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Everything posted by Shdy314

  1. It was bad before and certainly not overpowered. Now it is indeed worthless.
  2. It's arguable if that would have sufficed. Now arquebus beat them in damage. But theyre still better than an arquebus in every other way. Range, Speed, Accuracy, Prone crits so it probably is balanced better.
  3. It used to be Foe Only, which means it only hurt hostile creatures. After the patch it will be a regular area of effect (AOE) meaning it can hurt anyone inside the AOE.
  4. Thanks for proving my point. Just PM me. Ive gone off topic enough.
  5. Asinine statements like that are why Obsidian even put those stupid talents in the game. To shut up people that dont know what they are talking about. Nothing about those talents has anything to do with rest spam. Which is curtailed on PotD anyways which is what I play on. 2 camping supplies is plenty. I do exactly what you are saying. Go as long possible without resting but travel times are long enough that even with middling athletics you have to rest soon after most trips from fatigue. You can clear most dungeons without resting depending on your party composition when youve got a few levels under your belt. Has NOTHING to do with the stupidity of these talents. It is a talent that does the same thing as resting but worse. You get 6 talents in the game. Taking them would be for lazy people that click on talents without thought. Youre ridiculous. Acting like youre tough or smart because you try not to use the rest function but then want a talent to do the same thing for you. Try not resting without the talent like us real players.
  6. Those were the universally awful ones. Then some are situational like pentrating shot or ok but not really good like the defense boosting ones. Then there are the few you always take depending on your class and if youre going to tank or dps. If you will be using weapons then weapon focus(your weapon of choice) is boring as hell but +6 accuracy cant be passed up if youre dps. Same for marksman if ranged. Gunner if youre ranged but not with bows. Quick switch is for chain firing and goes well with arms bearer. The elemental damage boosts are solid for wizards and druids. Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay and Secrets of Rime for wizards. Secrets of Rime and Heart of the Storm for druids. I like fast runner paired with other movement boosters for kiting and positioning in rare cases the tank gets bypassed. Bonus spell is ok for levels 3 and 4. Not 1 and 2 as they become per encounter at high level. For tanks weapon and shield style, cautious attack and superior deflection are mandatory. There are some awful class talents and a few very good ones. Im not going to go over all 11 classes and their talents unless there's a specific one you had in mind.
  7. Well the description says ONLY THOSE crits (the converted ones) but if youre right then BS is very solid indeed. Or bugged.
  8. I wouldn't take them at any value. Id just rest. Seriously the best case scenario for that talent is a gimped version of rest. It's mind numbingly awful. Most talents suck and those two are near the top of the list. Other truly terrible talents include dangerous implement, envenomed strike, interrupting blows, hold the line, graceful retreat, shot on the run, deep pockets and bloody slaughter which I think triggers on enemies with less than 10% endurance and that's not even getting into the awful class talents. So much for eliminating trap choices Obsidian.
  9. They didn't nerf spells. They nerfed wizards. OE has a serious hate on for wizards. Druids, Chanters and Ciphers are allowed to continue to be great. Maybe better as charm/dominate issues are being addressed. Hope that means they don't automatically end the status effect because you killed the last hostile enemy. What is it with the mind blade love? Slashing? +5 vs. Deflection? Why would I use this? Soul Shock is fast and takes less focus. Best case for wizards is their spells get a serious range increase that at least matches ranged weapons ranges. This means while Slicken may now be sad some high level spells may be a lot better. Fetid caress with a decent range would be good. Chill fog being friend or foe sucks but not as much as Slicken. It wont be hard to position that with a nice Intellect. Ancient Memory and Beloved Spirits went from probably never take to NEVER take. Ila Knocked was the best phrase. Now that goes to burning weapons. Only phrase I'll bother with now. I guess arbalests will now be more equivalent to arquebus instead of better in every way so thats nice. Why would they tune down Brilliant Radiance damage? Let my priest do some priestly stuff per encounter and not just shoot his gun. Modified attributes of companions. I cant wait to see this one. Im expecting them to be even worse. Will they be fixing their awful talent selection too? That's even more problematic. You only get 6 of those. Reduced the price of some stronghold upgrades? They werent cheap enough already? Is anyone actually hurting for cash? Im certainly not.
  10. It's just a hat and a fine rapier. Up to you if you want that dude to get killed for basically crap.
  11. Yes and the Vailian clothing on women looks fashionable as hell while on men it looks like some sort of hilarious disgusting suit.
  12. For goodness' sake. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71344-wizard-vs-cipher/
  13. I know that's why I also said Im sure there will be a few situations like that. So inititate combat and don't step on the trap. Disarm after. No one promised a pacifist playthrough. The first line was just me being jocular. I wasn't misrepresenting. I thought it was incredibly ridiculous to compare max stealth/mechanics to the usefulness of a tank. There would have to be a hell of a lot of such situations to compare to the ability to use a tank in every fight in the game. So I responded in an equal amount of jest. You need not respond. but we will respond, 'cause it is equal stupid to suggest that we want a stealthy guy who can disarm traps because o' a single situation in the beta. don't be so hypocritical. and no, initiate combat with a trap that limits our movement is unnecessary if we can apply skills rationally... and we didn't take your advice serious 'cause you suggested disarming after we initiated combat. hell, ain't no real reason to disarm after except for the degenerative gameplay josh criticizes. ridiculous indeed. the stealthy guy who can disarm traps is not an unknown quality in crpgs. poe is a crpg that boasts 'o customization options. the stealthy guy who can disarm traps clearly will have uses in poe. with the joinable npcs, we will be unlikely to be able to create a stealthy guy who can disarm traps. this should not be confusing. you don't need to respond... if is more o' the same. HA! Good Fun! For goodness sake I meant after combat. Not after starting combat. I don't even know if you can use the mechanics skill in combat. Not once did I say you want it because of one situation in the beta. I understand you expect the situation to be very common in the full game. I said who cares if it is? I also said there's no way in hell it will be as common as using a tank. The only purpose is to ghost the dungeon and if you want to do that then make a rogue. The only way this is an issue is if you have an all melee party and a bunch of ranged enemies behind a trap. I never disagreed the stealthy trap guy is a classic fantasy trope. Why do you think I ever said otherwise? You can make a stealthy trap guy either with the PC, companions or hired adventurers. The companions just wont be AS stealthy/mechanical as you might want. I agree it is too bad we can't customize them from level 1. Stats too for replayability if nothing else. What I said was why do some people seem think it's going to be so important to have someone with 10 of each? You don't need that much stealth to scout and there could be checks for even higher. An NPC with a little stealth and very high mechanics can scout far enough in front of the party to make sure you dont blunder the party into anything. Even better is to have the whole party with a little stealth for positioning on enemies.
  14. Yes there actually is plenty of overlap. Even Anthony Davis stopped his Twitch stream of PoE for a bit to go pick up Bloodborne. Realize most average gamers that are fans of one are usually fans of RPGs in general. It's not about getting both. It's getting one first and playing that while waiting for the other to drop in price. Most normal people buy one game and then play it thoroughly for awhile before picking up another. Most people dont have unlimited funds especially for luxury goods.
  15. I said already. You max Might as damage gets you focus and synergizes with Soul Whip and Biting Whip. You max Int so your debuffs last as long as possible. Dex isn't bad but not as important as those two. You want the slower hard hitting weapons not the fast ones. If we are speaking about what I would call optimal. One high damage hit gets you all the focus you need. Remember you start at half your max focus in every fight. So it's spells then shoot once. Fight probably over. Or Shoot once then spells. Fight probably over. Dex just helps you cast faster. Wearing clothes instead of armor is already boosting your speed. If you want dex higher drop some other attributes like con or resolve. Best race? Wood Elf gets you a ranged accuracy bonus. Hearth Orlan improves your damage. I suppose Death Godlike are also ok for them with their int boost and low enemy endurance damage boost.
  16. The answer is in the entire quote. Read more carefully. Sometimes there will be a more powerful enemy rather than multiples. 4 young wolves may become 3 regular wolves.
  17. I know that's why I also said Im sure there will be a few situations like that. So inititate combat and don't step on the trap. Disarm after. No one promised a pacifist playthrough. The first line was just me being jocular. I wasn't misrepresenting. I thought it was incredibly ridiculous to compare max stealth/mechanics to the usefulness of a tank. There would have to be a hell of a lot of such situations to compare to the ability to use a tank in every fight in the game. So I responded in an equal amount of jest. You need not respond.
  18. Biting Whip is mandatory. You must not pick any loser powers as their choice is as final as talents. My favorite 1st level powers are Eyestrike, Soul Shock and Whispers of Treason. Mental Binding is a mandatory level 2 power. You use CC debuff abilities to raise not only your DPS but the entire party. They do awful things to defenses. Since you arent per rest you can debuff every fight. Marksman is a good talent as I believe it will give you ranged accuracy with not just arquebus but spells as well. Alternately Close Shooter gets you more damage but I think you have to get way too close. You max Might as damage gets you focus and synergizes with Soul Whip and Biting Whip. You max Int so your debuffs last as long as possible. Weapon Focus of course.
  19. Yeah I agree 1 situation in the beta hardly equals must have. A tank is not must have but you can use them throughout the entire game in every single fight. Im sure there will be a few situations like that. So inititate combat and don't step on the trap. Disarm after. No one promised a pacifist playthrough. If you want to stealth through the whole dungeon and disarm every trap obviously that should take serious investment on the player's part and maybe something only rogues should do easily. If a companion doesn't meet the role *shrug*. No doubt a rogue companion would have been as badly built as all the others. Probably would have a +2 lore background.
  20. Yes. Enemy mages have the same spells as the PC and you can always choose spells on level up. It can hold 4 spells of each level which is less than you'll get from leveling up. So yes you will need to kill mages to get all the spells. I think you may be asking if there are special super duper spells only found on an enemy wizard? That's very doubtful.
  21. No idea why people think you must have a maxed Stealth AND Mechanics. You just need someone near the front with Mechanics to detect the traps before you walk into them (finding hidden loot doesn't need Stealth). Otherwise Stealth doesn't do anything but let you get close to enemies (and steal). You can have a stealthy trap disarming guy. Especially with items. You just cant be as good at both as someone who specializes in one.
  22. Well the class bonus points for Fighters Athletics 1 Lore 1 Survival 1 Wizards Lore 2 Mechanics 1 Priests Athletics 1 Lore 2 Chanters Lore 2 Mechanics 1 Some companions have unique backgrounds Eder Farmer It must have Survival 1 Athletics 1 as that explains Eders skill spread Aloth Gentry I assume it's like Aristocrat Lore +2 Durance Clergyman Not unique Lore +2 Kana Scholar Not unique Lore +2 At level 2 6 skill points available At level 3 12 skills points available I dont know for sure if they have unspent points but they might So do the math Eder put 6 points in Athletics Aloth clearly put 6 points into Lore Durance put 6 points in Mechanics and 3 in Stealth though he has no class bonuses to these things so maxing them will become prohibitively expensive. Kana has put 6 points in Lore and and 3 points in Stealth Durance and Kana seem to have unspent skill points. They may have extra skill points available at levelup as you can hoard skill points. Your best hope is Grieving Mother as Ciphers have a +1 to Stealth and Mechanics. Or accept 10/10 isnt going to happen and compromise with high mechanics and middling Stealth.
  23. I guess this was missed in all the constant engagement "discussion" for the millionth time? Durance has Bear's Fortitude and the earliest you could possibly grab anyone is level 2. No way to save that talent. Aloth has Blast. Eder has Rapid Recovery and Knockdown. Kana has Ancient Memory. If their Bones still slept. March of the Kamoa? Thunder Rolled. Kana doesnt have an 18 INT he has a 17 INT. He comes with a hat that gives +1 INT. This is why he has an extra attribute point. Actually no it wouldn't. Eder has Athletics 5 Lore 1 Survival 2 at level 2 Aloth has Lore 7 Mechanics 1 at level 2 Durance has Stealth 2 Athletics 1 Lore 4 Mechanics 3 at level 3 Kana has Stealth 2 Lore 7 Mechanics 1 at level 3 Could be changed in Day 1 patch but I doubt it.
  24. Durance has Bear's Fortitude and the earliest you could possibly grab anyone is level 2. No way to save that talent. Aloth has Blast. Eder has Rapid Recovery and Knockdown. Kana has Ancient Memory. If their Bones still slept. March of the Kamoa? Thunder Rolled. Kana doesnt have an 18 INT he has a 17 INT. He comes with a hat that gives +1 INT. This is why he has an extra attribute point.
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