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Darth Sun_Tzu

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Everything posted by Darth Sun_Tzu

  1. I don't agree thier could have been alot more oportunities to be manipulative, it was an improvement but it still was a little poopr. I really enjoyed the interaction you have with one of the mercs on Dantooine where you piss him off then convince him through the force to give you his gun and his money. Most of the time you either let them go or killed them. I would have liked more chances to do things like what i have described above and also what you do to the czerca officer on Tatooine in k1. I think you should also be able to make npcs do thing for you, like rob/beat people up or get/steel things for you, instead of you always doing the leg work.
  2. I would like to play in a period when you are responsible for building the jedi order (or sith). As far as Esp 7-9, i don't think he is planning to do so but you know GL.
  3. No, i think he has done what i did and miss a vital conversation with one of the refugees who is stood in a corner just around from where your ship is. You have to talk to him (it is only brief) but that will trigger your first meeting with Mira. You go from there.
  4. Just downloaded and installed the UK patch and it has made the curser invisible for at least 80% of the time. Is there any way of fixing this or will i just have to re-intall the game from the disks.
  5. Well, so far it seems that the majority would like to see a rpg set in the NJO period, or after it.
  6. I agree and that is why the topic title is 'After K3'.
  7. I have heard many conflicting opinions on whether people would like to see a new jedi order rpg so i thought we could have a poll to see if there are more people for or against.
  8. The funniest glitch that i came across was on my first play thru of the pc version, where people would not leave the room when they were supposed to. It mostly happened on Telos. So when the TSF gaurd calls you to tell you Moza is here to speak to you she is still in the room. This led to Moza being stuck outside when you spoke to him because when the doors opened the TSF gaurds tried to leave, stopping him from entering. The funniest had to be in the exchange compound when the boss tells his droids to kill you. The doors close before they leave the room! I had to reload 3 times b4 they came out to kill you.
  9. Hoth? Why would you want hoth it is just a ball of ice. The only slightly interesting thing to occur there does not happen for 4 thousand years.
  10. I did not see any real difference between bronze and orange either. But when i looked it was on the ravenger and there are alot of reddy colours on that level.
  11. Ah yes it makes sense. Which hospital are you locked up in? This is similar to what psychologist call a 'self re-inforcing delusion'.
  12. I was not aware that you could put a strength underlay on robes.
  13. I think the black guy with the tash looks like a child molester. In fact they look like the biggest collection of geeks + loosers, i have ever seen. Only the Jesus look alike is any good. The female heads are much better.
  14. Did not bother reading this as it is in the cronicals on the official website as well as Star Wars databank website. So well done for wasting your time. But i'm sure some people will enjoy it.
  15. It was said from the beggining that there would be no major plot twist. I found the majority much more interesting less linear. The romances in k1 were crap. Ofcourse not, he was asking fot sometime in the future. I think they were setting up the sequel. Don't know, have not bothered with them. As i said they were crap in k1 so i have not even tried in TSL Heard of a little thing called the force??? No seriously, you cut off Kreia's other hand, so how else do u expect her to fight you? Kinda sucked a bit but if you want to know what happens to the NPC, you have to talk to Kreia after you defeat her. Yes i thought so (but without the sarcasm).
  16. 16 AND 17. Why wait, why did you not get it at level 15?
  17. Yes you get it at level 15. You have to have Visas and enough ls or ds points. Then you talk to Kreia on the ebon hawk.
  18. To answer the question in the topic title. Yes they are mad!
  19. Handmaiden. Love that black underwear!
  20. Hopefully, with the changes at LA there will be some improvements. I wish they had got rid of Mike Gallo, he does not know his arse from his elbow!
  21. Yes they took it out. We were told that b4 the game was even released.
  22. What is wrong with liking this game? More importantly, what is your problem with "fanboys"? You're just upset that they can enjoy a game like this even with the problems it has and you can't. Either that or you are a closet fanboy. :ph34r: Yes the game is not perfect but you can still enjoy what is good about this game.
  23. "Indeed, it is strange that i did not."
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