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Darth Sun_Tzu

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Everything posted by Darth Sun_Tzu

  1. I think you got it right.
  2. I do have an xbox and i have K2 for it but the load times are so long but that might also have something to do with my xbox being slow coz it does the same for Jade empire. I'm considering going back to 98 so i can enjoy playing K2 again. <_<
  3. Well as i said, it work almost perfectly for me on 98, now on XP i can't enjoy playing it because it crashes so often.
  4. When i first got the game i kept reading about all the problems people were having with the game crashing but i myself had very few problems. That was until i upgraded from Windows 98 to XP. Since then the game now crashes frequently. This has lead me to believe that the version of windows affects the stability of the game. So..... What i want to ask is, for those with serious problems, which version of windows do you run?
  5. Not on Telos B4 you meet those thugs, sorry.
  6. That is quite low.
  7. I don't know of any extra place where you can gain xp but the best way to acheive a highish level before you reach Telos is to pick up all the mines and unlock all the doors this alows you to get the maximum xp available. So you will need atleast 1 skill point in security and maybe 5 or so in demolition.
  8. I'm just angry he didn't use my Desperate Housewives theme. Blasphemy! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And how would that work exactly?
  9. To be honest i prefered Obsidian's story better it is more indepth, you have to do some thinking for yourself. But i would still buy it if bioware made it. Personally i would like to see a collaboration between bioware and obsidian for KotOR 3.
  10. Revan Jenkins of the Boston Jenkins.
  11. I too have to go for the Handmaiden. Althought i liked both characters about the same (storywise), i would always go with HM for the battle precognition as i almost always play as a consular.
  12. It's a good idea but i don't think it would work, maybe it would work once there were a few more jedi around.
  13. But who would you fight if there were no other Jedi, light or dark? As far as the original question goes i would like to see K3 first then maybe a KotNR.
  14. I really enjoyed the battle on Onderon, especially as you can get the Ossus Keeper Robes, which are great if you're a consular.
  15. I prefer a higher Int over a high Con because of skill points IMHO.
  16. I would go with high wis, cha and dex, but i'm sure others would say different. Dex adds to your defense and if you are male you can get the battle precognition so by the end your defense is 40+.
  17. In a way it does because it helps with the persuade skill.
  18. Wisdom and Charisma are the most important. Wisdom gives you more fp and makes them harder to resist and charisma makes them more potent as well as allowing you to use force power of the opposite alignment.
  19. I usually go with Str 10 Dex 14 Con 8 Wis 16 Cha 14
  21. You get different forms with the different prestige classes. Jedi Masters get force forms while Watchmen and Weapon masters get different lightsabre forms.
  22. Just to let you know this topic has been done A LOT but you never know it maybe it is its time to come around again. btw Yoda is the most powerful of the new era, Anakin could have been but Obi Wan will see to that.
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