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Everything posted by draego

  1. I mean like i mentioned on the other thread about this issue. You can make resolve contribute to all defenses instead of two and or make the increment higher like +2 instead of +1. I get this isnt as sexy as offensive stuff like spell damage but there are less drastic ways to change resolve that doesnt completely alter the mechanics. I am not saying i completely hate the change yet. We will have to see but this change seem really drastic.
  2. That's some good news. In theory. Right now skill points seem rather scarce and it is unknown how much you have to pump them to pass most checks. we did notice the relative diminished significance o' stats in dialogue and cutscene interactions. the skill checks we saw in deadfire beta were rare exceeding 5, which may be a function o' it being the beta. also seemed as if a few checks were solely individual checks as 'posed to benefiting from party assist. is far more skills than stats. unlike poe, is gonna be far more difficult to come up with some kinda ideal dialogue spread o' skills and stats... which is good. HA! Good Fun! Ye i actually agree with you there. if you have all these skills its nice to know they will be used alot instead of worrying about stat spreads
  3. Accuracy is rolled against all 4 defenses while Deflection is just one of them so ... kinda yes. Looks like suckage of Resolve and crappyness of casters had been dealt with in a single blow. Good job Obsidian! Yeah so the conclusion seems to be Deflection being inferior to the bonus other stats provides, and that's why Res is not a good stats. So that could be a potential change then to make Res more useful. Put everything back in Might and make Res contribute to all defensive stats +/- 1 to all Def/Ref/For/Will. or you can tweak the amount it changes like +2 deflection and +1 all the other defenses. Its not as dramatic as the change that just happened but it makes Res more useful and penalizing for dumping
  4. Oh this is another slight resolve change from Josh
  5. From Josh on somethingawful: (they get all the love )
  6. Maybe i am misunderstanding your comment but yes this change make STR into a dump stat for casters. Don't know if i like this or not yet. I guess we will see how it plays out.
  7. You should be able to click on each person in your party and click the blue head icon and turn off the AI individually.
  8. Ye i see that but for instance if you pick class talents from mult or single that favor say lowering fortitude, it becomes basically a gamey choice to me for a melee build (although i am leaving out other sources of lowering fortitude from casters for the moment). I can see someone look at the proficiencies and say well what lowers fortitude oh pick morning star. Instead of a more role playing or aesthetic view of liking a few weapon types that you find during the game (maybe you find a cool unique in game) but then also finding a generic ability to lower fortitude and being able to apply it to whatever weapon types you happen to like. I kinda went through this with the battle axe which has bleed to trigger predators sense. It seemed odd that i couldnt use that on other weapons if i wanted this run to use say a two handed or some other weapon i happen to like other than axes. This feels like a step back to old BG type games although not nearly as bad where before the game even started you pick weapon proficiencies without knowing the weapon itemization and maybe find the weapons you end up wanting dont work with the proficiencies you picked. Now it not that bad and the proficiencies dont preclude using other weapons and if they dont change it (and probably wont) , its not the end of the world. Just commenting on it for now.
  9. Dr. Hieronymous Alloy - I also think the weapon proficiencies were a step back in the spirit of POE 1 more open general talent design. It would be nice if they let you choose what type of effect you want for which weapon. I know some of this would be imbalanced to much like for the ranged knockdown effect to be applied to hunting bow. Melee weapons for the most part seem like they could be more interchangeable like in POE1 i could apply vulnerable attack to any weapon or savage attack likewise, it was left up to the players imagination. In POE2 i dont see why you couldn't let a player decide if they want the lower penetration, will, reflex, or fortitude, etc on any weapon they want to play. (i know pen is king right now but that is a balancing thing) Now it would be harder to balance the game but i like your break down comparison of POE1 to 2 in regards to openness and it would be a shame to lose that.
  10. If you turn off party or individual AI then they wont auto attack.
  11. No two handed do not hit several enemies by default. There are abilities that hit multiple enemies. Melee barbarian get a default talent called carnage that does this. Hold the line is a defensive talent. it give your character another engagement slot so if an enemy breaks the engagement you get a free hit on them
  12. We all know your character in POE is a murder hobo. No animals survive the onslaught. . but ye always liked the idea of this
  13. Brilliant news. I might return to my idea of importing a Priest again with this change. To bad my priest in POE lost their faith so.... not sure where they land yet. You'll be able to change the class when you import into POE2, so you can switch them to another god. Although, the game is unlike to follow that change (from Eothas to another god). Also, priest's spells aren't granted by gods in Eora so, it can keep the Priest of Eothas and just tell him you don't like him anymore. Ye i did know that you could change class, i am actually planning on change out of priest altogether. Just dont know what to go to yet. Think druid (kind of nature priest) or paladin (since my priest was basically priest of berath played like judge dredd so bleak walker?). maybe monk (basically roleplaying my priest goes into seclusion, i do like the drug addict monk lore wise, could work on a my priest went insane and into drugs or something) - but i dont like monks so no. ye maybe just another priest like you mention. Maybe dual berath and one of these well except bleak walker
  14. Well traps are stat checks. There will be lots of those. Not sure how i feel about that. Maybe it should check perception or mechanics. So this way you have a way to check for traps and avoid without mechanics but you can do the traditional mechanics build also. This seems like a little issue because stats dont increase like skills so are trap later going to get harder even though i have the same 16 in perception i started the game with. It just seems wierd may not be an issue.
  15. Brilliant news. I might return to my idea of importing a Priest again with this change. To bad my priest in POE lost their faith so.... not sure where they land yet.
  16. Battle axe in deadfire now does bleed with proficiency proc predator's sense. So no not greatsword but there could be uniques you never know.
  17. This general talent issue isnt just about casters. I general play martial classes like ranger or barbarian. I want those general talents to help round out builds like from POE1. Like melee dps or off tank ranger or main tank babarian. i dont need them to be as good a rogue or fighter in these roles or have any of those other classes core abilities but those general talents help round out these build in a ways the class only talents dont and then i can take the final abilities of these classes to make up for lack of fighter or rogue abilities. Although i am worried about ranger high level abilities. Goodbye melee stunning shots I have a bad feeling
  18. Agreed, but let's keep in mind that the feedback they're receiving is not representative because the testers are self-selected and not randomly distributed. This is my fundamental issue. For PoE1, if you do a search of these very forums for an answer to the generic question of "What are the 'best'/'most powerful' classes to play as," you will get a very solid consensus on these classes: wizard, priest, druid, cipher (which I will group as "caster" classes). The answer to the same generic question in reverse equally generates a solid consensus on these classes: fighter, barbarian, ranger, rogue (which I will group as "warrior" classes). So why is it so much better to play one of the caster classes over one of the warrior classes? The answer is very obvious. The caster classes can all be built to do a lot of what the warrior classes can do but not vice versa. In other words, the casters can make for pretty good warriors, but the warriors can never be pretty good casters. This is very clearly an unfair imbalance in favor of the caster classes which was taken for granted by many on these forums because this thread clearly shows that the hardcore forumites clearly favor the caster classes over the warrior classes. But it seems that Josh Sawyer, bless his heart, recognized this unfair imbalance in PoE1 and tried to remedy things in PoE2 by making it not possible for caster classes to be good warriors in the same way that the warrior classes cannot be good casters. If you wanted to be somewhat good in both, you needed to multiclass, which is the whole point of adding in the new multiclassing system. This was exactly the right and proper approach to take, and I strongly commend Sawyer's initial impulse. But of course all the caster class favoring forumites couldn't bear to see their cherished caster classes not having warrior abilities in the exact same way that the warriors don't have caster abilities. So now we go back to how things were in PoE1, where the caster classes get to be pretty good warriors (without having to multiclass), but the warrior classes cannot be pretty good casters (unless they multiclass). I hope someday Sawyer gets to make his historical RPG, so that there can be no spellcasting and no caster classes and only warrior classes in the game, and those of us who favor warrior classes can finally have our day. I disagree the reason casters were so much better was because they each had a combination of area cc, damage, and buff that out classed most of the martial classes abilities to do the same and could be cast at greater rates later in the game. It had near nothing to do with caster ability to be built like a warrior. Those abilities just allowed you to change the traditional role a caster is suppose to occupy enough to make for interesting builds.
  19. Also make sure that if Obs creates a picture, that picture is possible to make with customizations including the color. I had trouble with a wild orlan female portrait replicating a reddish color in the picture. It could be just me though.
  20. Surprise you only get those with single classes so.... Ye i have no idea about this but i bet it will be something like that for some of these
  21. Agreed. If you're picking background first, newbies are confused. But a veteran is already factoring the background bonus while picking attributes by the 2nd or 3rd time they make a character. I disagree. if you can ask newbies to pick races with opaque abilities they dont understand and skill bonuses (from classes) they dont understand and ........ also attribute bonuses (from races) already, then you can ask them to pick culture background also.
  22. Ye i want to try a single class stalker version of a build like this. But if i do a subsequent run i thought about doing multiclass with either druid (for the double fury attacks) or rogue. For the single class stalker you can use battle axe modal to proc predetor's sense in melee. It would be nice if that bleed effect wasn't weapon specific so you can choose what weapon you like but it works. I like the ranger class for the animal companion and not the ranged combat. Its always felt like these were two different classes smashed into one. nice stuff though.
  23. Funny - it sounds as if I didn't know that. Soulbounds in PoE were universal and profited from any weapon focus. There were no proficiencies. They even worked with the +10 ACC talents of priests, like Hope Eternal (Eothas) or Inspired Flame (Magran). That was easy to code - but now with the profiencies giving a modal which has to be represented in the UI instead a passive +6 ACC it's a coding nightmare. What if a char has 4 proficiencies and finds a universal weapon? Should the game display all modals side by side so that you can choose or should it pick one for you? It's difficult... Nice reason to not have any weapon specific proficiencies and just make them into general ability models like other class abilities. Then you could apply them to any weapon you want and roleplay the weapons you find interesting
  24. New stuff from Josh on next beta
  25. I thought AddExperienceToLevel <number> added experience to all characters to reach that level. I mean it worked for me the other day when i hired an adventurer from the store and did this command.
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