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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. And what exactly do you base this "dumbed down" feeling on? Is it not entirely possible that nostalgia factor is making you a bit bias towards the platforms? Even I find myself thinking that the games of my youth were a lot better then todays, for no apparent reason.
  2. Yeah right, and that's why the PC gaming market is declining... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ye Gods! I know what I'll do, I'll run out and buy a console! That'll help! Then I can play the bestest games on the latestest platforms!!11eleven! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right, sounds a lot better then, "Yes! I will go spend $300 every time the next new graphic "Innovation" comes out!" What exactly was the point in adding this? In any case, if you are actually denying that the market is slowly dissapearing, you really are a fool. PC use to sport every game. Platforms, RPGs, Shooters, Puzzle games, etc. Now, we get hit with the same wave of generic FPS and other assorted online games every few months. It might not ever truely be gone, but it's defintely stepping away from people who enjoy a variety of games.
  3. Yeah right, and that's why the PC gaming market is declining...
  4. Are you only talking about PC games? There are some really good console RPGs... But as for PC games... I played this really old RPG along time ago, its a pretty old Monolith game called "Septerra Core." I never finished it, but it was sorta interesting (from what I can remember).
  5. This is really easy to do. Just be good enough to get them, take the LSP hit when gaining influence with them. There are more then enough ways to gain DSP.
  6. I really enjoyed the demo, it was really impressive. I'm running on a decent system, and I managed to get 25FPS+ most of the time on all the highest settings. Some of the effects really awsome. I actually found myself turning away from the screen because of the lighting... it really felt like my eyes were adjusting to the light.
  7. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is fun.
  8. Congratulations! It's a good game indeed. Just keep and open mind, and try to get angry when you see the graphic and battle changes (It's miles ahead of XS1/XG deathblow fest system). Unfortunately, the music for most dungeons leaves a lot to be desired... The Movie Scenes music is wonderful, but for some reason Ms. Yuki didn't do that In-game tunes... =( XSE3 by the end of 06' Btw. ^_^d
  9. Every system is different. Drivers sets can effect every rig differently. Try them for yourself, it will take 5-10mins tops. :/
  10. You have to sight them, and report them in a specific order in order to catch them on the land below and complete the quest... I'm not sure if it's a bug or if thats the way it's suppose to be. @ Original Posted Talk to the old man near you ship after you help save the little town/whatever. Then talk to the Woman outside the door to the little building (sorry, I haven't touched this game in so long, forgot the names for things). Then talk to the rest of the people inside... I never worked for me, but some people claimed it worked.
  11. The versatility would amaze you. You can make your own graphics from scratch, make mini games, endless plot, whatever you want. Btw... Playing RPG Maker 2000 in anything but Japanese is illegal. =X
  12. Soft Shadow ON!? You realize that is murdering your performance. O_O
  13. It would be nice if Nintendo would do what Sega did... and move into simply making games... They could also focus on supporting their handheld hardware, and just forget about the Console because it's pretty obvious that they just aren't getting it right anymore. I would have loved to play some of the Nintendo's exclusive games... But I wasn't about to spend $150 dollars just to play Zelda and Metroids. Imagine playing Zelda on your PS3 or Xbox 360... I think Nintendo would fair a lot better going that route.
  14. Yeah... A company that with push their developing team into a Christmas release just for more money surely cares about the fans.
  15. Yup, it's pretty damn sad. This is how much LA really cares out their fans.
  16. It will run, but probably not well.
  17. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Why would I do that?
  18. Ahhh... and here they come, the old, hardcore Xenogears fans. I honestly thought I could appreciate the series here, without being reminded, yet again of how much better it is. And Yes, I know how fantastic it is. I remember buying it the same week it came out (In NA anyhow), and beating it only a week after I got it. But honestly, how do you come to the conclusion that it's 10x better in every way? I'm sure you came to that conclusion even before you touched the game. It's not better, or worse.... It just is.
  19. I just finished up playing Xenosaga II. It wasn't was I was expecting, but it was a fantastic game and I loved every moment of it. Well... Xenosaga III... ^_^ (Project as already been confirmed!) I really hope they decide to dedicate each new game to one character (while advancing the story a bit aswell ;]). I thought it worked really well in the second episode. Also looking forward to Neverwinter Nights 2 and Final Fantasy XII. Oh yeah, and the RE4 port for PS2 (hurray, no need to buy Gamecube!).
  20. Same here. I didn't even know a new Lunar game was in the makings... It sure looks different from the first two, I hope it's good. This would be a good reason to get a DS. Also, it's rumored that Final Fantasy 3 will be out for DS some time.... (The best of the original 3 NES FFs) If that is confirmed, i'm gonna buy a DS. =)
  21. (3) Guilty Gear XX: Reload (Soon to be /Slash unless they really screw it up) - The most perfect fighting game ever (In my opinion anyways). Character animation is beatiful and backgrounds are really nice, using a good blend of 3D and 2D layers. Also features a very nice soundtrack. It also has a giant, expansive storyline that could have you debating philosophy for hours. (2) Final Fantasy IV (II in the US) - This was the first RPG that made me like genre. Unlike the previews released RPGs in the US (Dragon Warrior's, Final Fantasy I, etc) This was actually had a meaningful storyline and very nice character development, not to mention, a really awsome soundtrack (This game started my love for Nobuo Uematsu). (1) Chrono Cross - I've beaten this game 15 times. I have never gotten bored of it.
  22. That game was beatiful. I loved it.
  23. Don't even bother with the cheat codes, just use the save game editor. A lot better.
  24. Yup, ATI's x700 is garbage compared to the 6600 or the 6600 GT. If you can spare the cash, x800xl is a great buy. In tearms of price and perfomance it trumps the 6800 GT easily.
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