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Darth Sun_Tzu

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Everything posted by Darth Sun_Tzu

  1. I don't remember that line but if what you say is true, it would make things even more interesting.
  2. I guess that we will have to wait until k3 until we know for sure.
  3. No problem. So do you think Revan found the Star Forge first or Malachor V?
  4. Is it late where you are? You got a few type o's in there. Oh and i agree with what you said.
  5. The robes in K2 were better than K1s. I wouldn't even call those robes in K1. All we need now is hooded robes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The plot/story of k2 may not have been as star warsy as the first and may have been incomplete but the robes made up for all that. Recently i played through both games in order to help me put together the complete story but while i was playing k1 all i wanted to do was get to k2 for the robes. Has any made a mod for k1 so that you can have the k2 robes? And if not, WHY not? <_<
  6. Lies are best when they have some truth in them...... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Didn't Kreia say something similiar to that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't remember her saying anything like that but it does sound like something she might say. But this does not really address the topic of at what point did Revan fall. K1 suggest that it was after the Mandelorian War. Where as K2 makes out that it was during the war if not even before (if you believe the cronicals).
  7. From a sertain point of view she was honest, but probably not from a Jedi point of view. She had an agenda and Revan doing what he was doing was good for her, so she did not consider him evil. She probably thought the Jedi masters of Corosant more evil since they was in opposition to her and what she taught. But this is in a subjective view. In an objective view she was probably as evil as you could get (how do you think Sion and company got the way they were?). She was after all willing to kill the life in the galaxy since she did not like the idea that something could influence her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe but i think she was right about the Mandelorian Wars shaping the Jedi.
  8. For me the biggest difference was the robes. The robes in k2 made gave it a better feel. Yes I'm sad! I know.
  9. According to my theory (which can be different from Bio/OE's POV) this does not apply to Revan (already being evil) and this would point to Revan turning other Jedi towards his own POV by having them slaughter mandalorians and having fun "tortures" on M5... So the war shaped the Jedi because Jedi Knights became DS, and followed Revan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> IIRC Kreia was actually talking about Revan and Malak at this point. But I would have to check to be sure.
  10. But what about what Kreia says about the war shaping the Jedi? That suggests that it was battle that caused Revan to turn.
  11. And then he built the Academy there? The cronicals suggest he found it towards the start of the War.
  12. But at what point did he discover Malachor V?
  13. Bastila Shan 7 Canderous Ordo/Mandalore 9 HK-47 10 T3-M4 2 (k1), 6 (k2) Carth Onasi 8 Jolee Bindo 9 Juhani 2 Mission Vao 4 Zaalbar 1 Darth Traya/Kreia 10 Atton Rand 7 Bao-Dur 9 GO-TO 1 (party member) 7 (npc) Hanharr 5 Mira 6 Brianna Kae the Handmaiden 8 Mical the Disciple 7 Visas Marr 7 Darth Malak 6 Darth Bandon 4 Admiral Saul Karath 7 Calo Nord 5 Davik Kang 6 Master Vandar 8 Atris 5 Master Vrook 6 Master Zhar 8 Master Dorak 6 Master Lonna Vash 7 Master Zez-Kai Ell 9 Queen Talia 7 General Vaklu 7 Master Kavar 8 Master Uthar 8 Yuthura-Ban 7 Darth Nihilus 3 Darth Sion 5
  14. So you think Kreia was not being entirely honest?
  15. I know this topic has been done a few times but do we know for sure when he turned or is it still down to speculation? The cronicals on the KotOR2 website say he turned when he found Malachor V during the war but does not say anything about the Star Forge. Did he find Malachor or the SF first? Kreia says that Revan was shaped by the War caused him to despise weakness. Which would suggest that he turned at some point towards the end of the War. So what do you guys think? Is there an official version of events?
  16. I like the sound of this idea. I know a lot of people don't like this 'true Sith' idea but i do, and this would be a good way of doing it while keeping the SW timeline intact.
  17. What i'd like to see in K3 is different animations for the different saber styles.
  18. Yeah i know but there is not much to talk about any more. It's all been said already. I'm just on hoping for some news about K3 but no luck yet.
  19. Just remember, if Kreia hadn't interfered then you would not have even been there in the first place.
  20. It is the upgrade version of XP. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There you go. Always do a clean install when changing OS. I know there is an upgrade option but as an IT Support guy I can say it causes a lot of problems...especially for games. Microsoft are very brave to try having an upgrade option, but frankly I wish they didn't...would make my life easier! :cool: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well i guess i'll just have to wait until i get my new PC. Luckily i got it on Xbox too. :D
  21. Luck you! It was like that for me but when i was using 98.
  22. Don't forget T3!
  23. Its the home versioon SP2. And the crashes seem to be random and occur in different ways. Sometime i'll just be running along or opening a container. Other time the computer just re-boots its self.
  24. It is the upgrade version of XP.
  25. I have the lastest drivers for my graphics card, it is a radeon though.
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