00fles! Obsidian is doing well ebcause of Obsidian. BIO is doing well because of BIO. BIS is dead because of BIS. Game over.
  20. Grom is always 'imposisble'. I don't think he's a big fan of Mr. U. I think Mr. U beat him up when they were both in high school or soemthing. :D I'm sure NWN2 will be released no matter what. I'd be shocked if it wasn't.
  21. I could say something; bu the past should be in the past... and, besides I like Mr. U and he doesn't need to be reminded repeatedly of stuff that happened years ago. It's time to move on. And, so far, he's done an excellent job (along with his co owners) with Obsidian and that's all that matters.
  22. "If I was an LA fangirl I would have all of their titles which I do not." Never said you were. Haha Roshan. You know you'll buy KOTOR3, Hades.
  23. ."..or when they got help from BIS on SoA & ToB" Hello? They were the publishers. That was a part of the job description. LOL Again, BIO is where they are because they know what they are doing. Obsidian is where they are because of the choices they made. BIS no longer exists because BIS along with Interplay FAILED including decisions Mr. U made himself, and I say that even thoguh I I like him as he's cool... but, he's not perfect... BIO is successful because of BIO. If (and when) BIO fails it will because of BIO. This is undisputable. Game over.
  24. "They had nothing to do with it. Obsidian was the maker aka former BIS people. " Yeah, but they were smart enough to hire Obsidian which tricked you into buying the game without the comapny explodiang ala what seems to be happening to Atari! In my book, that makes them auto better than Atari since Atari will posisbly soon be null and void...
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