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Darth Sun_Tzu

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Everything posted by Darth Sun_Tzu

  1. It replenishes your force points.
  2. No, this is not a bug. Just your own stupidity! Just kidding. All you need to do is go to the party screen and select your npcs, as someone has already mentioned.
  3. I think a 'contentment patch' would be a more suitable name.
  4. This topic is not about the choice of a male/female PC. What i want to know is do you think the 'meditation' that the Diciple gives the PC is better than the battle precognition that the PC gets from the Handmaiden? So please no flaming about gender choice. Oh by the way, i much prefer the battle precognition, especially as a consular, which adds your wisdom bonus to your defense. :D
  5. Just been over to the LA forums *shudders* UUUUUUUUrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh! And there was this announcement.
  6. Agrees. There are a few too many of those people and threads.
  7. Agree with you the council does.
  8. I have found his amour, several times in the same game actually. They suck cos they restric force powers, as does Exar Kun's Amour.
  9. Seems to be quite a bit of support for a NJO or Post NJO SW rpg.
  10. She was the Librarian as was Atris. So why not have a similar robe?
  11. Couldn't you tell from the voice?????? Even if i had not already worked out that Mandelor was Canderous then i still would have of worked it out from the voice!
  12. KotGA. I have not read the last books yet but i think it stayed as the Glalactic Alliance.
  13. NO. I don't think so, it would not work for this type of game. A first person shooter, yes but the whole turn based system would not work. What it needs is to have a new engine.
  14. So there is still no word on exactly when the patch will be released?
  15. I would say that you did not have any padawans, all you had were people you could make jedi. There was no master/student relationship there. This is what i'd like to see more of in the next game. Like what happens with you and Kreia, except it is you doing the teaching.
  16. That would be difficult, especially as Anakin Solo dies on Yarvin 4. As i have said a reasonable time after the NJO period would be good.
  17. Yes it would have been nice to have atleast 1 prestige class for grey jedi.
  18. Well, there's the respawning Hssis thing in the Revan flashback. There's a dead jedi corpse in a room. Every time you click on it, about 3 hsiss spawn... so you can gain a level really fast by clicking on it about 15 times, and then Force Storming the whole room. My character had a lot of FP regen stats, so my FP was always full and I just repeated this for about 15 minutes and got my Marauder to like 24. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nice, might have to do that next time through.
  19. They dont respawn, do they?
  20. I'm talking about loopholes. Like the respawning enemies in K1.
  21. Once of my fav lines has to be "I'm as Atton as Atton can be!"
  22. Hence why i'd like to be able to "convice" them that i am not useless!
  23. I was just wondering if anyone had found ways to increase your XP? I have found that you can do so by laying mines then transitioning to another area and then coming back and retriving them. I don't think you get any XP for laying the mines but you do get it for picking them up. Anyone else noticed this or any other ways to increase your XP?
  24. What i'm talking about is after the whole Yuuzhan Vong thing. Possible still in Luke lifetime but he would be head of the council and wouldn't be involved too much. Or maybe not too long after his death maybe 100 years or so. And i too would like to have an actual padawan who you actually teach. Or even start by having a master, then you go off on your own and finnally take your own padawan but this would need the game to be much longer.
  25. I agree, you should be able to "convince" them that your abilities are not to be messed with much like vader did in anh with a light force choke!
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