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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. We're done with that btw... just has to go through the bureaucracy/QA and all that fun stuff... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you for the update. This is gonna take forever I think... Considering the size of the patch, LA is gonna spend a lot of time "testing" it.
  2. He acted no more crazy then Yoda did in Ep5 Anyhow, neat idea... I didn't like the story... But atleast it wasn't another one of those that insist Revan and/or the Exile be the main characters. We don't need to play as them/with them to see how their stories end. New avatar is a must. (for me atleast)
  3. KOS-MOS is a beatiful weapon from a far superior game http://www.xenosaga.com/ official site. It's the prequel to Xenogears... Which was probably the best RPG on PS1.
  4. Dout that stuff would actually be canon in the Kotor Series... Anyhow, I agree, i loved the influence system.
  5. And what are you about to say? Men are the stronger gender? Thats ignorant. (btw, I am male) Anyhow, In this Case.. Mira would soo kick Canderous butt...
  6. The game is FINISHED. Many games leave out content that had to be cut at the very last minute. The only thing that is outrages out TSL lord, is that they decided to leave too much of it in the games data files. It doesn't matter if this wasn't OEs original view... They decided to let LA push them into a rushed release, and because of it... We have this version of KOTOR:TSL. There are no plans to add the content officialy, so the game is finished. As for the unofficial patch. It's wonderful to see a group of people love this game so much. But, its going to be tough... The cut content isn't canon for KOTOR. I just hope the team realizes that.
  7. Now that I think about it... It makes sense that Atton is influence by acts of violence... He did after all <Spoiler> Once kill for a living (and quiet good at it as he mentions). Perhaps that urges still remain in him :ph34r:
  8. Yeah, those are the most confusing. Visas like I said... Is influenced by acts of... intelligence it seems. Kraia is odd... Respecting her lessons, and understanding them seem give you the most influence... THough, there not always light or dark. Atton is influenced by both acts of charity... and acts of violence... it's pretty strange.
  9. Yes. Gaining influence with someone repeated will make theire light/dark side more like your own. It will also be effected by the choices to make... If you have high influence with Visasa, gaining LS points will gain her some aswell. Light and Dark side mastery have special bonuses with each Class. They also effect the amount of FPs used when using a force power... For example.... A LS PC would have to use more FP per Lightning Cast. But if you were DS PC lightning would cost less FP per cast. If you are trying to stay LS... Take Handmaiden/Diciples, Bao-dur and Atton.
  10. If you turned Bao-Dur into a Jedi before building your lightsaber... You won't have the option to anymore... (bug)
  11. Visas is a do-what-you-must character. She doesn't like to put faith in people that don't deserve it, and she doesn't like it when you do random acts of charity for nothing in return. She also... seems to think killing shaddy characters is the right thing to do. I know this, because when you side with Queen Talia (sp?) she calls you naive for putting your faith in someone soo young and unexperienced. Also in the Pub when meet the Jedi Master (kavar, sp?) she will tell you to lob a grenade in the Pub... because it will mostlikely kill some that is deserving. Anyhow, You can gain all the influence you need with her right after you defeat her on the Ebon Hawk, just be nice to her afterwards. If you take her out though, she is a lightsider simply because your influence with her is high... I see her more as balanced. Consider going Jedi Consular/master/lord through your Dark Side play through. It's probably one of the most destructive... yet boring characters. Needless to say, pump lots of Wisdom and Dexerity.
  12. Sorry Kid... Even if you do install SP2 and the New Cat drivers. It doesn't look like your card supports OGL1.4, which is what Kotor2 *REQUIRES*
  13. All these characters aren't dead... Some are only dead under certain conditions :S The next dev. team will have a really hard time with the project.. considering all the possible outcomes.
  14. Lol SuperShadow... What kind of idiot still even visits his site.
  15. Also Luke isn't so foolish as to try to tell his students that they can't fall in love or form relationships, something which was a source of conflict many times over for the jedi of the old republic. He warns them of the possible dangers but also of what is to be gained, he doesn't pass on half-truths that inevitably bite him in the jedi butt. Also, Revan was a he, Exile is totally a she. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Even thought I've never read any of the EU, I figured as much. The old Jedi order is broken, imagine... telling someone they can't love... How could that ever possibly help. Also, Revan wasn't a male and the Exile wasn't a female. They were whatever the player made them.
  16. Well. I'm gonna do something amazing... I'm gonna pop it in my CD Drive, click on the KOTOR:TSL icon on my desktop and play! Love this game
  17. How do you figure... Not exactly sure how it plays out... But Obi defeats Anakin and later Luke beats down Vader o_O
  18. If there was only the light side, there would be no balance at all. " It it
  19. These seem very off IMO... I guess, the closes one is Han and Atton...
  20. I shudder everytime I hear that word now
  21. " Well, I was kidding (sorta). He can't be that bad... Even if his training was a bit rushed... He did beat down Vader after all.
  22. Well... He wasn't really a Jedi in TSL... But I wouldn't go as for as to call him a Sith... Perhaps, just a fallen Jedi.
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