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Darth Sun_Tzu

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Everything posted by Darth Sun_Tzu

  1. Actually you do get a glimpse of him talking to the Diciple, that was as a male and Revan is ds in K1. For that you have to say Revan was LS. It is of Bastila. I was female, it may be carth if your male but i don't know..........yet.
  2. What about the line you say when you have converted 1 of your party into a jedi: "You've taken your first step into a larger world". There is another but it can't remember it right now.
  3. He could have had a monologue and good evil laugh during that scene on Dantooine before they found the star map. But he had no voice to do it with.
  4. Well that is a crap argument because Revan never spoke! So he could have monalogued also, there is no way to know, until he is given a voice by LA.
  5. His strong will power and charisma were his strongest points, which allowed him to resist the effect of the SF but, you are right, how long could he have maintained his balance?
  6. I am not disagreeing about this. But more about your later arguments that Revan was not much like Anakin. Both started out good and fell through good intetions going wrong (among other things) and returned to the light (only if you play ls in k1, ofcourse).
  7. Then you are as clueless as he is.
  8. I'm not sure if they planned it when making KotOR but i'm sure they had K3 in mind when they were developing the story for TSL. There are lots of references to the "True Sith", which i assume are the ones who made the offer to the Mandelorians to attack the republic.
  9. Except for Bastila Skywalker who, judging by here posts is about 8. "
  10. Well, i'm 24. Eventhough that may supprise you.
  11. Well I might give it a try tonight using a saved game near achieving the prestige class.
  12. But after TSL is obvious he knew nothing about what Revan was actually trying to do, or the power of Malachor. Atleast some else see it that way also.
  13. I thought you could only get prestige when you are on lvl 15? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It somewhat depends also on your influence with Kreia. I used Kreia most of the game the 1st time through and got alot influence with her. Although every game after I stopped using her and leveling up. And the next two times I have played it I have gotten the Prestige after lvl 20. I don't think Kreia liked me too much those times. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Has anyone else managed this???
  14. There isn't much of a glow in the xbox version.
  15. On the other hand, Malak tells Saul, in orbit over Taris, that 'your predecessor once made the mistake of questioning my orders, Admiral'. This suggests that he was not always in the position of command he is when you encounter him, and that his superior officer at the time answered to Malak, not Revan. Perhaps that unnamed superior refused to bomb Telos at Malak's order, and Malak killed him, leaving the suddenly-promoted and fearful Saul to give the order? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your missing the point. They reported to Malak but Revan was still Dark Lord when Telos was destroyed.
  16. My point is that Malak did while Revan was still Dark Lord, you said Revan would have killed him, which he did not. Saul did the bombing to prove to the Sith he was loyal and it is my understanding he joined while Revan was still Dark Lord. Otherwise, why the confusion in the formentioned argument.
  17. Previously, he wanted to help people. That all changed when he fell, and he only wanted to help himself. And yes, he started good, and died good, but is irrelevant. I said he was evil to the core aside from one spot of good. Luke latched onto that, and the fact that they were father and son helped Luke turn Vader back to the light. But in between, he was evil. Anti-heroes don't blow up planets. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Vader did not blow up a planet. Grand Moff Tarkin did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Vader didn't have problem with it, did he? If Malak had did that while Revan was still Dark Lord, Revan would have killed him for something like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Malak bombed Telos, while Revan was around.
  18. Previously, he wanted to help people. That all changed when he fell, and he only wanted to help himself. And yes, he started good, and died good, but is irrelevant. I said he was evil to the core aside from one spot of good. Luke latched onto that, and the fact that they were father and son helped Luke turn Vader back to the light. But in between, he was evil. Anti-heroes don't blow up planets. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Vader did not blow up a planet. Grand Moff Tarkin did.
  19. Vader was not evil to the core. He started out good and die good. He was manipulated by the emporer who fed his lust for power. If you remember esp2 he keeps going on about not being strong enough he wanted to be the most powerful jedi to help people. Revan was the same always seeking more knowledge.
  20. Evil for all the right reasons. Someone who is evil, but is evil because ultimately, they are trying to do good. Revan fell to the dark side because the only way s/he could see to save the republic. Since she would be unable to properly sieze power from the inside, she had to put herself at the head of the (Lesser) Sith Empire in order to conquer the Republic and prepare it for the attack by the True Sith Empire. And of course, one can't be the Dark Lord of the Sith without being evil. That's why she left the infrastructure of the planets intact, and didn't go in for the indisciminate killing that Malak did. Something similar to The Punisher, I guess. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If my understand of your explaination is correct then Darth Vader would be an anti-hero. He fell because he was trying to become the most powerful jedi inorder to help people. So this would mean you don't like the OT.
  21. What do you mean by Anti-hero?
  22. I think they got it right with Kreia and she provides most of the info that shows Malak's spupidity. If he has waited, instead of taking the easy path, Revan might have told him and he would have been even more powerful.
  23. I have to disagree. Malak may have been better than Sion and Nilihus but Kreia was much better than all of them put together.
  24. What i am talking about is in referance to what Revan's plans were and that Malak was in the Dark. I know we see him in a vision.
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