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Darth Sun_Tzu

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Everything posted by Darth Sun_Tzu

  1. Well i hope so, for your sake. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i wonder when he pre-ordered his. (probably AFTER i pre-ordered mine) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I ordered my after yours and they started processing mine first. So who know?
  2. You could play it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why would you want to play it? I'm gonna build a special shelf with backlighting, a curtain and which plays the SW theme when the curtain is open!
  3. I don't think they work together besides they both do the same thing. So even if they did it would not make any difference.
  4. I don't think any in the uk has got it yet. But i could be wrong. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sadly, I think you're right I went down today and looked in all the shops in the city centre that sell PC games (i was going to Tesco's anyway- no honest!) but nobody did. Ah well... guess I'll have to keep playin Rome Total War... bugger " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only 1 more. Nice early night then it is TSL day! WooHoo! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Early nite? What is this?... I can't find it in the Oxford English Dictionary for Students anywhere, lol. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Look up the word sober, try it and then you will know what i am talkin about!
  5. Shouldn't this be in the spoiler forum?
  6. Well i no longer care wtf amazon do. I'm getting mine from GAME now.
  7. I don't think any in the uk has got it yet. But i could be wrong. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sadly, I think you're right I went down today and looked in all the shops in the city centre that sell PC games (i was going to Tesco's anyway- no honest!) but nobody did. Ah well... guess I'll have to keep playin Rome Total War... bugger " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only 1 more. Nice early night then it is TSL day! WooHoo!
  8. In that case they just estimated wrong. But they could still send it today, they still have time. But I pitty the fool who made such a bad estimate.
  9. if it said estimate dispatch 10th-11th feb, thne thats fine, but it estimates it as today. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you know what an estimate is? It is thier best guess, if they knew, then they would not have to estimate. But still, since they were trying to take payment from me this morning then it suggests that they are doing something. *shrugs*
  10. That is not true. They only give estimates, you can't be sued for not meeting an estimate. If you could builders would not be able to stay in business for all the compensation they would have to pay! :D
  11. Can I get the copy that initially was supposed to be yours??? I have the money waiting..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no.....you have to wait, sorry. why don't you just pay the extra
  12. I don't think any in the uk has got it yet. But i could be wrong.
  13. When did you last check your account at amazon?
  14. Not really, i did not have any money in my account!
  15. It was early this morning that they tried to take payment from me.
  16. They might also send it earlier if you pay the extra. You will have to ask jamiekirby if his dispatch date changed when he went upto first class delivery.
  17. But you will still get it quicker. 1 day instead of 2-3.
  18. Yay, Thats from AmazonUK, looking good to get it soon <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lucky b@@@@d mine says dispatch estimate the 12 Feb. [Force Persuade at myself] *MUST* wait for the game [/Force Persuade] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [Force Persuade] Don't be cheap, pay the extra
  19. I wont have it until tomorrow.
  20. You should check to see if they have taken it first.
  21. If they dont send it today, then if were you i'd take myself into GAME. They seem to be pleasing alot of people. And i know my GAME store actually has them in ready for tomorrow release.
  22. Got one of those here too, but Ive already paid for the pre-order I alays use these http://www.webhallen.com because theyre usually cheap&fast but despite their repeated promise of me getting the game tomorrow, they havent sent it yet and there no such thing as overnight delivery up here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Looks like that i'm not the only one who GAME will be making a happy-chappie tomorrow! :D
  23. Now i know exactly when i will get it, i know exactly what i will do. I'll finish work early, stop at the Tesco's Express pick up enough junk food to last the weekend, go home and play. But i intend to savour it, i'm not going to rush through and complete asap, i'm going to just let the story dictate my speed.
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